Altar ServersSaturday 4th March - Sebastian Spillane, Samuel Plieger and Joshua Criddle
Sunday 5th March - Zara & Hana Davies
Birthday Greetings to:
Maximus Fatafehi, Jack Hayman, Sebastian Spillane, Hannah Burke, Pippa Campbell and Riley Tuffley.
After School Care
Research would indicate that we would need a commitment of 11 children per hour at $3.00 per child per hour to cover the cost of 2 staff wages. As the service provided would be a school service and not an OSCAR based service. WINZ funding would not be available. However, in OSCAR programmes even with WINZ support, parents would be paying at least $3.00 per hour. If you are interested or have any comments to make, please let the office staff know asap so that a meeting could be arranged next week to determine its feasibility. Thanks Jocelyn Marsh.
Home and School
AGM - The AGM was held last week and the following people were elected:
Chairpersons - Rachel Fowler and Megan Phillips
Secretary - Suzanne Aston
Treasurer - Shiralee Bremner
Committee - Sharni Cunningham, Adele Whiston, Michelle Fatafehi, Melanie MacKay, Melissa Rathgen, Tim McEvoy, Mathea and Craig Daunheimer
Thank you very much to these people who work tirelessly for our school.

Annalise Kilgour has lost her named polar fleece so please check your child's clothing to ensure they have the correct one. There is a lot of unnamed clothing being dropped around the school so please put your child's name on their clothes.
Netball Trials
There will be trials for St Joseph Yr 6-8 netballers on Thursday 9th March at 3.15 pm at the school netball courts. These trials will go to 4.30 pm approximately. If you cannot make it to the trials, please let Miss Tangney or Mrs Brien know. Please ensure you have the correct footwear and pe gear.
Pet Day
The School Councillors and the Cultural Leaders will be hosting a Pet Day. This will take place on Friday 24th March in the morning. Below is a list of pets that you are allowed to bring:
Dogs (on lead) Cat (in a cage) Horses (on lead ropes)
Rabbits (in a cage) Chicks (no hens) Calves (nothing above 2 years)
Lambs and Sheep (no rams) Birds (in a cage) Rats (in a cage)
Note: All animals to be restrained. Any injuries are the responsibility of the pet owner, not the Cultural or the School Councillors. Anything that comes out of your pet must be disposed by you. Any farm animals will be in an enclosed and designated space and will be looked after. Animals must be picked up by 11.00 am. A notice will be sent home for you to fill in and return to the Yr 8 students.
Rippa Rugby Tournament
The North Otago Rippa Rugby Tournament will be held on Friday 31st March and our school is entering teams in the Yr 3/4, 5/6 and 7/8 grades. We will need 5 boys and 5 girls from each group. Trials will be held on Monday lunchtime for Yrs 3-6 and Tuesday lunchtime for Yrs 7 & 8. Please bring your PE gear to school on these days.
Swimming Sports
Thank you to the parents who have offered to time keep tomorrow at the swimming sports. We are looking for people to take some chairs down to the pool before 9.00 am and back again when finished. If you can help, please call into the office to collect some. Thank you.
Thai Takeaways
Please note that the lunch days have changed from Wednesday to Tuesdays for Thai lunches as the shop is now closed on a Wednesday.
North Otago Touch Rugby Meeting
There will be a North Otago Junior Touch Rugby meeting on Wednesday 8th March at 7.00 pm at the Criterion Hotel. They urgently need more helpers and would welcome help from parents, coaches etc.
Please reiterate to your children about the importance of scooter and road safety on their way to and from school. When they arrive at school, they are to park their scooters in the bike shed and not scooter around the school area.
Steel Netball Visit
On Monday, our school was lucky to have 3 Southern Steel netball players come and do netball skills with our Yr 5-8 netball players. In fact our school was really lucky to have 3 Silver Fern players by the names of Gina Crampton and sisters Te Paea and Te Huinga Reo Selby-Rickit. The Southern Steel were in Oamaru at the weekend for a training camp and players went and visited schools on the Monday. Please click the link to view photos of their session. Steel Netball visit
Winter Sports
If you have not yet registered for a sports team and would like to play for a school team, please email Miss Pope at sport@stjoseph.school.nz by next Tuesday. The list of names for each sport will be sent to the Teacher and Parent Reps next week.
Yr 8 Leadership Badges
The badges will be awarded to our Yr 8 students tomorrow at assembly at 2.30 pm. All welcome to attend.
Community Notices
- Kiwi Kids Tryathlon - held on Thursday 9th March at Oamaru Intermediate School at 4.00 pm. Registrations at 3.15 pm. Distances: Under 8 yrs - run 1 lap, bike 2 laps and run 1 lap; 8-10 yrs - swim 2 lengths, bike 3 laps and run 1 lap; 11 and over - swim 2 lengths, bike 4 laps and run 2 laps. Entry fees cost $5 for individuals and teams $5 each team member. Enquiries to Adair Craik on 021 309 439 adair@adairca.co.nz or Diane Talanoa 021 081 50688 or dianetalanoa@gmail.com
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