Thursday 21 March 2019

3. School Notices - Week 7, Term 1 2019


Altar Servers
Saturday 23rd March - Mariah Cunningham, Annalise Kilgour, Lachlan Criddle & Sami Asi
Sunday 24th March - Lilly Kelcher, Alexie Phillips and Henry Robinson

Birthday Greetings to:
Alexander Perniskie, Ayla Beattie, Jacob Bartley, Allan Roberts and Jada-Rose Keno

Clothes Wanted
The junior school would appreciate any spare shorts/underwear/togs/towels that you do not require any more or have been loaned out in the past.  This is for the times when children forget their clothes or have the odd wee accident.  If you are able to help with any of these items, please donate them  to the junior school teachers. If clothes get loaned to you, please remember to bring them back. Thank you.

Club cricket - Tomorrow is the last day of cricket for this term.  The Intermediate B team's game has been cancelled.

Easter Timetable for St Patrick's Church
Holy Thursday - Mass of the Last Supper - Basilica at 7.00 pm
Good Friday - Commemoration of Jesus Christ's Death - Basilica at 3.00 pm
Ecumenical Walk - 10.00 am gather at St Paul's Church in Coquet Street to look at displays in church and prayer.  Proceed through the Stations of the Cross.  10.30 am process with the cross to St Luke's Church for a service at 11.00 am.  All welcome and you are invited to join in at any part of the morning.
Saturday Easter Vigil Mass - Basilica at 8.00 pm (no 5.00 pm Mass) and Kurow at 6.00 pm
Easter Sunday - Basilica at 9.30 am

Mud Run
It's still not to late to register for this fun mud run/walk.  $10.00 per person and it on this Saturday at the Oamaru Race course at 10.00 am.  To register go to . 
Saturday 23 - Our school mud run at the Oamaru Race course at 10.00 am
Sunday 24 - First Reconciliation Mass
Monday 25 - school closed
Tuesday 26 - swimming lessons for Yr 1-3
Wednesday 27 - swimming lessons for Yr 1-3

Rippa Rugby Tournament
Last Friday our school sent 3 mixed rippa rugby teams to the annual North Otago Rippa Rugby tournament held at Centennial Park. All the teams played at least 4 games with the Yr 7/8 team winning 3 of theirs and the Yr 4/5 team 2 games.  All the children enjoyed themselves and showed great team spirit.  A very big thank you to our wonderful parent helpers who either helped with coaching or with transport and Adrienne Spillane who was the manager for the day.

Winter Sport Teams
A notice has gone home yesterday with the names of children who are playing a winter sport for St Joseph's. A copy of this notice is on another page on the blog. If your child is not down for a sport and wants to play, please let Mrs Brien know asap.
There are a couple of additions to the netball notes regarding junior umpire sessions and a April holiday development camp.  Please take note of start dates for the different codes as some codes are starting earlier than others. If you know of any more people who wish to play rugby for our school, please let us know. We also need another coach for a basketball and miniball team.

Community Notices
Dear North Otago school community,

Council is currently reviewing its District Plan which provides rules for subdivision and land use across the district. We must review this plan every 10 years. As it is a 10 year document, it is important to get the right information to plan ahead for the next 10-20 years. Understand housing choice is important in writing new plan provisions so we can best accommodate the needs of our community. A housing survey has been developed to help guide Council in this area. The survey runs until 1 May 2019. There is no need to include personal details in the survey, so all responses will remain anonymous. A link to the online housing survey can be found at

If your school is happy to assist Council in promoting this work, we would appreciate if you were able to include this message in your school newsletter and/or website, asking if families with connections to your school may consider making some time to complete the survey.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Thank you for your consideration,


Victoria van der Spek
Consultant Planner

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