Altar Servers
Saturday 24th March - Elenoa Asi
Sunday 25th March - Daniel & Jonathan Jorgensen, Morgan Baillie and Henry Robinson
Birthday Greetings to
Seth & Jacob Bartley, Athena Toeke, Jada-Rose Keno, Phoebe Wickham, Freya Spooner, Allan Roberts and Alexander Perniskie.
Holy Week
St Patrick's Easter Timetable
- Holy Thursday: Mass of the Last Supper - Basilica at 7.00 pm
- Good Friday: Commemoration of Jesus Christ's Death - Basilica at 3.00 pm
- Ecumenical Walk: 10.00 am gather at St Patrick's Basilica and proceed through the Stations of the Cross. 10.30 am process with the cross to St Luke's Church for a service at 11.00 am. This will be followed by tea and hot cross buns. All welcome to join in at any part of the morning.
- Saturday Easter Vigil Mass: - Basilica at 8.00 pm (no 5.00 pm Mass, Sacred Heart Church in Kurow at 6.00 pm.
- Easter Sunday: - Basilica at 9.30 am
The Home & School are organising the Parish Freezer donation again next term and the Yr 8 class will receive a notice in week 1 of term 2. Notes will go home to each class advising what is required and when their turn is.

We have poppies for sale in the office and cost a gold coin donation. All money received goes to the North Otago Returned Services Association.
Friday 23 - Rippa Rugby tournament
Monday 26 - Otago Anniversary Day - holiday
Tuesday 27 - School prayer and Washing of the Feet at 9.00 am
- Swimming lessons for Yrs 1-3
- quick netball trial for Yr 7/8 at lunch time
Wednesday 28 - Swimming lessons for Yrs 1-3
- Last Supper Liturgy at 11.00 am
- Technology for Yrs 7-8
Thursday 29 - Stations of the Cross at 2.15 pm
Friday 30 - Good Friday - school closed
Rippa Rugby
Tomorrow we have 5 teams entered in the annual North Otago Primary schools Rippa Rugby tournament. A very big thank you to our parents who have offered to coach these teams tomorrow. If this tournament is cancelled, we will be notified by 9.00 am and it will be school as usual. At the completion of the tournament all children will be transported back to school. The draw is on our St Joseph's school website. ST JOSEPH'S SCHOOL WEBSITE
Late notice - have just heard from North Otago Rugby regarding tomorrow. They will make the call before school starts tomorrow morning and if it is cancelled the postponement date is Thursday 5th April. I hope this suits for everyone.
Scholastic Book Club
Orders are due back to the office by Wednesday 4th April.
This week our junior swimmers had their first lot of swimming lessons and within 2 lessons, progress had been made with a number of swimmers. Thanks to the parent helpers who help with walking the children to and from the pool.
Whitestone Wipeout
Please do not forget to register for this event on Saturday April 7th. It promises to be a great day out and there is lots of wonderful spot prizes being donated by local businesses. It would pay to bring a change of clothes on the day. It involves a cross country run/walk with obstacles, mud, water and you can either do 3km or 5 km. Costs $10 per adult/child and all entries must involve a payment. Entries close Thursday 5th April at 12.00 pm but late entries will be taken on the day and will cost $5.00 extra per person. Everyone must attend the briefing at 10.30 am with 11.00 am start. Registrations open at 8.00 am on the day. For further information go to the Whitestone Wipe Out Facebook page.
Winter Sports
Coaches - we urgently need coaches for the following codes:
Rugby - 6 year old and 7/8 year old grade.
Miniball - boys miniball team
Hockey - Yr 7/8 team
Football - Midget team
Hockey -
Mark Kake will be at the North Otago Hockey turf this Friday 23rd for another pre-season training session. Please let your players and coaches know. Session times will be as follows:
3.30 - 4.30 pm - all primary and intermediate children
4.30 - 6.00 pm - All high school boys and girls
6.00 - 7.00 pm - all club players and any high school students who can't make it. All coaches and intending coaches of al levels and players are welcome to attend. Mouthguards must be worn.
Boys practices will be from 3.00 to 4.30 pm on Sunday, not 3.30 as previously stated. Girls team now has a coach.
There will be a quick trial for Yr 7/8 girls only on Tuesday 27th March at lunch time. Please bring your sport shoes. Netball teams and coaches will be confirmed next week.
We require rugby registrations in by next week as they are needed at North Otago Rugby, otherwise you may have to drop them off.
Community Notices
- Giant Easter Egg Hunt - Friday 30th March from 1.00 - 3.00 pm. A free event. Easter egg hunt for 1-12 year olds. Bouncy castle, live music, spot prizes, giveaways, games and much more. Meet at the Rotunda in the Oamaru Gardens - organised by the Oamaru Elim Church.
- OSCAR April School Holidays - come and join us for two weeks of fun exploring pre-historic times - dinosaur crafts, movies, bone hunt, bus trip to Duntroon to visit Vanished World and Elephant Rocks, swimming and much more. For more information, call Jenny on 021 156 5871 or email
- Design Me Colourful - April School holiday art programme at the Shearers Quarters on Thursday 26th April from 10.00 am to 2.00 pm. Costs $50 and lunch provided. For further information contact Kris Holloway on 027 973 4655 or
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