Saturday 28th May - Elenoa & Halalova Asi, Seth Sinclair, Lachlan Brookes and Elizabeth Plieger
Sunday 29th May - Michael Misiloi, Hana & Zara Davies and Molly-May Mestrom
Birthday Greetings to:
Halalova Asi, Anika Robinson and Leah Kofoed
Accommodation Wanted
Our caretaker principal is looking for a granny flat or something similar to rent while she is caretaker principal for the next term or 2. Please contact the office if you can help.
Last weekend a huge number of our children were involved in the Performing Arts Festival where a large number of them receiving cups, ribbons and trophies for their efforts. They participated in dancing, recitals and different variation of speech. Well done to all of you. Also our rugby boys competed for the New Zealand Marist Pompallier Trophy which was held in Timaru. We did extremely well with 4 trophies coming home with us. Not too bad for our first time competing at this tournament. A further report is included in the blog.
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Vince Vidallon, Cushla Bridges, Cameron Mather, Rhea Ratgali and Molly Whittaker compete in the 'Character Recital in Costume' section. |
A letter will be going home tomorrow regarding the Big Print Telephone Book. You are being asked if you can sell 1 large print phone book per family and it costs $10.00 per book. You can buy it yourself, sell it to a neighbour, workmate, friend or relative. If you would like more phone books to sell, please contact Rachel Fowler on 027 237 8234 or email at The Home and School appreciate your help.
Library Books
The library book 'Famous Campaigners for Change' by Nina Morgan was issued on behalf of one of the Junior Hub 1 new entrant pupils in mid-March. The book has not yet been returned. We would appreciate parents keeping an eye open for this book at home and returning it to school if found.
Uniform Shop
The next batch of polar fleeces and ties are now available at the Uniform Shop.
Community Notices - Please check the notice board for further information
- Netball Coaches and Umpires - There is an awesome opportunity for umpires and coaches to register and attend Steel netball games. Tickets cost $45.00 which includes; 1 x adult concession to the game, meet and greet with Steel Assistant Coach and Umpire delegate pre-game/post game and attend game with a host coach or umpire seated together to discuss the game in action. This is a fantastic opportunity that allows coaches and umpires to see/hear first-handed the tactics, plans heading into games and a great networking opportunity for coaches. The coaches/umpire call sessions available are:
Saturday 29th May - Steel v Mystic in DunedinSaturday 11th June - Steel v Firebirds in DunedinClick the link to formally register - Kakanui School Car Boot Sale - will be held on Sunday 29th May from 10.00 am to 12.00 pm. $5.00 per car/stall/table. Book a sport at the office or call 439 5837. Sausage sizzle.
- Fire & Steam Entertainment - will be held on Friday 3rd June from 6.30 to 9.00 pm. This is a thrilling event of controlled fire, steam, sound and lighting themed entertainment for the whole family. It is a non-stop show bringing Oamaru's Harbour Street alive and takes the atmosphere to completely new heights. The unique Victorian architecture of Harbour Street is beautifully illuminated with feature lighting displays, smoke effects, controlled explosions and food stalls.
- Looking for Out of School Care? OSCAR@Fenwick has been providing safe, fun, accredited care in Oamaru for 16 years. They have experienced, qualified and mature staff. For more information about our Before School, After School and Holiday programmes, please call Jenny on 021 156 5871 or 434 8797.
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