Altar Servers
Saturday 20 May - Bronson Bartlett, Molly Whittaker, Anika Winders and Nye Jones-Hogan
Sunday 21 May - Hana & Zara Davies, Morgan Baillie and Seth Bartley
Birthday Greetings to
Vilivea & Kacy Tahitu'a and|Morgan Baillie
Good Luck
To our rugby teams competing in the Pompallier Rugby Trophy Tournament in Ashburton on Sunday.
Induction Meeting
There will be an Induction meeting on Thursday 8th June from 6.30 pm for all new families who are starting school this year.
Mobile Phones
If there are any old mobile phones laying round your place in drawers or cupboards that are not being used, please bring them to the office and drop them off in the Coastlines Charitable Trust box.
If you have taken any photos of any arts, cultural or sporting events, please email them to the office as we would love to know about it - email
The Pie and Milo lunches are proving very popular and we ask parents to send a non frozen pie as the temperature in the hall kitchen does not allow for the pies to defrost in time. Remember to put your names on the pies.
- Mindfulness Parent Information Session - tonight from 6.30 pm in the staff room
- Scholastic Book Club - orders due in tomorrow
- Home and School Wacky Hair Disco next Friday - Yr 1-4 from 6.00 to 7.30 and Yr 5-8 from 7.00 to 8.30 pm. Costs $3.00 per person.
Rippa Rugby Finals Tournament
Please note the date has changed from 20th June to Thursday 15th June and it will be played in Ashburton. More information to follow.
Please note the date has changed from 20th June to Thursday 15th June and it will be played in Ashburton. More information to follow.
We are looking for a Scholastic Book Club Coordinator to take and process the book orders and deliver them when they arrive. We would like this person to start straight away as Melanie Davison is stepping down from this role. We thank Melanie for all her work and dedication and appreciate her time in this role.
School Enrolments
Letters will be sent out to all families who have children starting school next year regarding enrolment meetings for 2018. These meetings take place on Monday 26th and Wednesday 28th June. If you know of other families who would like to enrol their children at St Joseph's, please contact the office.
Subway Lunches
A reminder Subway lunches now cost $6.00 starting tomorrow. There is no salami but a chicken strip option now.
Thai Lunches
There will be no more Thai lunches on a Tuesday due the price increase.
Whats been happening in senior school?
Yr 8 Photo Walk
Last Friday, Miss Tangney and the Yr 8's went for a walk around the Harbour to take photos for the Otago Museum Photo Competition. They learnt a lot about photography and took some great photos.
This week the Yr 6 class created Goo out of cornflour and water as part of their Science Inquiry Unit. They discussed chemical changes, hypothesis, methods and how they needed to explain their observations and findings. They had lots of fun and created a massive mess with all hands on deck to clean up.

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