Thursday, 17 June 2021

2. 2. Special Character Week 7 Term 2 2021

Faith Facts

Week 7: 14th18th June (Green)

              19th  June- Suzanne Aubert's Birthday

Suzanne Aubert, better known as Sister Mary Joseph and Mother Aubert, was a trail blazer in New Zealand; devoting her life to looking after our sick and poor at a time when social services didn't exist. She also published a key Maori text, broke in a hill farm, manufactured medicines and supported families through the Depression. 


Pope Francis Prayer Intention for June
The Beauty of Marriage: 
Let us pray for young people who are preparing for marriage with the support of a Christian Community: may they grow in love, with generosity, faithfulness and patience.
The Sign of the Cross is primarily a blessing. We use it to call God's blessing upon us. 
When we make the Sign of the Cross upon ourselves, we are also expressing our belief in God and the Trinity. Through it, we remind ourselves of God's love for us, of the sacrifice Jesus made to give us eternal life, and of the presence of the Holy Spirit within us.
The Sign of the Cross also gives us a way to express our belief in Jesus' death and our hope in the Resurrection.
So while making the Sign of the Cross may sometimes seem like a routine action, it is not. It marks us as Christians and is a visible expression of our belief and hope in God. 
Special Character Focus
School Family Mass
Thank you to Ruma Kereru-Year 1/2 for the presentation of the gospel last week. Today Ruma Takahe-Year 7/8 was presenting the gospel at Mass. Next week's gospel presentation will be Ruma Hoiho-Year 5/6. You are welcome to join us in celebrating Mass.

Mass (Faith Facts)
The Gloria: The Gloria is prayed after the Penitential Act. It is an ancient hymn dating to the early Church. It is prayed every Sunday, except during Advent and Lent, as well as on solemnities and feasts of the Lord. The Gloria brings together images and phases from Scripture and Tradition. Do you realise that it begins with the words of the angels to the shepherds on the night of Christ's birth? 

Malo 'Aupito

God Bless

Tua Misiloi (Co DRS)

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