Since the Middle-Ages, the Church has devoted the month of May to Mary. Many Christians undertake pilgrimages during this month to shrines associated with the Blessed Virgin. In May, there are also three Marian feasts that are celebrated which help us to understand what Mary can teach us about being disciples. The Feast of Our Lady, Help of Christians, which is celebrated on May 24, dates to the sixteenth century, which was not a peaceful time in Europe. In 1571, Catholics throughout the continent joined in praying the rosary in hope for peace.
We are very family oriented and a welcoming and inclusive school. We show by example and teach the
values of Christ, Community Spirituality and Connections. Our school's vision is "Reach for the Stars as
Lifelong Learners in the Catholic Faith". Here are some of the examples of what our children, teachers
and the parish do to promote faith, spirituality and live the values of Christ. This week we have:
Lifelong Learners in the Catholic Faith". Here are some of the examples of what our children, teachers
and the parish do to promote faith, spirituality and live the values of Christ. This week we have:
Ruma Kiwi Gospel presentation |
4th Commandment “Honour your Father and your Mother”.
The fourth commandment encourages us to treat our parents and everyone who has rightful authority over us with a deep respect that comes from the heart. In Hebrew “honour” is tied to the idea of giving weight to something, or treating it as something important. Our parents - with their words, advice, needs, and desires - ought to carry weight in our lives: they ought to count. We should not treat them lightly. The commandment teaches us to consider them and to “give proper weight” to them.
Thank you
God Bless
Tua Misiloi Co DRS
Thank you
God Bless
Tua Misiloi Co DRS
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