Saturday 28th March - Indy & Mackenzie Cunningham, Joshua Criddle and Ben Cullimore
Sunday 29th March - Cameron & Laura Mather, Antonia Black and Sebastian Whiston
Holy Thursday - 2nd April - Michael & Jerome Misiloi and Joel Kunnethedan
Good Friday - 3rd April - Michael & Jerome Misiloi, Lachlan Brookes and Joseph Spillane
Birthday Greetings to:
Jada-Rose Keno, Megan Small, Duran Cooper and Harriet Heaphy
Home and School
The final total for the Food Fair was $4,534 with one small donation still to come in. Thanks again to all those who helped and supported the Home & School committee, we really appreciate your support. We are looking forward to next years event.
Our term 2 fundraiser is the Entertainment Book. More details will come out at the start of term 2. We hope that you will support this as well. The Entertainment Book is not only a great fundraiser but you gets lots of benefits and discounts as well.
Levi Heffernan has lost his named school jacket. Please check your child's jacket and return to the office if found.
Lost Property
There is a huge amount of clothing in the Lost Property area. Please check to see if your child's clothing is there.
Pastoral Care
As you maybe aware, some of our school families experience times of compassionate need; like the death of a close family member, severe illness/injury or hardship. In response to this, the Home & School in 2008 started a new initiative in line with the St Joseph's Strategic Plan, whereby all classrooms will have one month of the school year to contribute to the Parish Welfare Freezer. The month of April has been assigned to Yr 7and families are asked to donate cooked food or non perishable items. The items can be tinned, baking or a main meal, e.g. casserole, lasagne, muffins or biscuits. If you are in a position to contribute, please contact Maria Dickie on 027 255 8268 or 439 5599. Please bring to school on Friday mornings. Thank you
Scholastic Book Club Orders
Are due in by tomorrow Friday 27th March.
Library Books
Can all library books please be returned by tomorrow Friday 27th March to the box outside the office.
Summer Sports Draw
Cricket - has finished for the term
Touch Rugby - last game is next Tuesday 31st March
Ripper Rugby Tournament -Friday 27th March
- Yr 3/4 team will need to leave school at 9.45 am and their first game is at 10.20 am
- Yr 5/6 team will need to leave school at 9.45 am and their first game is at 10.20 am
- Yr 7/8 (1) team will need to leave school at 9.30 am and their first game is at 10.00 am
- Yr 7/8 (2) team will need to leave school at 9.00 am and their first game is at 9.40 am
- Yr 7/8 (3) team will need to leave school at 9.30 am and their first game is at 10.00 am
Easter Mass Time Table - Basilica
Good Friday: 3.00 pm
Holy Saturday 5.00 pm Easter Vigil
Easter Sunday 9.30 am
Garden Vegetables
Well done to the children selling vegetables from the school garden and to Mrs Jorgensen for assisting and passing on her expert knowledge.
Community Notices
- Whitestone Family Practice - are taking enrolments for people to wish to enrol their families at the practice. Contact the practise for further information.
- OSCAR Holiday Programme - Join us for fun-filled days exploring our 'Under the Sea' theme with crafts, baking, treasure hunts and trips to the beach. For more information, call Jenny on 434 8797 or 021 156 5871 or email
- Oamaru School Holiday Tennis Session - for children aged 5 to 12 years and will be held on Monday 13th and Tuesday 14th April from 10.00 am to 12.00 noon. Cost is $25 per day or $45 for both days. Contact Steve on 027 2849578 or email
- Waitaki Aquatic Centre - are offering a 'Swim Technique Improvement Clinic' and 'Have a Go' water themed holiday programme. April 7,8,9 & 10 is the Swim Technique Improvement Clinic which is perfect for all Learn to Swim customers who are in the main pool. This clinic focusses on fine tuning technique to get swimmers ready for squads or just to increase their confidence levels in their swimming ability. April 14,15 & 16 is the School Holiday 'Have a Go' programme which gives kids the opportunity to have a go at underwater hockey, water polo, underwater rugby, bombing, snorkelling and general water safety. Call 433 0410 to register.
- Musical Theatre Oamaru Children's Theatre - production of Aladdin will be on stage at the Opera House Ink Box Theatre on April 16 to 18. Shows are at 2.00 and 7.30 pm. Book your ticket now at the Opera House or I-Site. Seat prices are $9.00 plus booking fee.
- Aladdin Sponorship Request - Do you know a business that would be keen to sponsor the children's production of Aladdin? Gold sponsorship $100, Silver sponsorship $50 and Bronze sponsorship $25. Sponsors will be acknowledged in advertising and in the programme. Contact Pat Gunn by email to
- House of Breakthrough Family Easter Egg Hunt - Friday 3rd April from 1.00 to 3.00 pm at the Oamaru Public Gardens Rotunda. Activities include wheelbarrow race, 3-legged race, egg and spoon races and bouncy castle. Registration is between 12.30 and 1.00 pm.
- Herbert Forest Open Day - Sunday 12th April - public guided day for the Swallows, Podocarp-Glenbernie loop tracks. If weather is inclement, this event will be cancelled.
- BMX Riders Track - the bmx track is being improved and anyone wishing to help and get the track back to its former state can contact Erik van der Spek on 027 487 5412 or email:
- North Otago Lions Club Children's Fun Day - for children aged between 4 and 12 on Saturday 18th April from 10.00 am to 2.00 pm. They will supply lunch of a BBQ sausage and bread, a piece of fruit and a drink. Parents are more than welcome to stay and join in if they wish. There is no charge for any of the activities, just come and have fun. For further information contact either Sheila Paul on 689 2273 or email or Judy Phillips on 434 6462 or email
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