Friday, 29 July 2022

1. Principal's News Term 3, Week 1 2022

In this week's Newsblog I am writing about:

  • Our curriculum learning in Science this term
  • Parent interviews this term
  • How we prepare our students for high school and beyond
  • Extension classes
  • and, Our Board of Trustees


This term and next term our main curriculum focus is in the curriculum area of Science.  We will be teaching reading, writing and maths, primarily in the context of Science.

In the first two weeks of term we are concentrating on the Scientific process and how to make hypotheses, conduct experiments, record and analyse results and make conclusions.  On our teacher-only day on 8th August, we will be having some professional development in applying Scientific principles in our local area, probably themed around water.

The children are enjoying their exploration so far:

One of our Curriculum Capabilities is Making Meaning, and we are approaching Science with an understanding that different academic disciplines make meaning in different ways.  This means that we are integrating our Science teaching and learning with Religious Education and Mātauranga Māori.

Here is our integrated curriculum overview for the term.   Reading, writing and maths are central and our wider curriculum gives us a context for improving reading, writing and maths.

We encourage you to support your child with their learning about Sacrament and have a look at our Sacrament for Parents page which was written with you in mind.

Parent Interviews
Teacher/Parent/Student conferences are on Tuesday 23rd August from 1pm to 8pm.  To make this happen we have to close our school at 12.30pm on that day.  Please arrange to have your child picked up at 12.30pm. Country bus children will be looked after at school until their bus comes in the afternoon.

We know that you are really busy but we think that having a chat with each family about learning is a very important thing to do so we hope you will find the time to come and see us.  Our office will be phoning families who have not made a booking.  To save us this time please make a booking via our online booking system:

Go to School Interviews:
The Booking Code is: 3c85s

Preparing our students for high school and beyond
Educational research on changing schools is often quoted, with the claim that changing schools can put a child back by up to six months' learning.  My observations of children who have been with us from year 1 and those who come later and may have had several schools, is that ON THE WHOLE, staying with one school has advantages.  One of the advantages is keeping the same language of learning. 

In New Zealand, each school is tasked with forming their own localised curriculum based on the New Zealand curriculum.  What it means in practice is that there may be widely different languages of learning between schools and different approaches to learning.  This means that a child changing school not only has to change their culture and social structure, but also change their language of learning.

St Kevin's and St Joseph's have worked extensively making a connection between learning in our schools so that the transition to high school for our students is smooth and they can succeed from day 1.  In 2012, St Kevin's became St Joseph's technology provider and this meant our intermediate students spend the equivalent of four days a term learning at St Kevin's.  The staff at St Kevin's get to know them, our students know the staff and they know the systems and routines of the school before they start.  As Catholic schools, our two schools have a huge shared understanding of how the world works, what is important, and our role in this.

Even better, St Kevin's accesses the same localised curriculum we use.  This means when our students graduate to St Kevin's, they are speaking the same language, they have a similar approach to curriculum and there is not a big gap between what they knew in primary and what they are expected to do in high school.  

This year we are stepping it up even further:

We have found that our students are struggling more and more to embed the technicalities of effective writing.  In our world now, we generally use short texts through social media or online communications and a lot of communication happens through visual language - our young people are masters at this and we admire them.  

What it means though is our students are struggling more and more with the processes of reading and writing.  The world still judges our young people based on their literacy skills.  It doesn't matter how good you are at sport, or technology or art, if you can't write about it, it is hard to justify your knowledge and get the qualification.  

Craig Mawson, from St Kevin's will be spending time in our year 4-8 classrooms this term.  Our senior teachers are inquiring into their practice to see what they can do to improve the writing skills of our learners.  Our senior teachers are highly experienced and talented and have lots of strategies up their sleeves. 

I admire that they are open to working with Craig to see where they can best put their energy so that our children are best prepared for the world beyond St Joseph's.  They will also be working with Danielle Powell, our Learning Support Coordinator for our Kahui Ako.  Danielle is already working closely with our junior teachers on the structured literacy approach  and she will be connecting with our senior teachers to see what is needed and how we can go about helping our senior writers to develop their skills.

We are extremely lucky to have Craig and Danielle and of course Nicola, Leigh and Ann who are our experienced and extremely knowledgeable senior teachers to work together for the good of our young writers.

Extension Classes
Another benefit of our connection with St Kevin's is that some of our intermediate students are now having extension classes in literacy or numeracy at St Kevin's or via Zoom with St Kevin's.  This is a wonderful opportunity for them.  As I've written above, it smoothes the transition to high school and they are already accessing the benefits of our sister school before they even graduate from St Joseph's.  Many thank yous to St Kevin's for supporting our students and helping to make our transitions even better.

