Friday, 9 September 2022

3. School Notices - Week 7, Term 3 2022


God Bless the Queen - May she rest in Peace
Birthday greetings to
No one this week

Chocolate Fundraiser
Nearly every family has received a box of chocolates to sell this week as a fundraiser for the school. Each box of 32 bars sells for $2.00 each and $72.00 needs to be returned to the school office by Monday 19th September. 

Cross Country
North Otago 
Well done to our 16 students who competed at the North Otago Cross Country on what was a rather cold and chilly day and to top it off, sleet came down while the Yr 7 and 8 children were running.  Our children did us proud and gave it their all and their results will be in next week's newsletter.

School Cross Country
Today our cross country recipients received their trophies and certificates at assembly.  Congratulations to the following students who received a trophy and/or certificate.

Yr 1 girls - 1st Lillie C, 2nd Clare L, 3rd Allison C

Yr 1 boys - 1st Carter F, 2nd Zion L, 3rd Ian R

Yr 2 girls - 1st Michaela C, 2nd Jane V, 3rd Phoebe C

Yr 2 boys - 1st Sam F, 2nd Gavin P, 3rd Anto S

Yr 3 girls - 1st Mania D, 2nd Eva M, 3rd Maria H

Yr 3 boys - 1st Hunter F, 2nd Mark L, 3rd Ryan B

Yr 4 girls - 1st Emily M, 2nd Annabel G, 3rd Taylor D

Yr 4 boys - 1st Alexander R, 2nd Reynaldo M, 3rd Ricky K

Yr 5 girls - 1st Hila’atu L, 2nd Manu-Talo’aho A, 3rd Milah A

Yr 5 boys - 1st Luke L, 2nd Siale T, 3rd Theo M

Yr 6 girls - 1st Sephrin S, 2nd Ellie C, 3rd Molly O

Yr 6 boys - 1st - James L, 2nd Liam L, 3rd Luke B

Yr 7 girls - 1st Eva F 2nd Chelsea K, 3rd Kaycee-Mae G

Yr 7 boys - 1st Daniel W, 2nd Lincoln M, 3rd Michael M

Yr 8 girls - 1st Emily C, 2nd Jasmine M, 3rd Patricia M

Yr 8 boys - 1st King M 2nd Marc M, 3rd Elias F

Next week, we will be displaying photos in our blog from the various events over the last 3 weeks.  These photos are also on our school facebook page.

Polyfest Otago
On Tuesday, a large number of our children from year 3 upwards are representing our school at the Otago Polyfest (Maori and Pacific Island Festival) being held at the Edgar Centre in Dunedin.  The children are asked to be at school by 7.45 am with the bus leaving strictly at 8.00 am.  Their performance time is at 11.00 am and they will leave Dunedin at 1.00 pm to be back at school by 3.00 pm.

The children are asked to wear their school PE clothes and they can wear their polar fleece, jacket and track pants (long trousers) when travelling on the bus and waiting at the Edgar Centre.  Please ensure they have enough food and drink to last the day.  A permission slip has been emailed to the families concerned.

Monday 12 - First Communion parent meeting at 7.00 pm
Tuesday 13 - Summer sports forms due back
                    - Otago Polyfest in Dunedin - children to be at school by 7.45 am
Friday 16th - Technology for Yr 7 & 8

Summer Sports 
A reminder to hand in the summer sports forms to the office by Tuesday 13th September.

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