Thursday 14 March 2019

2.Special Character Week 6 2019

Welcome to First Week of Lent.
Every year the Church in New Zealand has an appeal during Lent for Caritas. Caritas is sometimes called the “Catholic Red Cross”. This year, funds raised during Lent will assist Caritas’ work in South Sudan, which is the world’s newest country, having been formed out of what was previously known as “Sudan” and enduring civil war and famine. Here is some of what Caritas is doing on the ground in South Sudan:
·       Distributing emergency food supplies
·       Distributing shelter and household items such as jerry cans, buckets, and other essentials
·       Distributing seeds and tools
·        Promoting peacebuilding

Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called the children of God. PEACEMAKING. 
The ability to harmonize differences between others without causing either person to “lose”

“Prayer is a vital and personal relationship with the living and true God.” (Catechism of the Catholic Church, No 2558)

Image result for south sudan lent
“Peace firstly means there are no wars … but it also means that there is friendship between all, that every day a step ahead is made for justice, so that there are no more children who are hungry, that there are no more sick children who do not have the possibility of receiving healthcare.” — 

Many thanks
God  Bless
Tua Misiloi

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