Our first value focus this year is relationship. Relationship means to be connected to.
Please keep Sunday 26 March free to join us in a Welcome Mass for new families to our school and parish. The Home and School will formally present prayer books to the children who have started at St Joseph's since term 3 of 2016. All families are warmly encouraged to join in the celebration and stay for a cup of tea afterwards.
We are running an induction evening for all new enrolments from the end of term 3 2016 through to term 2 2017 on Thursday 2nd March at 7pm in the staffroom.
Helping Each Other
A big thank you to the families throughout the school who donate food to the parish freezer. This food goes to any members of our school or parish who are struggling or needing comfort. Please let us know of anyone who needs a little boost.
Also thank you to the St Vincent de Paul society who help our community in so many ways, for instance by purchasing uniform and stationery where it is needed. Let us know of any member of our community who is in financial need.
Our year 7 & 8s will soon be re-starting their Young Vinnies group.
Our swimming lessons are well underway. The children have been grouped according to their swimming needs with a swimming instructor for each group. The children are making remarkable progress and enjoying their lessons immensely.
Learning about Jesus
We have been learning about Jesus.
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When your children leave St Joseph's there are some key things we would like them to know and understand about Jesus which are:
1. Jesus was a human being - he lived around 2,000 years ago in Palestine which is now Israel.
2. Jesus came to show us how to live and there are lots of stories and examples in the Bible of how he showed this. He came to save us through his death and resurrection and through healing us of sin.
3. Jesus is God.
There are some short videos and resources on the Jesus for Parents page of our DRS blog which you can use at home to start conversations and to reinforce your child's learning.
Each class has their own particular focus:
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Year 1 – Jesus my Friend
1. Jesus’ life as a human child in Palestine
2. Jesus is human – our tuakana – and the Son of God
3. Jesus’ invitation to be his friend
Year 5 – What I know about the life of Jesus
1. The structure of the New Testament.
2. The context in which Jesus lived his life.
3. Jesus’ life story.
4. Jesus – fully human, fully divine
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Year 2 – Jesus showed his love in different ways
1. The different ways Jesus showed love and respect.
2. How to follow Jesus’ example of loving and respecting
3. Learning about Jesus in the Bible
Year 6 – Jesus the Fullness of God’s Revelation
1. Jesus is the Son of God who revealed God as Abba – Loving Father.
2. Through the Holy Spirit Jesus invites people to repent and live a life of faith, hope and love in worship and action.
3. Jesus lived his life in love for God and people.
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Year 3 – Jesus gives himself in the Eucharist
1. Jesus’ gift of himself as a Meal that helps people grow in holiness.
2. How Christ is present in the celebration of the Eucharist.
3. The celebration of the Eucharist – giving thanks to God
Year 7 – Jesus Saviour and Liberator
1. Jesus saves people from sin and death through his life death and resurrection.
2. Scriptural titles of Jesus.
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Year 4 – Jesus came to show people how to live and lead them to God
1. Jesus invites people to grow in holiness through His grace.
2. Sharing in Jesus’ mission of worshipping God and bringing about God’s reign.
3. How Jesus exercised tika, pono and aroha.
4. Jesus was sent to reveal God’s love and reconcile people to God.
Year 8 – Jesus’ values and the role of the Disciples today
The Beatitudes and their place in the lives of Christ’s disciples
1. Original, personal and communal sin, the struggle against sin and Christ’s message of forgiveness.
2. Working for justice and peace as a follower of Jesus, advocate for the poor.
3. Jesus as Risen Lord.
God Bless,
Lorraine Frances-Rees
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