Thursday, 12 February 2015

3. School Notices - Week 2, Term 1 2015

Altar Servers
Saturday 14th February - Ben Cullimore, Mackenzie Cunningham and Elizabeth Plieger
Sunday 15th February - Cameron & Laura Mather and Antonia and Francesca Black

Happy Birthday Greetings to
Nevaeh Rose Bird

Generic Permission Form and Pupil Profile Sheets
In order for us to update our records of your contact details and permission for your child's photo to be used for the website, we need to have both forms returned to the office by Tuesday 17th February.
Thank you  to the families who have already return both forms but some families have only returned one form so please send the other one back even if there is no changes on it. If you wish to have another copy of either form, please let the office know.

School Newsletter and Blog
As there is no hard copy of the newsletter being sent out to families this year, we will have a full copy of the news blog on the notice board outside the office for your information.

Swim Dates for next week
Monday 16th and Wednesday 18th February for Yr 3-8.

Scholastic Book Club
Book orders are due back by tomorrow Friday 13th February.

Pastoral Care
Ruma Matai is the classroom on Pastoral Care this month.  All children in Ruma Matai should have received a notice regarding this.

World War 1 Poppy Pins
If you are interested in buying a commemorative pin for $6.00, please leave your name and money at the office.

Starship Mobile Phone Appeal
Receive amazing rewards for your school by donating your old mobile phone.  Drop your old phone at the school office but don't forget to remove the sim and memory cards.

Summer Sports Draw
Cricket - 4th Grade- Saturday 14th February - St Joseph's v Valley Gold at SKC Artificial 2

Kiwi Cricket - Friday 13th February at Whitestone Contracting Stadium at 4.00 pm

Touch Rugby - Tuesday 17th February - the draw was unavailable at the time the news blog went to print.  Please check the notice board for the draw.

Community Notice Board
Stride-Ride-Slide multisport for big little kids aged 2-6 on Sunday 15 February at Takaro Park, 
   Oamaru from 10.00 am

Country Picnic at  Totara Estate on Sunday 15th February from 11.00 - 3.00 pm.  Bring your
    own picnic and there will be music, dancing and games available. Adults $5 and children free.

-  Out of Hours Music and Art Classes hosted by Weston School.  Music classes are brass,
   saxophone, clarinet, guitar and drums.  Email or phone the school
   office on 434 5445.

Waitaki Newcomers Network - have you just moved here? join up and meet other new people by
   coffee groups, book groups, walking groups, movie nights etc.  Go to and
   click the 'Join Now' button.  Otherwise ring Christine on 027 242 8643.

Certificate in Parenting and Care of Children Course held at the Oamaru Polytechnic starting in
   March.  Ring the Polytechnic for further information.

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