Blessed are those who know when to be quiet and listen; they will learn a lot of new things
Altar Servers
Saturday 16th June - Serah Staju, Lachlan Criddle, Indya Cunningham and Mariah Cunningham
Sunday 17th June - Hana Davies, Lilly Kelcher and Morgan Baillie
Birthday Greetings
Taine Dyson, Liam Cameron and Jayla Strong
Child-Minder Wanted
A child minder is required every 2nd weekend during the day with the number of hours to be confirmed. Please phone Fran on 027 211 4335 if you are interested.
Thank you very much to Chris Heywood from LJ Hooker who presented Acting Principal Nicola Winders with $100 donation due to the number of houses sold in our area.
Donations for the Junior School
We would gratefully accept any donations of girls and boys underwear for the junior school for times when those wee accidents do occur. They can be dropped off at the office anytime.
Filipino Classes
There will be no Filipino classes from Tuesday 19th June due to the teacher being away. They will resume again on Tuesday 24th July.
Junior Catholic Quadrangular Tournament
Yesterday some of our students represented St Kevin's College as part of their intermediate department in the Junior Catholic Quadrangular winter sports tournament held in Dunedin where they played against teams from Kavanagh College from Dunedin, St Peters from Gore and Verdon College from Invercargill. Our students represented our school with good sportsmanship, fair play and enjoyed good competition. Congratulations to our rugby boys who won all 3 of their games which was played in cold cool conditions. Futsal and netball were played in the Edgar Centre and everyone enjoyed the experience.
A very big thank you to Sarah Clapperton (Sports Coordinator) from St Kevin's College who helped organise our school for this tournament. Thank you very much to our coaches, St Kevin's coaches and parents who went down and supported the children which was very much appreciated. St Kevin's finished 3rd overall. Below is some rugby photos taken on the day and photos from the Edgar Centre will be in next weeks blog due to the camera being left at home.
PE Days
Children can wear their navy track pants over their pe shorts to school in the mornings when their class has PE days in these colder months.
Rippa Rugby
Good luck to our Rippa Rugby team who is competing in Timaru today at the Yr 5/6 regional tournament. Information in next week's blog.
Scholastic Book Club
Orders for the book club are due on Wednesday 20th June.
St Mary's Inter School - Tuesday 19th June
There are a large number of permission slips and money still owing for this inter-school being held at St Kevin's on Tuesday. Please return them by tomorrow. If there is a parent who can help with basketball, please let Mrs Brien know.
Timaru Interschool
All Yr 7 & 8 permission slips and money are due back to the office by Thursday 21st June.
Community Notices
- Winnie The Pooh Show - held at the Repertory Theatre on Itchen Street from July 7th to July 14th. Shows on the 7th, 8th and 14th start at 4.00 pm and shows on the 10th - 13th start at 7.30 pm. The Box Office opens daily from Monday 2nd July from 12 noon to 5.00 pm and 1 hour before performances. Phone 434 8868 during these times or email anytime.
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