Thursday 4 April 2019

3. School Notices Week 9, Term 1 2019

Altar Servers
Saturday 6th April - Joseph & Paddy Spillane, Madison & Cooper Jones
Sunday 7th April - Ivy-Belle & Molly-May Mestrom, Hana Davies and Alexie Phillips

Birthday Greetings
Tevita Leo, Lisiate Hausia, Clarence Coscos and Dihviyn Soane

Congratulations and Good Luck
Good luck to Levi & Stirling Heffernan, Elias & Neight Fraser and Eva Fatafehi who are competing on behalf of our school at the Otago Primary Schools swimming championships in Dunedin on Saturday.
To Cody Marshall who made the North Otago U15 boys basketball team. Cody is only 12 years old and will be playing against boys who will be turning 14 this year so a great effort.  They are playing a pre-game tournament in the holidays in Dunedin and the U15 regional tournament in Invercargill later on this year.

From the Classroom by Alex Perniskie
Buried Rubbish: Alex Kiwi Class
Last week we buried rubbish. We buried bread, banana skin, orange peels, 
apple cores,  chip packets and glad wrap.
The bread was good for the environment because it was starting to decompose.
All the things that were starting to decompose were food things. Apple cores, bread, 
banana skins, orange peels.
The bad things for the environment were the glad wrap and chip packets because they
 stayed  exactly the same.

North Otago Pastoral Services 
North Otago Pastoral Services in partnership with local farmers ran the Poncho Schools Seed Treatment promotion again last year where they donate $5.00/ha for any we seed treat with Poncho to a school of their client's choice. This week our school received a cheque for $370.00  from this promotion due to our school being selected by their farming clients.  Thank you to the families who have chosen St Joseph's as their school of choice.
Friday 5 - celebration assembly at 2.30 pm
Monday 8 - Walk n Wheel week
                 -  No technology classes for Yr 7 & 8
Tuesday 9 -  Walk n Wheel week
Wednesday 10 - Walk n Wheel week
Thursday 11 -  Walk n Wheel week
                     -  School Mass celebrating Palm Sunday at 9.15 am

Walking N Wheeling Week
Next week is Walking n Wheeling week and it would be great to see as many children as possible either walking either part or all the way to school  or using a scooter or riding a bike etc.  Tracking posters and pupil cards will be given to each class to record how many children participate in this venture.  It starts on Monday and goes through to Friday.

Winter Sports Teams
Team lists are on another page in the blog.

Netball Development Camp for Yr 7 & 8 players 
This camp offers netball fun, fitness and skills and is being held on Wednesday 17th and Thursday 18th April at St Kevin's College gym from 10.00 am to 3.00 pm both days.  Costs $40 for 2 days with registrations closing on Friday 5th April.  They are very lucky to have former Silver Ferns Jo Morrison facilitating this programme.  CLICK HERE to Register 

Girls Rugby Camp

Small Ferns to Black Ferns holiday camp is being held on Monday 15th April at St Kevin's College from 9.00 am to 12.00 pm.  For junior and primary girls, registration is from 8.30 to 9.00 am and costs $20 which includes a Black Ferns t-shirt. . This is open to all girls wishing to give rugby a go and to develop your skills and have fun.  To register go to or contact North Otago Rugby on 434 2053.

Community Notices
  • School Holiday Entertainment - Bad Jelly the Witch - Oamaru Repertory Theatre.  Wednesday 24 to Sunday 28th April at 2.00 pm daily.  Book online at or at the Theatre from April 15th.  Box Office open 12.30 to 3.00 pm. 
  • Giant Easter Egg Hunt - held at the Oamaru Gardens by the bird houses.  This is a free event and is held on Easter Friday 19th April from 1.00 to 3.00 pm for children aged 1-12 years.  Organised by the Oamaru Elim Church.
  • Forrester Gallery Autumn Holiday Fun - a hands on programme learning about the art and craft of the Pacific.  Suitable for all ages and levels.  $2 per child.  No bookings required.
  • Youthtown Holiday Programme - introduce a friend these holidays and you will both get a $50 credit.  Book now at or email

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