Friday, 20 February 2015

3. School Notices - Week 3, Term 1 2015

Altar Servers
Saturday 21st February - Lachlan Brookes, Joseph Spillane and Seth Sinclair
Sunday 22nd February - Joel Kunnethedan, Tess McAtamney and Emily Hayman

Birthday Greetings to
Niamh Jackson, Johnny Tapueluelu, William Moore and Jack O'Neill

Swim Dates for next week
Wednesday 25th March

Goal Setting Meetings - Tuesday 24th and Thursday 26th February - 3.30 pm until 8.00 pm
You can book a time for your meetings by going to and typing in our school code 2VS6K.  Look for your class teacher's name and choose a time that suits you.  Alternatively, you can contact the office on 434 8856 who will make a time for you.  We are happy to organise a translator if you require a support person for these meetings.

Winter Sports Sign Up
The winter sports booklet is available on the school website for you to have a look at.  The sports offered are basketball, football, hockey, miniball, netball and rugby.  All enrolments for winter sports will be taken at the Goal Setting meetings next week.  If you are interested in coaching or managing a team, let Mrs Souness know.  Any queries, please contact Tina Souness on

For Sale - School Garden
There will be a few vegetables for sale from the school garden tomorrow afternoon at 3.00 pm by the school garden.  It will be a first in, first served situation.  Gold coin donations.

Don't forget that you can order Thai lunches on Wednesdays and Subway lunches on Fridays.

Wanted Wooden Puzzles
Does anyone have any pre-school wooden puzzles or a 'shape sorter' that they no longer require as we require them for a student within the school.  If you are able to supply these items, please drop them at the office.

Home & School
The AGM of the Home and School has been moved from Tuesday 24th February to Tuesday 3rd March at 7.00 pm because of the Goal Setting Meetings.  All present and new members most welcome.

Summer Sports Draw
Cricket - 4th Grade - Saturday 21st February - St Joseph's v Albion Gold at St Kevin's 1.  The draw till the 21st March is on the St Joseph's school website.

Kiwi Cricket - Fridays at Whitestone Contracting Stadium at 4.00 pm

Touch Rugby - Tuesday 24th February - the draw was unavailable at the time the news blog went to print.  Please check the notice board or go to the touch rugby website for the draw.

Starship Mobile Phone Schools Campaign
Three good reasons to support this campaign!
1.  Phones collected help raise funds to keep the Starship National Air Ambulance Service flying
2.  Phones collected are counted towards our schools chosen rewards from the Starship Mobile Phone Schools Campaign i.e. cameras, sports packs, i-pads and book vouchers.
3.  Campaign helps to ensure NZ landfills are free of an array of hazardous toxic substances
Schools have participated by collecting unwanted mobile phones and swapping them for a wide range of rewards whilst at the same time raising funds for this worthy cause.
Please bring in your old phones and drop them at the office.

Hatuma - The Growing Minds Fund
The Growing Minds Fund is an initiative from Hatuma Dicalcic Phosphate Ltd and was established to help New Zealand's rural primary schools like yours nurture our children into fantastic young adults.  When a farmer places an order for Hatuma Dicalcic Phosphate, they will contribute 20 cents to their school of choice (St Joseph's Oamaru) in which the school can use these funds for any of their projects.

North Otago A & P Show - events for children to enter are:
Friday 27th February
- Oamaru's Got X Talent.  Anyone can enter at Mainstreet Music, Jae Bedford's School of Music or the North Otago A & P Office.  Entries close Wednesday 25th February.

Saturday 28th February
-  Master A & P (4-10 years) 11.45 am
-  Miss Junior A & P (4-7 years) 12.30 pm
-  Miss Junior A & P (8-10 years) 1.20 pm
Entries on the day at the Secretaries office

Community Notices
Pathfinders Gymnastics Club - held in the Drill Hall in Itchen Street. Classes for boys and girls aged 8 years and over are held on Mondays from 6.00 - 7.10 pm.  Classes for boys and girls aged 5 -7 years are held on Wednesdays from 6.00 to 7.10 pm.  Cost is $60.00 per term.  Contact Kim on 027 483 2261 for further information.

Softball - Give It A Go - players are welcome to give softball a try on Thursday 26th February and Thursday 5th March at 4.00 pm at Centennial Park.  All welcome.

Aorangi Agrikids NZ Regional Final - Saturday 28th February.  This competition is a skills-based challenge aimed at kids that like to get out there, get involved and get their hands dirty.  Teams of 3 enter online for free at

Quiz Night for Oamaru Tap Dancing Association for Relay for Life - Held on Monday 2nd March at 7.00 pm.  $30.00 per team (up to 6 in a team).  Quick fire raffles on the night.  Phone Dianne Mills on 434 0470 to register a team.

Fast and Furious Swim Meet - Come give swim racing a go!.  Held on Friday 6th March at the Waitaki Aquatic Centre.  Warm up at 5.00 pm and start at 5.30 pm. Fill out the form with your details and return to the pool office by Thursday 5th March.  For further information email

Waitaki Girls High School Gala - held on Friday 6th March from 4.00 pm onwards at Waitaki Girls High School.  Fun family entertainment, food stalls, produce. crafts, sweets etc. 

9th Annual Kakanui Trail Ride - held on Saturday 7th & Sunday 8th March.  Four tracks to suit all abilities from peewee beginners to expert.  Track open from 9.00 am to 4.00 pm each day.  Enquiries to James Symes on 027 522 6470 or follow on Facebook - Kakanui Trail Ride

Out of Hours Art & Craft Classes - are available for Year 7 and 8 students at Oamaru Intermediate School on Wednesdays for 30 weeks from 3.30 - 5.30 pm.  Tutor is Sue McLean.  Please phone Oamaru Intermediate 437 0822 for further information.

Out of Hours Music Classes - are being offered for primary school aged children who wish to learn violin, brass and keyboard at Waitaki Girls High School.  These group lessons are free and there is a limited number of violins and brass instruments to hire.  Please contact Helen Beckingsale at 434 9062 or email with your details.

Want to Make Healthier Food Choices? - would you like to take part in a 5 week nutrition labelling study using your smartphone?  To join visit:

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