Altar Servers
Saturday 4th February -Indya Cunningham, Molly Whittaker and Max Fatafehi
Sunday 5th February - Molly-May Mestrom, Henry Robinson and Morgan Baillie
Birthday Greetings to:
Lachlan McKeown, Michael Woodhouse, Tabwa Teweti, Conavar Brown, Maddox Lough and Levi Heffernan.

NE - Molly O'Neill, Ruby Wickham, Evie Phillips and Lucas Kofoed
Yr 2 - Kaeden Tango
Yr 3 - Indeg Jones-Hogan
Yr 6 - Nye Jones-Hogan and Cooper Jones
Yr 7 - Taine Dyson, Fritz Arsi and Anika Winders
Yr 8 - Kurt Daunheimer and Madison Jones
2016 End of Year Prizegiving for Yr 8
Congratulations to our Yr 8 recipients who received their trophies at the End of Year Mass last year.
- Dux 2016 - Yneke Edzes
- General Excellence Boys - Joseph Spillane
- General Excellence Girls - Harriet Heaphy
- Conduct & Diligence - Jack Cameron
- Citizenship - Rhea Ratgali
- Special Character - Michael Misiloi
- Sports Boys - Duran Cooper
- Sports Girls - Harriet Heaphy
- Cultural Cup - Vannisah Ramu
- STAR Application Award - Halalova Asi
- Trudi Johnston Medal of Courage - Noah Jenkinson
This facility is open from 8.00 to 8.30 am in the mornings and for children who catch the bus and is situated in the library upstairs. Bus children in the afternoon are able to wait after school with either Mrs McCartie, Mrs Spillane or Mrs Gonzalez-Rubio until 4.00 pm. It costs $2.50 per day for the first 2 days or $6.00 for the week. If you would like to use this facility please let the office know.
Contact Details
Please let the office know if you have either changed your address, updated your cell phone or landline number or changed your email address during the holidays or if your Emergency Contact person has changed their details. A contact details form will be sent home soon for you to check.
Home & School
Are holding their AGM on Tuesday 21st February at 7.00 pm in the school staffroom. We would love to see some new parents join the committee or attend the AGM. If you would like to join the Home and School but can't make the meeting, please email Mrs Rachel Fowler on rachfow@hotmail.com
Their annual Food Fair will be held in term 4 this year instead of term 1.
School Absences
If your child is going to be absent from school, please let the school know the reason by either phoning 434 8856, sending a text to 027 434 8860 or emailing the office at office@stjoseph.school.nz If your child leaves the school throughout the day for any reason, please sign them out at the office.
School Calendar App
Download our School Calendar App for free. How to download it. Go to Android and Apple platforms - search 'Parent Teacher Calendar' and choose our school from the menu once downloaded.
School Lunch Orders
Both Thai and Subway will resume again next week. Thai will start Wednesday 8th February and Subway 10th February. Remember to give your orders to the office by 9.00 am.
School Swimming
Swimming starts tomorrow for Yrs 4-8 and the following year levels are at these times: The children are to wear their PE uniform on these days.
Yr 6 & 8 - swim at 1.00 pm (leave school at 12.30 pm)
Yr 4 & 5 - swim at 1.30 pm (leave school at 1.00 pm)
Yr 7 - swim at 2.00 pm (leave school at 1.30 pm)
The dates in February are: Monday 13, Tuesday 14th, Thursday 16th, Tuesday 21st, Wednesday 22 and Thursday 23rd. The senior school swimming sports will be held on Friday 3rd March in the morning.
Summer Sports
Yesterday a summer sports notice was sent home with the children who are interested in playing cricket or touch rugby this term. Please return these notices back to the school office by Wednesday 8th February. Touch rugby starts on Tuesday 14th February and cricket starts on Saturday 11th February.
Terrific Thursdays
Will start again in March for children who are 4 years old. Further information to follow.
Uniform Shop
Is open on Thursday afternoons from 2.30 to 3.00 pm and Monday mornings from 8.30 to 9.00 am. Please remember to name your clothes especially if you have bought a second hand item.
Waitangi Day
School will be closed on Monday 6th February as it is Waitangi Day.
Community Notices

Swimming starts tomorrow for Yrs 4-8 and the following year levels are at these times: The children are to wear their PE uniform on these days.
Yr 6 & 8 - swim at 1.00 pm (leave school at 12.30 pm)
Yr 4 & 5 - swim at 1.30 pm (leave school at 1.00 pm)
Yr 7 - swim at 2.00 pm (leave school at 1.30 pm)
The dates in February are: Monday 13, Tuesday 14th, Thursday 16th, Tuesday 21st, Wednesday 22 and Thursday 23rd. The senior school swimming sports will be held on Friday 3rd March in the morning.
Summer Sports
Yesterday a summer sports notice was sent home with the children who are interested in playing cricket or touch rugby this term. Please return these notices back to the school office by Wednesday 8th February. Touch rugby starts on Tuesday 14th February and cricket starts on Saturday 11th February.
Terrific Thursdays
Will start again in March for children who are 4 years old. Further information to follow.
Uniform Shop
Is open on Thursday afternoons from 2.30 to 3.00 pm and Monday mornings from 8.30 to 9.00 am. Please remember to name your clothes especially if you have bought a second hand item.
Waitangi Day
School will be closed on Monday 6th February as it is Waitangi Day.
Community Notices
- Galleon Family Complex - Low Cost Kids Bowling is held at the Galleon Family Complex every Tuesday from 3.30 to 4.30 pm for all kids aged 12 and under. Costs $2.00 for a game and $4.00 for a game and drink and $6.00 for a game, drink and chips.
- Creative Fusion Dance Classes - they offer classes in French-style Classical Ballet, American Jazz and Fusion (Hip Hop/Street funk). All ages and a new boys only break dance class and Creative Dance for pre-schoolers. Enquiries to Nicola on 027 841 9922 or email creativefusionoamaru@outlook.com
- Free Classes in the Park - join the Waitaki Recreation Centre every Monday night in February at Orana Park for an hour of fun and fitness to music. Starts at 6.40 pm and is open to all ages on Monday 6th February.
- Waitaki Recreation Centre 10 Week Circuit Challenge - starts 30 January from 9.00 to 10.00 am on Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Creche available. Inquiries to www.sporty.co.nz/waitakicrc or phone 434 6932.
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