Thursday, 28 May 2015

1. Principal News - Week 6 Term 2

Whanau Group learning time
Engagement in deep learning in relation to the Holy Spirit was shared in whanua groups this morning. This happens at the end of an RE strand and it is a great way to share the children's understanding of their learning concepts.The children come together in small family groups led by Year 7's and 8's and share their learning with each other.

Safety around buses
Concerns have been shared with us by the local bus companies with regards to safety around school buses. Please take note of the following:
-20 km is the speed limit when you pass a stationery school bus parked on either side of the road
-Double parking is dangerous. It restricts vision for everyone and buses cannot get past  especially in Usk Street due to it being a narrow street.

Learner Licenses and Student Agency
During the week, Senior Hub 2 learners met with their teachers to reflect on their learner licenses. Read about the process and listen to Kaleb, Joseph, Trish and Cushla share their views about the process by going to this link.

Student News
Read the latest student updates.Find out about the Worship Band and more by going to this link.
Year 7 leaders who gave a presentation to St Kevin's staff last week.

Thanks to all of our staff and students who continually aim high and reach for the stars in all that they do.
Every blessing to our children who will be receiving the Sacrament of Confirmation during Mass at 9:30 am on Sunday. We look forward to sharing this very special time with you and your families as the gift of the Holy Spirit strengthens and nourishes all of us.
Have a safe long weekend and we will see you all back at school on Tuesday 2nd June.

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