POPE PAUL VI ON OCTOBER 28, 1965 declared; In our time, when day by day humankind is being drawn closer together, and the ties between different peoples are becoming stronger, the Church examines more closely her relationship to non-Christian religions. In her task of promoting unity and love among people, indeed among nations, she considers above all in this declaration what people have in common and what draws them to fellowship. One is the community of all peoples, one their origin, for God made the whole human race to live over the face of the earth.
Pope Francis comments:“Beginning in the middle of the last century and overcoming many difficulties, there has been a growing conviction that our planet is a homeland and that humanity is one people living in a common home:” (#164) …. “Any technical solution which science claims to offer will be powerless to solve the serious problems of our world if humanity loses its compass, if we lose sight of the great motivations which make it possible for us to live in harmony, to make sacrifices and to treat others well.” (#200) … “The majority of people living on our planet profess to be believers. This should spur religions to dialogue among themselves for the sake of protecting nature, defending the poor, and building networks of respect and fraternity.” (#201).
Spiritual Reading
'It is not enough to pray only with the tongue: we must, according to the Apostle, pray also with the heart if we wish to receive God's graces: "Praying at all times in the spirit."'
St Patrick Church 125th Celebration
St Joseph's and St Kevin's College are celebrating mass on Friday 8th of November to celebrate the 125th anniversary of our church. There will be Mass for our Parishioners on Saturday at 6:30 pm and Sunday at 9:30 am to mark this milestone of our Basilica. You are very welcome to join us celebrating this 125th anniversary of our St Patrick Church.
St Patrick’s Basilica – a history
St Patrick’s Basilica – a history
The inspiration and effort behind the building of St Patrick’s came from Father John Mackay, who became parish priest in Oamaru in March 1890.
Francis Petre was commissioned to design the building and tenders were called for in April 1893. Mr Petre was known by the nickname “Lord Concrete”, due to his early adoption of the material. While the majority of the church building was made with Oamaru stone, the bottom 2m is concrete – to prevent discolouration and decay from people touching it.
The parish accepted a tender from D.W. Woods of Dunedin to construct the basilica for the dome and the contract to build was signed on April 26, 1893. The foundation stone was laid on Trinity Sunday 1893, by Bishop Moran.
Construction was halted when Edward Weller (41) died from injuries he sustained when he fell from the roof on May 10, 1894. Mr Weller was working on the string course of the cornice. His grave, in the Anglican section of the Oamaru cemetery, reads that he died “falling from the new Catholic Church”.The basilica was opened on November 18, 1894 by Bishop Grimes, of Christchurch. It was finally completed in 1918.
Thank you
God Bless
Tua Misiloi Co DRS
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