St Joseph's Board of Trustees
Whenever I am asked about what is great about my job one of the things I always note is our fabulous Board of Trustees (I also note the staff).  This is a group of people who give us their skills, knowledge and dedication and prepare well for our meetings so that we can have informed discussions about the progress and learning of your children and make strategic decisions for our school which support achievement outcomes for children.  That's it!  It's that simple - our Board is about making sure that each child gets the best outcomes from their schooling.  Our Board is committed to that and I love working with them.  Some of the days when I drive home thinking, "I love my job," are after Board meetings with this team.

We are presently looking for a parent representative to join our Board.  Please have a think about whether you can do this.  You would need to dedicate 1-2 hours reading twice a term to prepare for a Board meeting, plus 2x two-hour meetings a term.  

The Board is also the employer of our staff, ultimately responsible for health and safety, property, and finance and on the whole, most of that is delegated to me.  But sometimes there may be extra committee meetings required.  Covid has caused a bit of that.  Yes, it is time and energy, but the Board team is a strong team and we know we are working hard for our school and so we work together and work willingly, and I believe every person individually and as a team contributes to making St Joseph's the best we can for our students and their whanau. 

Please have a think if you would like to join this team.  If it's not for you, please don't forget to acknowledge them and thank them from time to time.  
Also know that Board members are only part of the Board at the Board table and cannot solve your problems or listen to issues outside of the Boardroom, you have to follow the proper channels. 
Our Board are: Sharni Cunningham (Presiding Member), Andy Bradley, Victoria Forrest, Samara Allardice, Rebecca Laming, Fr Wayne Healey, Leigh Thomas, and me.

Note Teacher Only Day and school will be closed Monday 8th August- this is for our professional development and to make learning better for your children

Ma te Atua e manaaki a aroha,
(God bless, and love)

2. Special Character Week 1 Term 3 2022

Welcome to Term 3

Special Character: This term our special character is focus on teaching "Prayer" and "Sacrament"- Hakarameta Strand. 

School and Family Mass 

Thank you parents for your ongoing support and prayer. We are looking forward

to welcoming you all to our family school weekly masses this term. Thank you to

JH1- Year 1/2 for presenting Mass last week of term 2. This week Mass was

presented by Hoiho -Year 5/6. Next week Mass will be presenting by

Ruma Kakapo- Year 7/8. Thank you.

Sacramental Programme

Our Sacramental program is up and running. We have 12 children who are taking this faith journey together with their parents. The 2022 Sacramental Programme began on Sunday the 19th June with the Commitment Sunday at 9.30am Mass. 

First Reconciliation

On Thursday the 30th of June 10 of our children received their First Reconciliation. We have 2 children received their First Reconciliation after Mass on Thursday this week. A huge thank you to all parents, prayer partners, and people who worked behind the scenes to make this Sacrament journey for these children a blessing and a lifelong in the Catholic faith.


On Sunday the 7th of August our children will receive the Sacrament of Confirmation at 9:30am Mass. Please continue to pray for our tamariki. Malo 'Aupito.

Faith Facts

Week 1 - July 25 -29 (Green)










World day for Grandparents and the Elderly


St James, apostle


Sts Joachim and Anne, parents of Blessed Virgin Mary




Sts Martha, Mary and Lazarus


Many of the images of Saint Joachim and Anne, the Mother of Mary and of course the grandparents of Jesus, depict a loving couple.

At one time, July 26 was the feast of St. Anne only, but in the new calendar the two feasts of the parents of Mary are celebrated together. According to early writings 170, Joachim was a prominent and respected man who had no children. In answer to Anne’s and Joachim’s prayers, Mary was born and was dedicated to God at a very early age.

In many countries Grandparents Day is celebrated. The feast of Saint Anne and Joachim is a wonderful opportunity us to also celebrate our Grandparents
Icon by Maria Diaz, San Francisco

Nga Mihi
God Bless
Tua Misiloi Co DRS

3. School Notices - Week 1, term 3 2022


Birthday Greetings to
None this week

Black, Red and White Mufti Day
Well done to our school of 110 children and staff who raised $317.20 for the mufti day including the purchase of ribbons for the Blair Vining Charity Hospital in Southland.  Children wore black, red and white clothing in support of this worthwhile fundraiser and very special thanks to Kaycee-Mae G for organising it.

