Thursday 14 September 2017

3. School Notices - Week 8, Term 3 2017

QUOTE FOR THE WEEK - Kia Ora (Welcome)

Altar Servers
Saturday 16th September - Elenoa Asi, Kristiana Whiston and Jada-Rose Keno
Sunday 17th September - Henry Robinson, Daniel & Jonathan Jorgensen and Molly-May Mestrom

Birthday Greetings for this week
Hamish Fowler and James Laming

Basketball - Zeth Rollan won the North Otago Skills and Teamwork trophy at the basketball prize giving recently.  Zeth was awarded this trophy out of all the Yr 7 & 8 girls who play basketball.  Well done.

Garden Seeds

New World supermarkets are giving away vegetable and flower seeds with every $40 you spend. Our Yr 4 class would love any donations of the vegetable and flower seeds.  Please drop them in at the office.

Head Students Leadership Project
Dear St Joseph's Families
For one of the head students leadership projects, we would like to plant 210 (one for each person in the school) New Zealand native plants up in Cape Wanbrow.  The reason we are wanting to plant these trees is because in term 1, our class learnt about global warming.  It is a big part of the world today with all the fossil fuel and resulting CO2 in the air.  A way to help us have clean air is to plant trees.  Also at Cape Wanbrow, the council are needing people to help with planting and we would be giving back to the community.
This is the fundraiser we are using to raise money for the trees:
The tea towels will cost: 1 for $10.00, 2 for $19.00, 3 for $25.00 and any more than that will cost $8.00 each.  The forms need to be filled out and the money given into the office by next week.  All of the tea towels have been designed by St Joseph's students.
Can you please make an effort to sell at least one per family. It would be a great gift for grandparents and your mum and dad for Christmas!  Thank you to the families who have already bought the tea towels.
Thank you from the Head Students - Molly, Peta, Josh and Fergus

Here is what the tea towels look like:

If you don’t have the order form, here it is:

Home & School

Singing Cup - we are selling ice blocks and trumpets at half time during the Singing Cup at St Kevin's Auditorium.  Ice blocks cost $1.00 and trumpets cost $3.00.
Food Fair - Please pay your $10 food fair donation to the office if you have not already paid.  The Home and School need rice cookers, slow cookers, gazebos and any offer of help that you can do for the food fair, if you can supply any of the above, please contact Rebecca Heffernan on or let the office know.

Important Notice
School is closed next Friday 22nd September as the teachers are away for professional development. Our Yr 7 & 8 students will still go to Technology at St Kevin's on this day.

Library Books

All library books are to be returned to the box outside the office by Thursday 21st September for the end of term stock take.

North Otago Cricket
Girls Cricket - North Otago are wanting more girls to get involved in cricket.  They are offering free fun based 90 minute skill sessions held at the Waitaki Recreation Centre from 3.30 to 5.00 pm.  A great opportunity to see if cricket is for you, just socially or more of a serious thing.  Held on Monday 18th and 25th September.
Holiday Programme - North Otago cricket have got a holiday programme for children aged 5 to 12 years of age.  All equipment is provided, great giveaways, small sided games and skill sessions with an emphasis on fun.  Held on Wednesday 4th & Thursday 5th October and Tuesday 10th & Wednesday 11th October.  5 to 8 years from 9.30 to 11.00 am and 9 to 12 years from 11.15 am to 12.45 pm at St Kevin's gym and astro turf.  Costs $20 per child for either of the two day courses.  To enrol email or phone 027 649 0000.

Prayer Partner Morning Tea

Yesterday the children who have finished their Sacramental Programme shared a morning tea with their prayer partners as a way of saying thank you.

Singing Cup
Our annual singing cup will be held next Wednesday 22nd September.  The day will start off at 9.00 am with everyone meeting in the school hall for prayers and the Yr 5 students singing first.  The auditions will last for most of the morning.  Parents, family and friends are asked not to enter the hall in between items.
All children from Yrs 4-8 will be involved in the house choirs starting at 6.00 pm at St Kevin's College auditorium.  Children are to be dropped off at 5.45 pm in their full winter uniform outside the auditorium.  Winners from the auditions will be announced that evening and will sing their songs again.  The Home and School will be selling ice blocks and trumpets at half time.

We warmly welcome 4 new children to our school last week.  Moana Hafoka and Aria Oakes to our new entrants class, Sephrin Staju to Yr 1 and Serah Staju to Yr 5.

Yr 8 v Staff Netball Game
Yesterday we wore mufti as a fundraiser for Daffodil Day and raised $196.00.  This is also the day that the staff v Yr 8 students in their annual netball game which was played in good spirit, good sportsmanship and lots of fun.  Special thanks to Tegan Souness and Antonia Black for umpiring the game.  The staff won the trophy for another year!

Yr 7/8 Netball Tournament
On 31st August, 18 year 7 & 8 children travelled to Dunedin for the Otago Primary Schools netball tournament.  Both teams did well in their pool play, both coming second in their pool which resulted in them playing one another.  After a tough battle, the Gold team came out on top and went into the top 3 round robin and the Ferns team went into the middle 3 round robin.  Gold fought well against two very good netball teams coming out 3rd in the mixed year 7 & 8 grade.  The Ferns played really well and lost a tough battle in overtime to come in 5th.  It was a great day and all of the children improved a lot as the day went on.  Pet Katoa was also one of 3 people at the tournament to be awarded a Steel club prize which means she gets an hour one on one coaching with a Steel Netball player.  A big thank you to Amina Bridges, Rachel Fowler and Michelle Ruddenklau for being our drivers, coach and umpires.

Community Notices
  • Youthtown After-School Club - are offering the following for intermediate students in term 4.  Slacklining - every Monday from 30th October to 20th November at Oamaru Intermediate School (OIS) from 3.30 to 4.30 pm and Archery every Wednesday from 1-22 November from 3.30 to 4.30 pm at OIS.  Both sessions cost $40 for 4 sessions.  Contact Youthtown on or phone 434 6473 or email
  • Spring Holiday Fun - Oamaru Library from Monday 2nd to Wednesday 4th October from 9.30 am to 11.30 am is offering games for children aged 8 and under and need to come with a parent/caregiver.  Forrester Gallery Wonderlab - Wednesday 4th October is offering Moa Fun and Prehistoric Pranks, cost $12 per session.  Monday 9th to Thursday 12th October from 11.00 am to 3.00 pm is offering Te Moa: Waitaki, all ages and $2.00 per child. Bookings phone 433 0853.
  • Waitaki Arts Festival - held on Wednesday 4th October at 10.30 am.  A fun journey from grass to milk to stringy, chewy, stretchy, rubbery, crumbly cheese - delicious smelling dance, live music and theatre.  Cost $15 for adult, children $10 and book at
  • Family Holiday Fun - Art on Bikes - held on Sunday 8th October from 10.00 to 3.00 pm.  Grab your bike, grab your clan and ride the Alps 2 Ocean Cycle trail from Weston to Friendly Bay with art, food and music on the way.  Free shuttle to pick up your car.  Costs nothing to attend.
tena koe - thank you

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