What is the Special Character and core purpose of your
Last week our Board of Trustees had Governance training and our trainer raised this question which we looked at in greater detail at our meeting last night.
We used the principles of Catholic Social Justice to guide our thinking. We found that these were really big ideas and thought it was something I could highlight in the newsletter for the community. I will do one a week.
Solidarity - Working Together
Our Charter Goals for the Future
2017 - Consolidate: Embed St Joseph's curriculum and pedagogy. Know our whakapapa - being a Dominican school. High achievement, future-focused, making a difference, being Catholic
2018 - Platform for growth. Using technology, design processes, critical thinking and creativity in transformative ways to engage with a relevant, active, purposeful curriculum.
2019 - Growing: Making a different to our community and world through solving problems that matter.
Our Catholic social justice principles sit well with our growing curriculum aspirations and we hope to weave them in more closely as we develop further.
God Bless
Lorraine Frances-Rees