Flippaball Competition
The Waitaki Aquatic Centre is implementing a new activity at the swimming pool for terms 3 and 4 which is called Flippaball.

- minimum of 6 players per team and it can be more than a team per school
- each team needs a manager (a parent) who will take over all team arrangements
- the Aquatic Centre will provide all materials (balls and caps)
-  players need to bring their togs and towel
- games will be held at the pool on Mondays, Thursdays and Fridays from 7.00 to 8.00 pm
- competition will be split in 2 categories: Yr 4/5/6 and Yr 7/8
- enrolments need to be done by 10th August as the expectation is for the competition to start on week 4 of term 3.
-  If any children are interested in joining a Flippaball team, please let Mrs Brien know.

Futsal Sessions
All classes have a futsal session next Friday and we would like all children to have their PE gear on this day.

Intermediate Camp
Camp fees are to be paid in full by Friday 12th August.

Movie Tickets
Tickets to view our school movie are for sale in the school office.  $5.00 for adults and school children is free.  The movie will be screened at St Kevin's College on Wednesday 17th and 18th August at 6.00 pm. 

Parent Teacher Interviews
A reminder about our Parent Teacher Interviews on Tuesday 23rd August from 1.00 to 8.00 pm.  Please book a time using the following: 

Go to School Interviews:
The Booking Code is: 3c85s

As school closes at 12.30 pm and interviews start at 1.00 pm, all children are to be collected from their classrooms sharp.  Only country bus children will be looked after till they catch their bus.

Scholastic Book Club
Scholastic Book Club brochures have gone home this week.  Please have cash orders back to school by Thursday 4th August or place your order online at

Grow your Home Library (& Independent Readers) with the Free Book Offer!

Every child deserves access to quality and affordable books and Scholastic Book Club offers great prices with Value Books as low as $3.50 on every issue of Book Club.  Best of all, if you order on Issue 5, you can select Free Books.

Place your issue 5 order on LOOP to select up to 3 Free Books.  To qualify, all you have to do is spend over $30.00 and you can select 1 Free Book, or spend over $50.00 and you can select 2 Free Books or over $70.00 and you can select 3 Free titles from a special online list.  The list will display after you create your order and head to the checkout.  See  for more information.

Did you know that 20% of your Book Club order goes back to our school in Scholastic Rewards?  These rewards are redeemed on Books and Educational Resources which helps stretch our budget further.

School Board Elections
A reminder that nominations for the school board elections close at noon on Wednesday 3rd August.  If you need a nomination form, please contact the office.

An update at 2.50 pm from the North Otago Rugby Union, said all council grounds are closed until Monday so therefore there is no rugby this weekend.

An update for the boys basketball draw for next Wednesday.  The team plays at 3.50 pm next Wednesday and the score bench duty at 4.40 pm is the Lindsay family.

Winter Sports Uniforms 
If your team has finished playing for the season, can you please return your washed sports uniform and gear bags to the office.  Thank you.

Sports Draw
A copy of this week's sports draw is on another page on the blog.

St Kevin's Open Day - Wednesday 3rd August
St Kevin's College are holding an 'Open" day and evening on Wednesday 3rd August.  Presentation and tours begin at 1.30 pm and 6.00 pm.

Touch Rugby
This information is for any child who wishes to play representative touch rugby this year.

North Otago Junior Touch Trials will be held on Sunday 4 and Sunday 11 September at 2pm at Centennial Park
* Otago Junior Rep Trials Sunday, 25 September in Dunedin
* Invercargill Tournment, Sunday 13 November
* Otago Touch Day, Sunday 20 November
* Oamaru Tournamnent Saturday 3 December
* Te Waipounamu Tournament, Christchurch 17 & 18 December
* Junior Nationals, Christchurch 10 to 12 February (U16 & U18 only)
An Online Registration Form for Noth Otago Trials will be posted on facebook in the next week or so
Any players selected for Otago will be required to attend training in Dunedin on Wednesday nights and Sunday mornings.
Parents/cararegivers will be required to take a turn to drive vans to training.

We warmly welcome Vishaka and Dhairya who started school this week.

Community Notices
  • The Teen Brain - Nathan Wallis is coming to Waitaki Girls High School on Wednesday 24th August from 7.30 to 9.00 pm to talk about the 'Teen Brain' which can start as early 9 and end anywhere from 18 to 32 years of age.  Please see the flyer attached to the email for further information.
  • After School Art Classes - please see the flyer attached to the email.

