Thursday, 30 May 2019

1. Principal's News Week 5 Term 3 2019

Catholic Schools Day 2019
We celebrated Catholic Schools day on Tuesday with the other 239 schools and 67,000 students at Catholic schools in New Zealand.

Our Head Student, Special Character, Henry opens our liturgy

Our head students and some of our technology team enjoying the junior school dance performance at Catholic Schools Day

Our head students and myself attended the St Kevin's Liturgy later in the day
St Kevin's Students helped with cooperative games 

Junior Hub celebrated by sharing their folk dancing

God Bless and Aroha
Lorraine Frances-Rees

2. Special Character Week 5 2019

Welcome & Malo e Lelei

Each year since 2007 the New Zealand Catholic Primary Principals' Association (NZCPPA) have partnered with Caritas to run a Mufti Mania day, building solidarity through raising money for poor and vulnerable communities.

                     This year our focus is on Bougainville in Papua New Guinea-5th July

Bougainville is a province of Papua new Guinea.
Consisting of a number of islands, it’s full name is the Autonomous Region of Bougainville

Bougainville is more than 4,300 kilometres from New Zealand.
It is not an easy journey by plane as stops are required in Australia and Papua New Guinea before arrival in Buka or Arawa – the two largest towns in Bougainville. the 31st is the Feast of the Visitation of the Blessed Virgin Mary.
The feast of the Visitation of the Blessed Virgin Mary celebrates the visit of Mary, the Mother of God, with the child Jesus in her womb, to her cousin Elizabeth. The visit took place when Elizabeth was herself six months' pregnant with the forerunner of Christ, Saint John the Baptist.  Arriving at the house of Zachary (or Zacharias) and Elizabeth, Mary greets her cousin, and something wonderful happens: John the Baptist leaps in Elizabeth's womb (Luke 1:41).
Week of Prayer for Christian Unity
31st The Visitation of Mary
1st St Justin
2nd Feast of the Ascension
The story Ascension of Jesus is described in the book of the Acts of the Apostles, chapter one. Jesus ascends from the Earth to Heaven. This happens 40 days after the Jesus resurrection and the disciples were there to see it.  As he raises, a cloud obscures him from their view, and two men in white arrive to tell them that he will return "in the same way you have seen him go into heaven.”
Week of Prayer for Christian Unity
Every year Christians across the world gather in prayer for growth in unity. We do this in a world where corruption, greed and injustice bring about inequality and division. Ours is a united prayer in a fractured world: this is powerful. However, as individual Christians and communities, we are often complicit with injustice, and yet we are called together to form a united witness for justice and to be a means of Christ’s healing grace for the brokenness of the world.
5th Commandment “You shall not kill”.  The fifth commandment is very direct and very brief!  But this commandment asks us that we open our eyes wide to reality and reflect on the fact that there are many ways to take someone’s life.  Certainly the most obvious way is by causing someone’s death, and killing another person is the gravest wrong anyone can do.  But is refraining from killing someone enough to keep this commandment?  No. The fifth commandment invites us to care for every human life: that of a baby inside its mother’s womb, that of someone who is sick or of an elderly person nearing death, that of anyone throughout the world who doesn’t have necessities like food and water; even that of a criminal who has harmed others.  The fifth commandment asks us to defend, protect and promote life.  Because all life comes from God, we should always choose life.
Thank you
God Bless
Tua Misiloi Co DRS

3. School Notices - Week 5, Term 2 2019

Altar Servers
Saturday 1st June - Luse & Sami Asi and Annalise & David Kilgour
Sunday 2nd June - Ivy-Belle & Molly-May Mestrom and Indeg & Nye Jones-Hogan

Birthday Greetings to
Mikayla Pine, Niki Zeng, Leah Kofoed, Lewis Geypen and Lilly Kelcher

Catholic Schools Day
A big thank you to the St Kevin's students who came and helped our rotations as part of our celebration of 'Catholic Schools Day'.


Head Lice
It is head lice season  again. Please check your child's hair for lice and treat if necessary.  If you have concerns, please contact the Public Health Nurse on 433 1162.  Thank you.

North Otago Music Festival
Tickets are available from the school office for $8.00 each.

Junior Catholic Quadrangular Tournament
This tournament is on next Wednesday and all permission forms and money have to be in by tomorrow Friday 31st May as Monday is a holiday.

Young Leaders Day
Tomorrow our Yr 8 class is travelling to Dunedin to listen to inspirational leaders and to gain an insight on how to become a better leader.  This day is always a truly motivational day for our students.

