Thursday 5 May 2016

3. School Notices - Week 1, Term 2 2016

Altar Servers
Saturday 7th May - Elenoa & Halalova Asi, Seth Sinclair, Lachlan Brookes and Vince Vidallon
Sunday 8th May - Jonathan Jorgensen and Fritz Arsi

Birthday Greetings to:
Isabella Hanning, Hannah Miller, Bridie McGeown and Satua Paonga

Big Print Telephone Book
We are selling this community big print phone book so please put the word out to friends and family. They cost $10.00 each and are available from the school office.

Lions Club Junior Speech Contest
Those eligible to enter the contest are primary school pupils who are Yrs 5-8.  This contest will be held on Sunday 12 June at Fenwick School Hall starting at 9.45 am and finished by 12.00 pm.  For an entry form, please come to the office to collect them.

There are 4 school jerseys with the name Woodhouse on them.  Please check your child's jersey to see if they have the correct jersey.

A reminder that Thai is available on Wednesday's from $5.00 to $6.00 and Subway on Friday's for $5.00.

Open Day and Evening at St Kevin's College
This will be held on Thursday 12th May and the Principal's welcome is at 1.00 pm and 7.00 pm. Each of the session times will include a tour of the college and a chance to talk with students and staff, as well as introduction to St Kevin's.  The afternoon session will also have a tour of the Hostel Facilities. If you have families that are interested but not able to make the day, they are certainly welcome to contact St Kevin's school office on 437 1665 and they can arrange a more suitable time.

Mufti Day - Friday 6th May
Tomorrow we are holding a mufti day and we are asking for a gold coin donation to help support the Westpac Chopper appeal.

St Joseph's School Ski Programme 2016
A letter will be going home in your child's bag tomorrow regarding the ski programme for this year. If you are interested in letting your child ski this year, please return the tear off portion and return it to the school office.

We warmly welcome 5 new children to our school this week.  Chanel (Y8) and Morgan (Y5) Williams, Lily Wickham (Y6), Thomas (Y3) and Molly (NE) McGeown.
Winter Sports Uniform Hire
There are still a few families who have not paid the $5.00 uniform hire for their children's sports.  Please pay this by tomorrow morning in order for your child to receive a uniform for this Saturday's games.  Any queries, please contact Mrs Souness.

Winter Sports Draw
Look for the draw for each code further in the blog.

Uniform Shop
We are selling school ties for $15.00 each and also require more second hand winter uniforms including winter socks.

Community Notices
  • Oamaru Tap Dancing Association is selling agria spuds for $12.00 per bag as their fundraiser.  Please contact Angel Asi on 021 110 0908 to order your spuds or pick them from Beaurepaires between 10.00 am and 12.00 pm this Saturday.
  • Circus Aotearoa - this circus will be at the Oamaru Showgrounds on Friday 6th, Saturday 7th and Sunday 8th May.  A flyer has gone home with each child with the times and prices.
  • Pacific Art and Culture Classes - Tongan: Kahoa, make your own beautiful floral necklace is on Saturday 7th May from 2.00 - 4.00 pm.  Fijian: Masi, create tapa designs on table runners on Saturday 14th May from 2.00 - 4.00 pm.  Tuvaluan: Fou, design and make a floral garland or headdress on Saturday 21st May from 2.00 - 4.00 pm.  Samoan: Sei, construct your own floral hairpin to be worn on Saturday 28th May from 2.00 - 4.00 pm.  All ages are welcome.  The classes are free and to make a booking phone 433 0853 or email
  • Fun with Manderin classes - is an interactive and engaging language programme for children between the ages of 3 to 7 years old.  Starting Saturday 7th May at St Kevin's College Confucius classroom.  Cost $30 for 9 weeks.  Adult classes are held every Wednesday for term 2 from 7.00 to 8.30 pm.  Cost is $30 for 9 weeks.  For registration and information, contact Angie on 434 5792 or 021 177 8189 or

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