Altar Servers
Saturday 10th March - Mariah Cunningham and Indya Cunningham
Sunday 11th March - Hana Davies and Morgan Baillie
Birthday Greetings
Riley Tuffley, Ofa Tokai, Nevaeh Aitcheson, Marconi Hausia and Payton Bartley
Easter Tuesday
A reminder our school is closed on Easter Tuesday 3rd April.
Home & School
H E L P REQUIRED - They urgently need helpers to help out with marshalling for our main fundraiser, the Whitestone Wipe Out held on Saturday 7th April at the Oamaru Racecourse. Please let Rebecca Heffernan know if you can help or the office. Do not forget to register for this event by going to:

Home and School Supporters
A notice went home to each family this week asking for help at Home and School events or if you want to join the committee. It would be great if everyone could help out with one event each year for the Home & School.
ICAS Exams
Reminder entries for ICAS examinations need to be in by Thursday 15th March. Subjects available are Digital Technology, Science, English & Maths - $9.50 per subject and Spelling is $11.50.
Friday 9th March - Swimming trophies to be presented at assembly
- Friday night cricket
Saturday 10th March - Reconciliation Mass at 5.00 pm
Sunday 11th March - Reconciliation Mass at 9.30 am
Monday 12th March - HPV visit for Yr 8 students
Wednesday 14th March - North Otago Swimming Sports
- Technology
Thursday 15th March - ICAS entries due back
Tomorrow at assembly our swimming trophies and certificates will be presented to the children at 2.30 pm. We have 24 children representing our school at the North Otago swimming champs next Wednesday. We require all children to meet at school at 8.30 am and will walk down there. Parents are not to drop their children at the pool. Technology students will be dropped off at St Kevin's if the sports are running late. We require one more parent to time keep at the sports as we have to supply 3 time keepers. Good luck to all our swimmers. Anyone wishing to attend Otago primary swimming champs please let Mrs Brien know asap as entries are sent away on Monday.
Junior Swimming - swimming for these classes start on Monday 19th March. Swim times will be announced next week.
Summer Sport
Cricket Friday Night - there is only 2 more weeks left of Friday night cricket. Please ensure your children turn up for these 2 nights of cricket and let your coach know.
Cricket Draw - Saturday 10th March
Intermediate A - 8.45 am - St Josephs/Union v Valley Gold at Weston Park 1
Intermediate B - 9.00 am - St Josephs v Valley Black at Weston Park 2
Primary - 9.00 am - St Joseph's v Eastern at Mill Domain in Palmerston - please let Mrs Brien know if are attending this game.
Winter Sport
Names of children playing winter sport this year have been put up on the sports notice board and also on this blog. Teams will be sorted once numbers are confirmed and trials and registrations will be announced. Some teams are short of numbers so we will look at combining with other schools/clubs in some codes.
If your child's name is not on the lists and they want to play, contact Paula Brien by tomorrow afternoon as next week will be too late. These lists are on another page on the blog.
A big thank you to the 6 people who have offered to coach or manage a team this season. Unfortunately this is not enough people and we will not be able to register teams unless we have coaches for the following sports.
Netball - Yr 3/4 team
Rugby - 5 year old team, 6 year old team, 7/8 year old team
Football - all grades
Hockey - all grades
Basketball - all grades
Miniball - all grades
There is coaching seminars coming up for all codes so there is no excuse not to be able to coach. All are very worthwhile seminars.
Basketball/Miniball - there is a Coach the Coaches training held this Monday 12th March from 4.00 to 6.00 pm at the Waitaki Rec Centre. Run by the development officer from Basketball Otago.This will be very worthwhile for anyone wishing to coach miniball or basketball. If you are going to attend, email Susan de Geest on or phone 027 222 2187 to give an indication of numbers.
Football - (Fit4Football) Thursday 22nd March at the Oamaru A & P Showgrounds for Under 12 teams from 6.00 to 7.00 pm and Youth/Senior coaches from 7.15 to 8.30 pm. These workshops are being run by Shane Carvell (Player Welfare Officer - South, NZ Football)/ These workshops are interactive and each coach is supplied with free resources regarding the areas covered. Especially warm up routines and fundamental movements for junior players and an overall awareness of concussion. A flyer is attached to the email with more information or contact Shane Carvell at
Girls Only Pre-Season Training is open to all football clubs in the Waitaki district. Open to any girl new to the sport that would like to give it a go or returning players. Fun games and activities for girls between 5-12 years old. Thursdays 5.30 - 6.30 pm at the A & P showgrounds on March 15, 22, 29 and April 5th. $5 per player per session. For more information and to register your interest, contact Twyla Kingan on 027 251 4234 or on
Boys Pre-season training is open to all football clubs in the Waitaki district. Open to anyone new to the sport that would like to give it a go or returning players. Get your football feet back in action after the summer. Fun games and activities for kids between 5-12 years old. Held on Wednesdays from 5.30 - 6.30 pm at the A & P showgrounds on March 14, 21, 28 and April 4. $5 per player per session. For more information and to register your interest, contact Twyla Kingan on 027 251 4234 or on
Coaching courses were being finalised at the last North Otago netball meeting. More information to follow.
Future Ferns Festival Day - is for children from Yrs 1-8. Yr 1-4 is held from 4.00 - 5.00 pm and Yr 5-8 is from 5.00 to 6.00 pm. Cost is $5 per person to be paid on the day. (cash only). Spot prizes to be won. You can register online at
There is a Small Blacks/Rugby Smart course on Saturday 7th April at Whitestone Stadium at 10.00 am. Details regarding this day to follow. This would be great for all coaches and managers to attend as it is a practical session with coaching coaching coaches!
Community Notices
- St Kevin's Home & School are holding a Car Boot Sale this Saturday 10th March from 10.00 am to 2.00 pm at St Kevin's College car park. Costs $15 per car. Contact Sarah to register at or phone 437 1665 ext 737.
- International Race Relations Day - International Dinner - held Saturday 17th March at 6.00 pm at Pembroke School Hall. Bring a plate of food to share. Great food and music and raffles. Organised by the Waitaki Multicultural council. For more information contact: Cecilia Baxter on 021 202 0143 or Sandra Tonkin on 027 778 9753.
- Big Wheels - held on Sunday 18th March from 11.00 am to 3.00 pm at the Oamaru Racecourse. Come ride in or explore some awesome big wheels. A family fun day including live music, bouncy castle, face painting, sausage sizzle, burgers and coffee. Entry $2 per person or $5 a carload.
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