Friday, 1 July 2022

2. Special Character Week 9 Term2 2022

 Sacrament of First Reconciliation

Our Sacramental program is up and running. We have 12 children who are taking this faith journey together with their parents. In the past week, the children and their parents attended meetings and lessons for children preparing them for the Sacrament of Reconciliation. Today 10 of our children received their First Reconciliation. We have 2 children who were not able to attend due to them being unwell. A huge thank you to all parents, prayer partners, and people who worked behind the scene to make this Sacrament journey for these children a blessing and a lifelong in the Catholic faith. A great and awesome attendance of our parents and family to our First Reconciliation. Thank you.

A reminder that our Parent Meeting for Confirmation

  • Mon 25th July at 7.00pm at school.  

  • Confirmation: Sunday 7th August at 9.30am at the Basilica.

  • First Holy Communion Sunday 25th September at 9.30am at the Basilica

Thank you for your support. 

Special Character

The teachers and children are continually learning about the Church Strand for our R.E Curriculum

These are our Key Ideas that you can talk about with your child at home of what they understand:

  • The Church is the people united with God

  • We all have a responsibility in the Church

  • There are formal responsibilities in the Church

  • The mission of the Church is to bring about the Kingdom of God on Earth.  

School and Family Mass 
Thank you to Ruma Kakapo- Year 4/5 for presenting the Liturgy in Week 7.
This week Mas was presented by Ruma Kiwi -Year 2/3 
Next week Mass will be presented by Ruma Kereru and Pukeko -Year 1/2
Parents are welcome to attend. We are looking forward to welcoming you all to our school weekly masses. Thank you.

Faith Facts: Week 9 -June 27-1st July(Green)

Monday 28 June is the Feast Day of St Irenaeus. Saint Irenaeus was the first great theologian of the Church. His name, which means “peaceful” in Greek, matched the pattern of his life. He is noted for his defense of the Gospel against the various heresies of his day. As Bishop of Lyons, he was always a “good shepherd.” He died in the year 202.  For us in New Zealand, Irenaeus gives us a link back to the Apostles as the first Bishop of New Zealand, Jean-Baptiste Pompallier was from Lyon.

In his homily on Sunday 6 March Archbishop Paul Martin spoke about God’s call: “...we celebrate the call of God to each of you…God is not a private call, something you get that you hold onto and dig a hole and hide away.  It is a call that takes you beyond yourself to your brothers and sisters in faith.  The very nature of God is Community - Father, Son and Holy Spirit. He calls us to live in relationship with Him in community, with other people who want to respond to His call.” 

(Archbishop Paul Martin, Extract from his homily, Rite of Election Mass 6 March in Inform, Issue 131- Lent 2022)

Thank you/ Malo 'Aupito
God Bless
Tua Misiloi

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