Community Notices
"Friends of the Forrester Gallery - Notice of AGM

 Dear Friends of the Forrester Gallery,

Notice is hereby given that the Annual General Meeting of the Friends of the Forrester Gallery will be held as follows;
Date: Tuesday, 9 July 2019
Time: 5.30pm
Venue: North Otago Museum (enter from Steward Street)
The meeting shall include the following;

1. A talk from the Director Jane Macknight about the extensive remediation and upgrade work being carried out at the Gallery and the proposed reopening plans.
2. Confirmation of the minutes from the 2018 AGM.
3. Receive the annual reports, statement of account and balance sheet for the preceding year.
4. Elect and appoint office bearers for the ensuing year.
5. Discuss any general business from the committee & membership.

All attendees will go in the ballot to win a limited edition fine-art print from our recent exhibition The Print Laboratory welcomes: The News Network #2.

It's times like these when we really need your help so that we can support our beloved Forrester Gallery. We look forward to seeing you all at the AGM.

4. Sports Draw - Week 5, June - Term 2 2019

Netball - Saturday 1st June
**  There is no netball this weekend due to it being Queens Birthday.

** Please let Mrs Brien know if you are interested in attending this tournament by Friday 7th June as registrations close on Friday 14th June.  I will let you know about mixed teams when I find out.

North Otago Primary Clubs/Schools Tournament (2019)
Top of Form
North Otago Netball will be running a Primary Schools/Clubs Tournaments in 2019 at the North Otago Netball Courts, Oamaru on Sunday 23rd June from 9am – 3pm.
Sections - Year 5 & 6 (6 aside), Year 7 (7 aside), Year 8 (7 aside) and a combined section of Years 7 & 8 (7 aside).
If you have a Year 6 team playing 7 aside, register them in the Year 7 section.
Each school is able to enter as many teams as they wish but each team must provide an umpire and state the grade they are comfortable umpiring. We suggest and highly recommend that the coach is not an umpire. We will not accept the entry if TBC is in the umpire tab, so please sort before you enter. 
There is a team entry of $20 which can be paid once the team is sorted.
Teams Dress up – prizes for best ‘dressed team’.
Tournament policy and rules and all other information will be sent out once registrations are in
Bottom of Form

Rugby – Friday 31st May
**  This weekend is Town v Country games and no club rugby is played.  Come and support your team mates who have been selected to play in the town teams.

11 & 12 years – Friday 31st May at 5.30 pm at Maheno
9 & 10 years – Friday 31st May at 4.30 pm at Maheno
7 & 8 years – no games
5 & 6 years – no games
No Duty – No Points – If the duty team or duty referee does not turn up for your game, please note on the score sheet for that game.   The points the duty team/duty referee would have received for their game that night will not be added to their overall competition points for placings.

Score Bench Duties
If you cannot do your duty, please arrange for someone else to do your duty.  Please note that you only do score bench duty when your team is on score bench duty in the draw.

Miniball - Tuesday 4th June
3.45 pm – St Joseph’s Rebels v Weston Wasps – main court
6.15 pm – St  Joseph’s Breakers v Papakaio Phoenix – back court

Score bench duties
4.15 pm – St Joseph’s Rebels - main court (Strachan family)
6.45 pm – St Joseph’s Breakers – back court (Tahitu’a family)
Basketball - Wednesday 5th June

**  Please note our 3 teams have the bye due to them being away at a tournament in Dunedin.

** North Otago U13 Basketball trials on today after school at the Waitaki Rec Centre. Girls from 3.30 to 4.00 pm and boys from 4.00 to 4.30 pm.

Yr 7 & 8 Network Waitaki Tournament
North Otago will again host the Network Waitaki Boys & Girls Basketball Tournament.  Pupils who are attending school in Year 7 & 8 are eligible to attend this tournament.  Depending on team numbers, the tournament may start early on the Friday morning and run through to late Sunday afternoon.  Entries are now being called for and these will close on Friday 28th June 2019.

If you are interested in attending this tournament please see Mrs Brien for further information and entry forms.

Hockey – Tuesday 4th June
·         Mouth guards and shin guards are mandatory for players at all times while on the turf
·         The turf is numbered from the pavilion end.  T1 Pavillion end.  T4 Scoreboard end.

