Special Character Focus -Jesus
Our children are now focussing on learning about Jesus' Parables. Key Ideas number 2
- Jesus came to show us how to live and to save us.
How will our children show this? The children learned about a Parable or Parables and then write an explanation using the stories to explain how Jesus teaches/shows us how to live and to save us. Children are also being taught and scaffolded to think about this (Parables) deeper. How the parables speak to them personally, and their effects on their lives. What are the gospel readings telling them and what do they look like in action?
If your child talks about one of the Parables at home please support your child by having them talk or read about the story at your family evening prayer or family gathering. This will support your child to extend his or her thinking about our R.E teaching - Jesus. Not only that but to connect and build strong relationships between home and school when children bring their learning from school to home. Thank you parents for your ongoing support of our children's learning and school.
School and Family Zoom Mass
Thank you for Ruma Takahe year 7/8 for leading Mass last Thursday. This week Ruma Hoiho Year 5/6 was leading Mass. Next week's gospel presentation will be Ruma Kakapo Year 4/5. Next week the Mass will be live-streamed from the church. Ruma Kakapo and Ruma Takahe will be at church and the rest of the school will be joining them via Livestream from St Patrick church at 9:15am.
Tomorrow Saturday the 19th we are thinking about St Joseph, the Saint of our School. Let us pray today, that like St Joseph, we can bring the love of Jesus to others. and with God's help, we will try always to make our school a place of peace, faith, and excellent learning.
Prayer to Saint Joseph
"O Saint Joseph do assist us by your powerful intercession and obtain for us from your Divine Son all spiritual blessings through Jesus Christ, our Lord. So that, having engaged here below your heavenly power. We may offer our thanksgiving and homage to the most loving of Fathers." Amen.

Faith Facts:
Week 7: 14th- 18th March- Violet
2nd Week of Lent
13th Anniversary of Election of Pope Francis, 2013
18th Saint Cyril of Jerusalem
This is a big week. The 2nd
Week of Lent, Patricks' Day, Saint Joseph’s Day, and the anniversary of Pope
Francis’ election as Pope. Lots of things to remember and celebrate
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