Thursday 16 May 2019

2. Special Character Week 3 2019

Malo 'etau lava/Greetings
Tuesday 14 May is the Feast Day of St Matthias who was one of the twelve apostles. Apostle is the word used in the Gospels of Matthew, Mark and Luke to describe the twelve followers of Jesus who were chosen to be with him at the Last Supper. John's Gospel uses the term "disciple" instead of "apostle". Matthias is not to be confused with Matthew. In the Acts of the Apostles, we read that after the death of Jesus, Peter called the two men to be chosen to replace Judas Iscariot, who had betrayed Jesus. The two chosen men were Matthias, and Joseph Barsabas. The two then cast lots (a bit like paper, scissors, rock) and Matthias won and become "one of the twelve". Various theories record Matthias travelling and preaching in Judea (modern day Israel), North Africa, and what is now known as Georgia and Turkey.
On this week in History Death of Frances Hodgkin’s 13 May 1947. Our Dunedin born artist was one of New Zealand’s most celebrated artists of her time. 
Pope Francis:
“The arts give expression to the beauty of the faith and proclaim the Gospel message
of the grandeur of God’s creation.When we admire a work of art or a marvel of nature,
we discover how everything speaks to us of Him and of His love: That artists of our time, though their creativity, may help us discover the beauty of creation.”

3rd Commandment: "Remember to keep holy the Lord's day"
We are called to live Sunday in a special way. Remembering what unites us to our God and opens us to
expressing gratitude for his gifts. Because of this, Christians are invited to "come away" from ordinary
habits, for example from the time we spend at work, in school, or shopping and enter into a different kind
of time. This time is marked by "going out" from one's self and going toward others: coming together
in Church as a family in God's presence, listening to his Word, celebrating the Eucharist, praying for the
needs of the world, helping those in difficulty- all these things place us in relationship with God and with
our neighbour.
Parents meetings for the Sacrament of Confirmation
Monday 20th May at 7.00pm  at St. Joseph's School.
Monday 27th May at 7:00pm
Confirmation is Sunday 9th June.
Malo 'Aupito/Thank you very much
God bless
Tua Misiloi Co DRS

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