Friday, 11 June 2021

2. Special Character Week 6 Term 2 2021

Faith Facts 

Week 6:  7th - 11th June (Green)

              6th June Feast of Corpus Christi. The Body of Christ.

              11th Sacred Heart of Jesus.

The Feast of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. This is a very unusual and even odd image in our world today. This image of Jesus was first imagined in early as the 13th century and maintained devotion through to the 16th and 19th century even to now. This image was created to represent Jesus' humanness and Jesus' love for humanity. 

Sunday 6th June is when we celebrate, the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ-Corpus Christi-the real presence of Christ in the Eucharist. This doctrine teaches that Jesus is present in the Eucharist, not merely symbolically or metaphorically nor literalistically, but Sacramentally. 

Special Character Focus
School Family Mass
Thank you to Ruma Pukeko-Year 1/2 for the presentation of the gospel last week. Today Ruma Kereru-Year 1/2 was presenting the gospel at Mass. Next week's gospel presentation will be Ruma Takahe-Year 7/8. You are welcome to join us in celebrating Mass.
Mass (Faith Facts)
The Penitential Act: After the priest has greeted us he invited us to ask for God's mercy. Mercy means to be kind and forgiving. It also means we are willing to help people who are in need. When we ask for God's mercy during this part of the Mass we recognise our sinfulness and we trust that God is ready to forgive us and make us one with him. The priest can choose one of three different ways to pray the Penitential Act. The option that you will be most familiar with is, "Lord have mercy," "Christ have mercy," "Lord have mercy".

Religious Education
For our R.E teaching we are currently teaching the strand of Te Wairua Tapu- The Holy Spirit. At the same time we have the support of Fr Wayne too. Fr Wayne has been visited each class teaching them and answering some of their questions. 

Malo 'Aupito

God Bless

Tua Misiloi (Co DRS)

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