Altar Servers
Saturday 1st April - Indya Cunningham and Bronson Bartlett
Sunday 2nd April - Henry Robinson, Morgan Baillie and Molly-May Mestrom
Birthday Greetings to:
Riley McLaren, Jack Paton, Seini Hausia, Reuben Simpson and Eleni Hausia
Board of Trustee Members
The results from the Board of Trustees Parent By-Election is Andy Bradley, Katrina Miller and Bruce Wickham.
Budding Comic Book Writer - Zara Davies, one of our Yr 6 students entered a United Kingdom magazine competition called 'Beano' where she had to draw a comic strip. Zara won out of all the entries from all over the place and had her comic published in the magazine. Zara's prize was to see her cartoon strip be drawn by the magazines own 'Calamity James' artist Leslie Stannage! Well done Zara.
Home & School Raffle
There are 38 cards still not returned. WE NEED ALL RAFFLE CARDS RETURNED SOLD OR UNSOLD. If anyone is interested in helping to sell raffle tickets at Countdown on Wednesday 5th April (next week) between the hours of 10.00 am to 7.00 pm - note the longer time, please put your name down at the office. Thank you to the wonderful parents and grandparents and friends of the school who have helped sell the raffle tickets. The raffle will be drawn on Monday 10th April.
House Colour Day
Yesterday in cool conditions the Yr 8 leaders organised a House Colour Mufti day with donations going towards the Caritas Appeal. The senior children enjoyed bull rush, dodge ball and relays with the junior children enjoying, duck duck goose, rob the nest and egg and spoon races. Thanks to the Yr 8's for organising a good day. Click the link to see more photos. HOUSE COLOUR DAY
Library Books
Can all library books be returned to the box outside the office by Friday 7th April.
Jack O'Neill has lost his named barrel hat and has him name written in white fabric marker in the inside. Please check your hats to see if you have the correct one.
Otago Swimming
Results in their age groups are:
Elenoa Asi - First in the 50m backstroke and breaststroke races
Morgan Baillie - Second in the 50m backstroke and breastroke and third in the freestyle race
Taine Dyson - Third in the 50m backstroke and breastroke races
Corbin Fraser - Second in the 50m breast and third in the freestyle race
Molly Whittaker - Second in the 50m breaststroke race
Pet Day
Last Friday our Yr 8 School Councillors and Cultural Leaders held a pet day which was a bit hit with the children. There were cats in cages, rabbits, birds, a horse, goats and dogs of all shapes and sizes. There was an agility course for the dogs where some of them shone in the arena. Thanks to the parents for bringing in their pets for us to see. Click the link to see more photos. Pet Day Photos

Rippa Rugby Draw
The draw for the Rippa Rugby tournament for tomorrow is shown on another page in the blog. A letter with team names and drivers has already been given to your children.
Uniform Hire
This year we are charging the $5.00 uniform hire for each sport to your account and will be itemized separately on your account. Uniforms will be handed out to each child when team lists are finalised and when Miss Pope is working.
Winter Sports Team Lists for 2017
Please see the team lists for football, miniball and netball on another page on the blog.
Community Notices
- OSCAR - Looking for childcare in the holidays? OSCAR@Fenwick's autumn themed programme runs from Tuesday 18th to Friday 28th April (excluding ANZAC Day) - plenty of autumn crafts, indoor and outdoor games and activities, outings, swimming and movies. For more information, call Jenny on 021 156 5871 or email
- Giant Easter Egg Hunt - come along to this fun family day out. There will be an easter egg hunt, games and a lolly scramble, live entertainment, bouncy castles and of course the famous egg toss competition. Thanks to the generous support of our local businesses, we will be giving away prizes and hot cross buns on the day. Held at the Oamaru Gardens Rotunda on Friday 14th April from 1.00-3.00 pm and run by Oamaru Elim Church.
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