Friday, 14 August 2015

Principal's News Week 4 Term 3 2015

Student blogger of the week
This week we are looking at Joseph Spillane's blog. Make sure you go to this link to learn about the sacrament of Holy Orders, being a biologist, Joe's experiences as an ECB and much more. Well done Joe.

Family Learning Hui Term 3
Thanks to the many families who attended our hui last night. As with all of these evenings, it's a chance to come together with other families and be engaged in learning about the learning that happens at school. As well as student presentations, we shared about this newsblog and looked at the different parts of it and the importance for all families to read the news each week.
Great interest in the junior Kapahaka performance.

The juniors did well considering not all of the children attended the hui.

Well done Fergus and Ash from Year 6 Senior Hub 2 with an interesting presentation of their Science Learning with Mrs Gower.

A big thank you to our MC for the night Rhea and for sharing her presentation on the inquiry process with us.

Board news
We had a meeting on Tuesday. You can access reports from our meeting on this link. Our next meeting is on Tuesday 22nd September 2015 at 7pm.

Cross Country and Interschool against St Mary's, Mosgiel
Thanks to Mrs Souness for co-ordinating another excellent Cross Country event on Tuesday and Interschool yesterday.
Photos from both of these events will be shared on the newsblog when Mrs Brien returns from leave.
Congratulations to all of our children who competed with resilience in both events.
Here are the results from the Interschool:
rugby lost 48 - 0, football won 5 - 1, netball won 22 -12, girls basketball won 28 - 19, boys basketball won 69 - 18. St Joseph's retain the shield. 

First Holy Communion 
On Sunday, some of our children will make their First Holy Communion, the sacrament of the Eucharist. You can read more about this in the Special Catholic Character post that follows this one. We wish all of our children preparing to receive the eucharist for the first time our warmest blessings. We thank everyone who has supported them on their faith journey so far as they continue to reach for the stars as lifelong learners in the Catholic faith.

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