Kwicksticks – Yr 7/8
6.00 pm – Upper Waitaki Wasps v OIS Blue (Mia C and Troy)

Hockey – Wednesday 5th June
KiwiSticks – Yr 5/6
5.00 pm – Upper Waitaki Wekas v Fenwick Sticks (Mya R) – Turf 2

5. Diary Dates - Week 5, Term 2 2019

* Means new entry or date
Friday 31                            -  Young Leaders Day for Yr 8 in Dunedin
                                                -  Celebration assembly at 2.15 pm
                                                -  Junior Quad permission forms and money due in today
Monday 3                           -  Queens Birthday holiday – school closed
Wednesday 5                    -  Catholic Quad tournament for Yr 7 & 8 in Dunedin
Thursday 6                        -  School Liturgy Mass at 9.15 am
                                                -  Terrific Thursday at 2.15 pm
Friday 7                               -  Celebration assembly at 2.30 pm
Sunday 9                             -  Confirmation
Monday 10                         -  Technology for Yr 7 & 8
Thursday 13                      -  School Liturgy Mass at 9.15 am
                                                -  Yr 7 ECB & Young Vinnies
                                                -  Terrific Thursday at 2.15 pm
Friday 14                            -  Celebration assembly at 2.15 pm
Monday 17                         -  Technology for Yr 7 & 8
Thursday 20                      -  School Liturgy Mass at 9.15 am
                                                -  Terrific Thursday at 2.15 pm
Friday 21                            -  Celebration assembly at 2.15 pm
Sunday 23                          -  North Otago Netball Primary Schools Tournament for Yrs 5-8 *
Monday 24                         -  Technology for Yr 7 & 8                          
Tuesday 25                        -  St Joseph’s Timaru interschool for Yr 7 & 8 at Oamaru
                                               -  School Board of Trustee meeting at 6.00 pm
Thursday 27                      -  School Liturgy Mass at 9.15 am
                                               -  St Mary’s Inter-school in Mosgiel for Yr 8 class  in Mosgiel 
Monday 1                           -  Technology for Yr 7 & 8
Tuesday 2                           -  North Otago Music Festival for St Joseph
Friday 5                               -  Mufti Day
                                               -  Term 2 finishes
Saturday 6                          -  Netball finishes for Yr 1 & 2
Monday 22                         -  Term 3 starts

Friday 9                               -  Teacher Only Day 
Saturday 10                       -  Rugby finishes today 
Tuesday 20                        -  School Cross Country 
Saturday 24                       -  Netball finishes today
Sunday 25                          -  First Holy Communion
Tuesday 27                        -  Kapahaka Festival
Wednesday 28                 -  St Joseph’s Intermediate Open Evening at 7.00 pm

Monday 2                           -  North Otago Cross Country
Wednesday 4                    -  North Otago Cross Country postponement date
Friday 20                            -  Singing Cup for Yrs 5-8
Friday 27                            -  Term 3 finishes

Monday 14                         -  Term 4 starts
Sunday 20                          -  Food Fair
Monday 28                         -  Labour Day holiday – school closed
Tuesday 29                        -  Yr 7 & 8 camp
Wednesday 30                 -  Yr 7 & 8 camp
Thursday 31                      -  Yr 7 & 8 camp

Friday 1                               -  Yr 8 camp

Thursday, 23 May 2019

1. Principal's News Week 4 Term 2 2019

Visit to Moeraki Marae
The senior school visited Moeraki Marae on Wednesday.  This is part of our Enviroschool focus and connects with the social sciences curriculum areas of "Identity, culture and organisation" and Place and environment."

Our Head Girl Bridie McGeown writes:

This week, the classes from year 4 to 8 visited the local marae located in Moeraki. Marianne warmly welcomed us by performing an amazing kaikorero, which took all of our breaths away. We then spent the rest of the day listening to Mr Higgins, who told us some amazing stories about the early Maori way of life. His stories varied from the use of the weapons in war, to the outfits, to how the Maori people gathered food- even a couple of Maori legends were thrown into the mix.
After that, we walked up to the whaling lookout point. It was a quiet walk up a winding road and at the top we gasped at the whale hunting stories Mr Higgins had to share.

Once we’d explored, we headed back down to the marae. Our trip was over, but the people we met and the memories we made had a lasting impression on us all.

Catholic Schools Day
Next Tuesday 28th May is Catholic Schools Day for New Zealand.  Have a look at the slideshow to see how we are part of a larger network of Catholic schools throughout New Zealand.  We will be having a liturgy to celebrate Catholic schools day at 9.00 am in the school hall, you are welcome to join us.

We Pray For You
Also: Mrs Misiloi and myself (LFR)
Every Friday morning a group of staff meet in the staffroom at 8.00 am to pray for our community.  We don't share the ins and outs of your situation but if we know something is happening for your family we add your name to our prayer list.  Please let us know if a member of our community is in need.  We also have the parish freezer stocked by our Home and School and can provide a meal as a measure of support and goodwill.  Our St Vincent de Paul society can also provide help to families who have got into temporary dire need.

