House Basketball
Well done to our house captains who organised and ran the house basketball tournament this week. This has been a big learning opportunity for our young leaders. The students reflected on the first tournament they ran last term (the Rippa tournament) and made lots of improvements to the organisation of the event. There are still some tweaks to make for next time, but this was a huge step up and we are very proud of our young leaders. The children really enjoyed it and it was fiercely competitive.

Congratulations to Lincoln, Emere and Hunter who won 1000 house points for being the most valuable player in their category and to Luke, Jane and Soa who won 1000 house points for showing the most positive mindset in each category.
And a glimpse behind the scenes - Mrs Winders loaded up with whistles.
Congratulations to our winning house this term - Lima
Our reporting this year is real-time reporting using Educa. So far this year we have made formal reports with teacher comments and curriculum links for Writing, Reading, Maths, Religious Education and the Performing Arts. Please check out your child's posts to find out how they are doing. It is even better if you comment on them as it encourages your child in their learning. I have sent out a message from the Educa noticeboard to all families. If you have had any difficulty getting into Educa please contact your child's teacher.
Junior School Publishing Party
Congratulations to our junior learners and teachers for the lovely sharing session you did with whanau this week. Our students were very proud to share their writing and talk about their learning. Thank you to the whanau who were able to attend, we really appreciate your support with learning.
Learning at St Joseph's
We have an external special character review coming up next term and I have spent some time in classrooms doing observations of Religious Education teaching, to support our teachers and ensure they've got everything they need. I have to say throughout the whole school it is remarkable how engaged the children are in learning and how they exemplify our school values of respect, reverence, resilience and relationships. The teachers and students are incredible. We always hesitate to say things are going well just in case we jinx it but I think across the whole school this is the best I've ever seen it for fully engaged, calm and respectful learning.
All of our teaching staff engaged in 4 hours of training in Pause, Breathe, Smile mindfulness practice this term and I can see this is transferring very well into our classrooms.
Congratulations to Chelsea
Congratulations to Chelsea who is the South Island Gymnastics champion. Great going Chelsea we're proud of you!
Let Your Light Shine Movie
We filmed the final scenes up at the Cape this week. I have shown the children the first draft of the movie but there is still a lot of editing work to do with it.
The movie will be screened at St Kevin's auditorium next term on 18th and 19th August. You will get an invitation. Please keep the date free as this will be a wonderful celebration for us and we intend to gather for some food and social time after each viewing. Every child in the school appears in the movie.
Teacher Only Days
A reminder that we are closed next term on Monday 8th August for a teacher only day.
Also on 14th adn 15th November.
End of Term
So you know it's the end of term and there is a lot going on when you've "lost" your glasses. And you haven't got time to look for them and get a second pair out. And you then "lose" the second pair. Thank God for helpful colleagues and friends who can tell you where they are.
Have a safe and happy holiday and God Bless.
Ma te Atua e manaaki a aroha,
(God bless, and love)
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