Thursday, 14 May 2015

6. Whats been happening during the last week?

Swimming - Junior Learning Hub
During the last 3 weeks, new entrants, years 1 and 2 have been having swimming lessons at the Waitaki Aquatic centre.  Huge improvements have been made by all swimmers during this time.  Thank you to the parents who assist us with our swimming.
Senior Learning Hub 1
Made hearts for Mothers Day out of wool.
Senior Learning Hub 2
Last Friday, this Hub had a 'Wonderful Mum' morning where they invited a wonderful lady to join them for activities and a morning tea. The Yr 6,7 & 8 started off with a quiz with their 'mums' followed by the Yr 6's having a three legged race and looked through their child's work.  The Yr 7's and their mums went into teams where they had to build a bridge using newspaper, sellotape, string and paper and were marked on strength and the length of the bridge.  The Yr 8's went into teams with their mums and had to make a stretcher out of newspapers, string, sellotape and then had to carry a weighted doll on their stretcher around an obstacle course in the playground.  This was followed by a shared morning tea.  All the mums thoroughly enjoyed their 'wonderful' morning.


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