4. Sports Draw - 29th July to 4th August

 SPORTS DRAW - 29th July to 4th August 2022

All sports codes have their full draws for the term/season on their respective websites and Facebook pages.


Netball - Friday 29th July

Future Ferns Yr 3/4

St Joseph’s Maroon has the bye

Yr 7/8 Section 2

St Joseph’s Gold has the bye


Rugby - Saturday 30th July

Update - Friday 2.50 pm - All council grounds are closed until Monday so there is no rugby this weekend.

6 yrs

10.00 am - St Joseph’s v Excelsior at Excelsior - last game of rugby for the season


7/8 yrs 

10.30 am - Excelsior v Kurow Crusaders at Excelsior

9/10 yrs

11.15 am - Excelsior ;v Valley Gold at WCCP 3

11/12 yrs 

11.00 am - Kurow/Union v Excelsior Bulls at Kurow


FOOTBALL - Awamoa and Meadowbank teams - Saturday 30th July

7/8 Grade - kick off at 10.45 am 

Game 1 - Meadowbank v Awamoa Thunder - Awamoa 

Game 2 - Meadowbank v Awamoa Hurricanes - Awamoa 

9/10 Grade - kick off at 10.45 am

MB Machines v Awamoa Aces - Awamoa Park

11/13 grade - kick off at 9.30 am

MB Marvels v AFC Eag;es - Showgrounds

AFC Robins v AFC Rovers - Awamoa 

AFC Ravens v AFC Falcons - Awamoa



Yr 5/6 miniball 3 x 3 competition - finishes on Tuesday 23rd August

Basketball finishes on Wednesday 17th August


Miniball 3 x 3 - Tuesday 2nd August

The draw is unavailable at the time the sports draw is scheduled.  We will let you know by email and text when the draw is available.

Basketball - Wednesday 3rd August 

3.50 pm - St Joseph's Cavaliers v Papakaio Alphas - back court

Score bench

4.40 pm - St Joseph's Cavaliers - back court - Lindsay Family

5. Diary Dates - Week 1, Term 3 2022



Monday 1

Wednesday 3

Thursday 4

Friday 5

Sunday 7

Monday 8

Tuesday 9

Friday 12

Wednesday 17

Thursday 18

Tuesday 23

Friday 26

Wednesday 31


Thursday 1

Friday 2

Monday 12

Monday 19

Sunday 25

Tuesday 27

Friday 30


Monday 17

Thursday 20

Friday 21


Monday 14

Tuesday 15


Friday 16

Confirmation 2nd parent meeting at 7.00 pm 

BOT meeting *

St Kevin’s Open Day and Evening 

School parish mass at 9.15 am *

Scholastic Book Club orders due back *

Futsal sessions for all classes *

Technology for Yr 7 & 8 *

Sacrament of Confirmation Rehearsal with the Bishop *

Sacrament of Confirmation at 9.30 am 

Teacher Only Day - school closed 

BOT meeting *

Intermediate Camp fees due *

School Movie - Let your Light Shine at SKC *

School Movie - Let your Light Shine at SKC *

Parent Teacher Interviews from 1.00 to 8.00 pm *

School Cross Country 

Yr 7 & 8 camp 

Yr 7 & 8 camp 

Yr 7 & 8 camp 

Sacramental Programme - First Communion parent meeting at 7.00 pm 

Sacramental Programme - First Communion 2nd parent meeting at 7.00 pm 

First Holy Communion at 9.00 am 

Yr 7 & 8 interschool against St Mary’s Mosgiel in Oamaru 

Term 3 finishes

Term 4 starts

Yr 6 Camp at IONA *

Yr 6 Camp at IONA *

School closed - Teacher Only Day 

School closed - Teacher Only  Day 

School finishes for 2022 

Friday, 8 July 2022

1. Principal's News Term 2 Week 10 2022

House Basketball

Well done to our house captains who organised and ran the house basketball tournament this week.  This has been a big learning opportunity for our young leaders.  The students reflected on the first tournament they ran last term (the Rippa tournament) and made lots of improvements to the organisation of the event.  There are still some tweaks to make for next time, but this was a huge step up and we are very proud of our young leaders.  The children really enjoyed it and it was fiercely competitive.

Congratulations to Lincoln, Emere and Hunter who won 1000 house points for being the most valuable player in their category and to Luke, Jane and Soa who won 1000 house points for showing the most positive mindset in each category.

And a glimpse behind the scenes - Mrs Winders loaded up with whistles.

