Thursday 23 August 2018

1. Principal's News Week 5 Term 3 2018

Cross Country
What a fantastic day for cross country on Tuesday!  We were truly blessed - blue sky, sunshine, great environment, supportive adults and happy children - what more could you ask for?

A big thank you to Paula Brien for organising the event; to Dave and Rebecca Heffernan for use of the Racecourse and setting up the track; to the many parent helpers who helped out as marshals and the children for doing their best and supporting each other.

Our staff are presently doing some professional research, discussion and development around teaching and learning reading. 
We've all noted something significant that makes a big difference to a child's reading enjoyment and learning.  That is:
Bridie reading her book: Houston and the Show Horse

Adults reading to children at home makes children better readers...

That's it..... it makes a huge difference - children who are regularly read to have more enjoyment of reading, more understanding of narrative, longer attention span and tend to find it easier to learn to read - thus giving them a head start in life.  And don't stop when they are 7 or 8,  carry on for as long as you can - if the book's good enough they will want to listen.  Its too simple to miss out on.

Author - Bridie McGeown
Congratulations to Bridie McGeown who has just published her first book.  She is selling copies for $5 a copy.  All proceeds go to Diabetes Otago.  Thank you to Brackens who have helped cover the printing costs.

Family Food Donations
Thank you to all families who have donated food for the parish freezer.  Our Home and School Association manages the freezer and each class is asked once a year to provide food.   Many families have given generously.

We give something from the freezer to any of our families who have something "going on" - whatever it may be.  Its mainly a token of our care and concern and a reminder that there is a whole community behind and around each one of us.

Check out our blog page "God for Parents" to help connect with your child's Religious Education.

In their weekly emails, the teachers tell you which days the children should wear sports uniform.  On the other days children should be wearing full, correct school uniform.  We have a few children who are repeatedly wearing the wrong uniform, or non-uniform items.  I will be following these up over the next couple of weeks to find out why.  Uniform policy is up for Board review in term 1 of 2019 and you will be asked for feedback on uniform before that.  This is the Winter uniform:

God Bless and Aroha
Lorraine Frances-Rees

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