Thursday, 3 March 2022

2. Special Character Week 5 Term 1 2022

School Zoom Mass-
Thank you to Ruma Kiwi year 3 for leading mass last Thursday. This week Ruma Pukeko and Kereru year 1/2 is leading Mass  Next week's gospel presentation will be Ruma Takahe Year 7/8.

Special Character -Jesus Strand
The children are now learning about Jesus for R.E Curriculum. There are 3 key ideas that children will learn and be able to talk, share ideas and gain knowledge, skills, attitudes, and values to understand and integrate into their lives. Please do ask your child to share their knowledge and understanding about Jesus. 
Key Ideas are:
  • 1, Jesus was human (as well as God)
  • 2. Jesus came to show us how to live and to save us.
  • 3. Jesus is God (as well as human)

Faith Facts

Week 5: Green/Purple 28th - 4th March
2nd Ash Wednesday 
4th Saint Casmir

On Wednesday, we began the season of  Lent with Ash Wednesday celebrations. You will have noticed that the children and everyone at mass will have ashes on their foreheads. This is a reminder to try to turn away from sinful things and be sorry for any wrongdoing. Lent is a season of repentance and conversion. The season lasts for 40 days and the liturgical colour used is violet.


Ngā manaakitanga

Tua Misiloi Co DRS

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