Thursday 21 November 2019

3. School Notices - Week 6, Term 4 2019


Altar Servers
Saturday 23rd November - Serah Staju, Annalise & David Kilgour and Mariah Cunningham
Sunday 24th November - Indeg & Nye Jones-Hogan, Lisiate Hausia and Lilly Kelcher

Birthday Greetings to
Stirling Heffernan and Molly O'Neill

2020 Enrolments
If you know of anyone who is turning 5 next year or wants to enrol their children and has not yet enrolled at our school, please contact the office.

Trophy Presentation
The trophies and certificates will be presented to the senior children at assembly tomorrow at the normal time of 2.30 pm.

North Otago Athletics
All children who are attending the North Otago Athletics on Monday are to meet Mrs Brien at Centennial Park between 3.30 and 3.45  to receive your name label with your events on it.  All children have been notified.  The children are to wear their PE uniform and sport shoes and bring a water bottle.  No shoe spikes or starting blocks to be used. A notice about the etiquette of each event will be given to the children.  The postponement day is Thursday 28th November.  Good luck to all.

Cricket Draw 
Please note the girls are playing Valley today instead of Friday.
Intermediate A - St Joseph's Volts v Valley Girls - SKC 1 (Friday)
Primary - St Joseph's Sparks v Valley Red - SKC Artificial 2 (Thursday)

Junior Disco
The Home and School committee are running a disco on Friday 6th December for Yrs 1-6 (sorry no pre-schoolers).  The theme is red, white or green or Christmas if you are stuck for ideas.  It starts at 6.00 and finishes at 7.30 pm and costs each child $3.00 for entry which gets you a drink, a bag of chips and a glow stick.  If you want to buy another glow stick, it will cost you .50 cents and $1.00 for another drink.  Parents should be warned that the main lights are off and there maybe flashing lights and loud music.  The Home and School ask for children to be dropped off and picked up at 7.30 pm as they will be adequately supervised by the Home and School parents.

Library Books
All library books are to be returned by Friday 29th November for our annual stocktake.  All books are to be placed in the box outside the office.

Lost Property
This is a major problem with about 90% of the items not named or they have an old name on it.  When you buy a new or second hand item of clothing, please name them with your child's name so any lost items can be returned to their rightful owners.
The classes are going to check to see if any of these items belong to them and next Monday they will be displayed on the blue benches outside the office.  If they are not claimed by the end of next week, they will be sorted and put into the Uniform shop for resale.

Multi Cultural Day –Friday 29th November
Our 2019 Multicultural day is fast approaching.  We would be delighted if you would come and
share this day, or part of this day, with us.  Children are to come dressed in mufti which may be a
national costume or could be a costume that reflects their ethnic background in some way.
The programme is as follows:

9.00 am – roll
9.05 am- Classes to Hall/Welcome/Prayer/Allocation of Groups
9.20 am - rotation 1 begins
10.00 am - rotation 2 begins
10.40 am - fruit and read and break
11.00 am - rotation 3 begins
11.40 pm - rotation 4 begins
12.20 pm -children go back to classroom
12.30 pm - shared lunch for all
1.30 pm - children back to classroom and then go to the hall with their teachers
1.40 pm - concert begins

If time permits, there will be a whole school activity for 20 minutes either outside or in the hall,
depending on the weather. Students will return to their classes after the whole school activity
finishes to pack up and for final prayers.  

Every family is asked to bring a shared lunch and we rely on each family to contribute to the shared lunch. Please drop your shared lunch on the tables in the hall when you come to school.  Please
do not bring any food that contains nuts because we have children with nut allergies.


Victorian Precinct Trip
Yesterday Ruma Kakapo and the Yr 5 students from Hoiho visited the Victorian Precinct area to take photos for a heritage competition.

Old Mobile Phones
It would be great if you could have one final rummage before the end of term for any unwanted mobile phones you may have at home.  It is estimated that each year, up to 3 million phones become obsolete in NZ, of those only 2% are recycled.  Phones collected help our school gain valuable rewards and the environment benefits as well as keeping our landfills free of mobile phones and their array of hazardous toxic substances.

   Please drop any unwanted mobile phones you may have in the collection box in the school office.

Thursday 21 - Filipino Pagsama at 6.00 pm in the staff room
Friday 22 - McKerrow's Pond for Yr 6
                 -  Athletic trophy presentation
Monday 25 - North Otago Athletics
                   - Technology for Yr 7 & 8 after lunch
Thursday 28 - St Kevin's College Orientation Day for Yr 8's

St Kevin's Uniform Shop Hours
Their uniform shop will be open in January on the following days:
Wednesday 22 January from 2.00 to 7.00 pm
Friday 24th January from 2.00 to 4.00 pm
Sunday 26th January from 2.00 to 4.00 pm

Swimming Lesson Dates for 2020
Our dates have not been confirmed with the pool for both seniors and juniors as yet but we will let you know when they are confirmed.

We warmly welcome Ellie Jing who started school last week in the junior school.

Community Notices
  • Toot for Tucker - is on Monday 2nd December from 6.00 pm.  A combined Lions Clubs of North Otago project for Oamaru Food Bank.  Listen to the 'tooting' in your street.  Please give your donation of a non-perishable food item.
  • Galleon Christmas Family Fun Day - Sunday 15th December from 1.00 to 4.00 pm.  $5 bowling, dress up competition, giveaways, spot prizes etc.  Bookings essential.

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