Special Character Focus
School Family Mass:
Thank you to Ruma Takahe-Year 7/8 for the presentation of the gospel last week. Today Ruma Hoiho-Year 5/6 was presenting the gospel at Mass. Next week's gospel presentation will be Ruma Kakapo- Year 4/5 . You are welcome to join us in celebrating Mass.
Thank you to Ruma Takahe-Year 7/8 for the presentation of the gospel last week. Today Ruma Hoiho-Year 5/6 was presenting the gospel at Mass. Next week's gospel presentation will be Ruma Kakapo- Year 4/5 . You are welcome to join us in celebrating Mass.
Mass (Faith Facts)
More on the Mass....those assembled are now ready to listen attentively to God's Word and give thanks to God for all God has done for us. How do we do this? Well the priest says an Opening Prayer. This is called the Collect. The Collect of the Mass helps to bring together people of faith. It is called the Collect because it unites the minds and hearts of those who have come to celebrate in prayer.
Faith Facts: 21st – 25th June (Green)
21st St Alousius Gonzaga
22nd St John Fisher and John the Baptist
24th The Nativity of John the Baptist
We celebrate the Solemnity of the Nativity of John the Baptist. Throughout the centuries, the Catholic church always remembers Saint John the Baptist's birthday. But why John the Baptist? Well, if you remember, Jesus said: "I tell you, among those born of women no one is greater than John" (Lk 7:28). Jesus honoured John above all other men and so it is fitting that we honour him too.
We celebrate the Solemnity On the 24th June we recall the Nativity of John the Baptist, which is the Patronal Feast Day of Christchurch Diocese. John the Baptist is about 6 month older than Jesus, and he is the one baptizes Jesus in the River Jordan at the start of Jesus' ministry, John's father is Zacharias and his mother is Elizabeth, the sister of Mary.
Malo 'Aupito
God Bless
Tua Misiloi (Co DRS)
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