Saturday 25th April - Elenoa & Halalova Asi, Lachlan Brookes, Seth Sinclair and Tessa Souness
Sunday 26th April - Michael Misiloi, Tess McAtamney, Joel Kunnethedan and Seth Bartley
Birthday Greetings to:
Hana & Zara Davies, Limuel Gutierez, Laura Mordeno, Jordan Clarke, Kia Alcasabas and Matthew Woodhouse
Lost Clothing
Michael Woodhouse has lost his named school jersey. If found please return it to the school office.

Friday 24th April is the last day for selling poppies.
Will be starting for anyone interested in learning gymnastics on Friday 24th April after school in the school hall.
Winter Sports
Uniform Hire - Please pay your uniform hire by tomorrow Friday 24th April as the uniforms will be handed out next week.
Netball Umpiring - Any Yr 6/7/8 girl who is interested in umpiring this season, there are 2 clinics being run on Friday 24th April and Tuesday 28th April from 3.30 to 5.00 pm at the Taward Street Netball courts. Please bring a notebook, pen and whistle.
Strapping Course - To be held on Wednesday 29th April at 6.30 pm at the Waitaki Boys High School Auditorium. The cost is $10.00 which includes all your tape. Cash only. Organised by Sport Waitaki. Great for any coaches and/or managers in charge of teams.
School Canteen
Starts on Friday 1st May. Don't forget to place your orders by 3.00 pm on the Wednesday of that week as late orders may not be processed.
Monday 27th April
Just a reminder that the school will be closed due to it observing ANZAC Day on the Monday.
Community Notices
- Lost Cat - a tortoise shell cat is missing from Exe Street near St Joseph's by the name of Fluffy. If anyone has seen him, please ring Mrs Dwyer on 434 7310.
- Hot Shots Winter Tennis Classes - for children aged 4 to 11 years. Held on Fridays and costs $50 for the term. For bookings go to or text Steve on 027 284 9578.
- Forrester Gallery - Check out their autumn programme running for term 2 at their website on
- Learn to Run - join our 6 week programme. Great for anyone wanting to learn to run or jog or just get fitter and stronger. Phone the Waitaki Recreation Centre on 434 6932 or go to
- Reading with Willow - an opportunity for children aged 7 to 10 to increase their confidence in reading aloud. Hosted by Cath Rivron and her dog Willow at the Oamaru Library every 2nd Friday from 4.00 to 5.15 pm, starting May 1st. Sessions are 15 minutes long. For enquiries, phone Fiona on 433 0850 or email to
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