Friday 23 September 2022

3. School Notices - Week 9, Term 3 2022


Birthday Greetings to:

Zachary C and Genne R

Book Fair
The annual book fair was held this week and all sales gave a commission to the school to buy books for the library. On Wednesday was Book Character Dress Up day and children were invited to dress up as their favourite book character. Geronimo Stilton even paid a visit to the fair !!

Chocolate Fundraiser
We would like all the chocolates sold and the money to be returned to the office by next Tuesday 27th September.  If you have queries regarding this, please contact the office.

A pink backpack was found in the carpark earlier this week.  Please come to the office to collect it if it belongs to you.

House Football Competition
It was lovely to see the children interact in the term football house competition and there were some very talented children playing football. The weather gods were kind to us again with the skies turning blue for the games.  A big thank you to our referees Antonio Frances-Rees, Lachlan Brookes and Ellen McAtameny from Sport Waitaki for refereeing our games and to Mrs Winiders and the House Captains for organising the games.  Well done Guzman House on being the overall winner.

Sunday 25th - First Holy Communion Mass at 9.30 am
Monday 26th - School is closed
Tuesday 27th - Chocolate money to be returned
Friday 28th - Technology for Yr 7 & 8
                   - last date for term 3

School Closed
Due to the death of Queen Elizabeth II, a public holiday will be observed on Monday 26th September so our school will be closed.

School Photos
Our school photos are scheduled for Tuesday 18th October (week 1 of term 4).  Information sheets were sent home earlier this week and on the back of these sheets is the form for sibling photos.  Please ensure you return this form if you would like a photo of your siblings.

Summer Uniform
Our summer uniform is to be worn in term 4 with everybody required to wear a hat when they go outside.

Summer Sports 
Please see the team lists and information regarding touch and futsal on another page on the blog. We do need some coaches for our futsal and touch teams and sadly we cannot register them if we do have a coach.  If you can help, please contact Mrs Brien.

Community Notices
  • Waitaki Basketball Camp - Basketball legend Leonard King is running another basketball camp in the October school holidays.  Children in years 4-6 are from Monday 3rd and Tuesday 4th October and children in years 7-10 from Wednesday 5th and Thursday 6th October.  Cost is $50.00 per day from 9.00 am to 3.00 pm at the Waitaki Boys gym.  To register; please go to or contact Ian Cathcart at
  • Musical Theatre Oamaru  presents:
     'Rising Stars' a concert celebrating 10 years of Junior Theatre in Oamaru.
    October 15th & 16th 2.00pm Waitaki Boys High School Auditorium.
    Tickets $10.00 plus $1.00 booking fee at Rose's General Store Tyne St or online at     Limited door sales.

    Thankyou, Pat Gunn 
    Musical Theatre Oamaru
  • Luzettes Holiday Art Classes - Tuesday 4th and 11th October and Wednesday 5th and 12th October from 10.30 am to 12.00 pm.  $27.00 per class.  Book now at
  • North Otago Tennis - Tennis is all about serving, rallying and scoring. Tennis Hot Shots helps make this easier for kids because of the smaller courts, slower balls and shorter racquets, sessions are made up of tactical, technical, fun and social elements which create development readiness in children.

    North Otago Tennis also runs Hots Shots tennis lessons every Wednesday from 3,30pm, for Terms 4 and 1. If this could be published in your newsletter for any children wanting to come along, or if you have any further questions please email

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