Congratulations to our winning house this term - Lima


Our reporting this year is real-time reporting using Educa.  So far this year we have made formal reports with teacher comments and curriculum links for Writing, Reading, Maths, Religious Education and the Performing Arts.  Please check out your child's posts to find out how they are doing.  It is even better if you comment on them as it encourages your child in their learning.  I have sent out a message from the Educa noticeboard to all families.  If you have had any difficulty getting into Educa please contact your child's teacher.

Junior School Publishing Party

Congratulations to our junior learners and teachers for the lovely sharing session you did with whanau this week.  Our students were very proud to share their writing and talk about their learning.  Thank you to the whanau who were able to attend, we really appreciate your support with learning.  

Learning at St Joseph's
We have an external special character review coming up next term and I have spent some time in classrooms doing observations of Religious Education teaching, to support our teachers and ensure they've got everything they need.  I have to say throughout the whole school it is remarkable how engaged the children are in learning and how they exemplify our school values of respect, reverence, resilience and relationships.  The teachers and students are incredible.  We always hesitate to say things are going well just in case we jinx it but I think across the whole school this is the best I've ever seen it for fully engaged, calm and respectful learning.

All of our teaching staff engaged in 4 hours of training in Pause, Breathe, Smile mindfulness practice this term and I can see this is transferring very well into our classrooms.

Congratulations to Chelsea
Congratulations to Chelsea who is the South Island Gymnastics champion.  Great going Chelsea we're proud of you!

Let Your Light Shine Movie

We filmed the final scenes up at the Cape this week.  I have shown the children the first draft of the movie but there is still a lot of editing work to do with it.

The movie will be screened at St Kevin's auditorium next term on 18th and 19th August.  You will get an invitation.  Please keep the date free as this will be a wonderful celebration for us and we intend to gather for some food and social time after each viewing.  Every child in the school appears in the movie.

Teacher Only Days
A reminder that we are closed next term on Monday 8th August for a teacher only day.
Also on 14th adn 15th November.

End of Term
So you know it's the end of term and there is a lot going on when you've "lost" your glasses.  And you haven't got time to look for them and get a second pair out.  And you then "lose" the second pair.  Thank God for helpful colleagues and friends who can tell you where they are.

Have a safe and happy holiday and God Bless.

Ma te Atua e manaaki a aroha,
(God bless, and love)

2. Special Character Week 10 Term 2 2022

Special Character

Key Ideas that you would like to talk about with your child at home of what they understand about:

  • We all have a responsibility in the Church

  • The mission of the Church is to bring about the Kingdom of God on Earth.  

School and Family Mass 

Thank you to Ruma Kiwi- Year 2/3 for presenting Mass last week.

This week Mass was presented by JH1 -Year 1.

Thank you parents for your ongoing support. We are looking forward to welcoming you all to our family school weekly masses next term. Thank you.

Sacrament of Confirmation and First Holy Communion

Next term our tamariki will be preparing to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation and First Holy Communion. Please remember these children in your prayers and a huge thank you to the parents and prayer partners for your support and prayers. Thank you.

Reminder that our 1st Parent Meeting for Confirmation

  • Mon 25th July at 7.00pm at school.  

  • Confirmation: Sunday 7th August at 9.30am at the Basilica.

Thank you parents for your support. Looking forward to work with you in Term 3.

Faith Facts

 Week 10 -July 4th-8th July(Green)

Friday 8 July is the Feast Day of Saints Aquila and Priscilla.

Saints Aquila and Priscilla were a married couple who were friends of Saint Paul. In his letters, he praised their Christian witness and their commitment to the formation of neophytes. Their home, “a domestic church” became a point of reference for the communities of Corinth, Ephesus, and Rome.   

Aquila was a Jew, born in Pontus in what is now Turkey. He emigrated to Rome where he met and fell in love with Priscilla. After they were married, they worked together as tent-makers; together they converted to Christianity. When the emperor Claudius expelled the Jews from Rome in 49 AD, they were forced to leave the City.

They are known through the Letters of St Paul, their close friend, and from his testimony in the Acts of Apostles

“...we are made for community…The Church has always understood the importance of gathering together, it is the heart of her life.  Firstly, we gather to pray and praise and worship God.  Secondly, we gather to support one another in the practical nature of living life and meeting the needs of others…” 

(Archbishop Paul Martin, Extract from his homily, Rite of Election Mass 6 March in Inform, Issue 131- Lent 2022)

Malo Aupito/Thank you
God Bless
Tua Misiloi