God Bless and Aroha,
Lorraine Frances-Rees

2. Special Character Week 4 Term 2

Welcome/Malo e Lelei
Since the Middle-Ages, the Church has devoted the month of May to Mary. Many Christians undertake pilgrimages during this month to shrines associated with the Blessed Virgin. In May, there are also three Marian feasts that are celebrated which help us to understand what Mary can teach us about being disciples. The Feast of Our Lady, Help of Christians, which is celebrated on May 24, dates to the sixteenth century, which was not a peaceful time in Europe. In 1571, Catholics throughout the continent joined in praying the rosary in hope for peace.

We are very family oriented and a welcoming and inclusive school. We show by example and teach the
values of Christ, Community Spirituality and Connections. Our school's vision is "Reach for the Stars as
Lifelong Learners in the Catholic Faith". Here are some of the examples of what our children, teachers
and the parish do to promote faith, spirituality and live the values of Christ. This week we have:

Ruma Kiwi Gospel presentation

Parent Confirmation meeting

Staff- Rosary prayer
4th Commandment “Honour your Father and your Mother”.
The fourth commandment encourages us to treat our parents and everyone who has rightful authority over us with a deep respect that comes from the heart.  In Hebrew “honour” is tied to the idea of giving weight to something, or treating it as something important.  Our parents - with their words, advice, needs, and desires - ought to carry weight in our lives: they ought to count.  We should not treat them lightly. The commandment teaches us to consider them and to “give proper weight” to them.

Thank you
God Bless
Tua Misiloi Co DRS

3. School Notices - Week 4, Term 2 2019


Altar Servers
Saturday 25th May - Cooper & Madison Jones and Paddy & Joseph Spillane
Sunday 26th May - Lilly Kelcher, Libby Seddon and Lisiate Hausia

Birthday Greetings to
Taylor Darling, Selena Adhikari and Alexander Roa

Closed School
School will be closed next Wednesday 29th May due to the teachers strike.


Please put your ideas on the 'Vision Map' on the wall opposite the hall to help make our school a better enviroschool  that will further impact on our local community.
There will be 'post it's' and further instructions posted in the foyer but we really want and need your input please.

Junior Catholic Quadrangular Tournament
A permission slip has been given to Yr 7 &8 children who will be competing in this tournament in Dunedin on Wednesday 5th June.  All permission slips and money need to be in by Friday 31st May.

Music Festival 
Our choir is singing in the North Otago Primary School's Music Festival on Tuesday 2nd July at 7.00 pm at the Oamaru Opera House.  Tickets cost $8.00 each regardless of whether the seat is for a child or an adult.  Tickets do not have seat numbers so it is first in, first served - no reservation of seats.  Tickets are allocated according to choir family numbers. Tickets are available from our school office till Wednesday 19th June then they can be purchased from Fenwick School.

Parish Freezer
Year 5/6 - we would be very grateful if the families in the Yr 5/6 class could kindly donate baking or cooked meal items before the end of June.  The items can be baking or a main meal e.g. soups, casseroles, lasagna, muffins or biscuits etc.  If you are in a position to contribute, thank you very much.

Pies and Milo
Every Wednesday is pie and milo lunch day.  Remember to bring in your pie/sausage roll wrapped in foil with your name on it.  Sorry no noodles.  Bring a named cup and 50 cents if you want a cup of warm milo.

Please send us photos of children in St Joseph's sports teams for our photo board.

Monday 27 - Technology for Yr 7 & 8
                    -  Confirmation meeting at 7.00 pm
Tuesday 28  - Catholic Schools Day Liturgy at 9.00 am
Wednesday 29 - School closed due to teachers strike
Friday 31 - Yr 8's off to Young Leaders Day in Dunedin
                -  Permission slips for Junior Quad Tournament

Rugby Pompallier Tournament
On Sunday we sent two rugby teams to compete in the annual Marist Club Pompallier Rugby tournament being played in Ashburton against teams from Christchurch, Ashburton and Timaru.
Our 11/12 year team won one game and lost two and our 9/10 year team had a win, draw and a very close lose.  They also competed in tug-of-war and sprint races.  Congratulations to these teams on their sportsmanship as we won the Overall Fairplay trophy for all age groups.
Thank you very much to the parents who offered to transport the children and to our coaches for taking time out on a Sunday to coach the teams and also our extra players who came and played for us.

School Polar Fleeces
Emily, Lilly & Jasmine wearing the new polar fleece
They are now in stock at the Warehouse for $50.00 each and the word from the children who are wearing them is that they are very warm to wear.

Community Notices 
  • Altrusa Fabric Bazaar held at the Scottish Hall on Saturday 8th June from 1.00 to 4.00 pm and Sunday 9th June from 9.30 am to 1.00 pm.  To donate items, please ring Helen on 437 1047 or Nancy on 434 5151 or drop off at Advantage Tyres, 72 Humber Street.