Altar Servers
Saturday 13th May - Michael Woodhouse and Elenoa Asi
Sunday 14th May - Daniel and Jonathan Jorgensen
Birthday Greetings to:
Mya Robinson and Hannah Fowler
Thank you for promptness in letting us know if your children are away from school. We still need to to know the reason why they are away from school because if there is no reason, we have to put it down as an unjustified absence and if there are more than 10 half days (5 full days) of unjustified absences in a term, we have to follow these up.
Caregiver Contact List and Education Outside the Classroom Forms
It is important that we get these forms back and if you have misplaced or lost your forms, please contact the office so we can give you another one to complete. Thank you to the two families who returned their forms this week. Another 48 to go!!
Lost Property
We have a collection of jackets, fleeces etc in our Lost Property area in the sick bay, please check to see if any of these belong to your children.
Milo and Pies
Yesterday the Home & School had their inaugural Milo and Pie lunch where students brought a pie to the hall kitchen wrapped in foil with their name on it. If they want a drink of milo, they bring their own cup with their name on it and 50 cents put inside it. This will happen every Wednesday during winter.
Mindfulness Information & Taster Session
A reminder about this session on Thursday 18th May at 6.30 pm in the staff room. It is about giving the children tools to deal with emotions/anxiety/stress and life in general so when a situation arises whether it is in the playground or in the classroom they will be able to deal with it a lot better. Everyone welcome.
As there are no more subway bags, can you please bring your money in an envelope which will be attached to a form that you fill out. This week is the last week that Subway costs $5.00.
Next Friday Subway lunches increases from $5.00 to $6.00 for your lunch. They will be supplying envelopes that you fill out and put your money inside. The new envelopes should be at school next week.
There are changes to the Subway lunch order which start from Friday 19th May and include:
- $6.00 instead of $5.00
- There is no salami option anymore
- Chicken strips is now a meat option
- There are no apples but in its place is a bag of sliced apple
- Drinks are available for an extra $2.00 which are Mini Water Pump or Fruit Crush Up (strawberry flavour)
- The bags will change to envelopes
Pompallier Rugby Trophy Tournament
On Sunday 21st May, St Joseph's is sending 2-3 teams away to this tournament being held in Ashburton. They will play against teams from Marist Albion, Timaru Celtic and Ashburton Celtic. They will compete in rugby, sprints, tug-of-war and relays. Players will be travelling in cars organised by the coaches. Good luck to the teams.
Community Notices
Please check the community notice board for further information.
- Youthtown After School Programme - is offering 5 days free this term. Pick ups from Ardgowan, St Joseph's and Oamaru North schools. Fill out a registration form online or from your school office and let us know which days you would like to join us. Operating from Pembroke School from 3.00 to 5.30 pm.
- Fire and Steam Winter Carnival - held at Harbour Street on Friday 2nd June from 6.30 to 9.30 pm. $5 entry to live music and dance party, street art and performers and a visual wonderland projected in light and food stalls.
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