Kiaora Whanau,Malo e Lelei
School Mass:
Last Thursday Ruma Kereru-Year 1/2 presented the gospel. Yesterday Ruma Takahe-Year 7/8 presented the gospel at Mass. Next Week's gospel presentation will be Ruma Hoiho- Year 5/6. You are welcome to join us in celebrating Mass. Malo 'Aupito
In the Nicene Greed we say "I believe in one Lord Jesus Christ, the Only Begotten Son of God, born of the Father before all ages. God from God, Light from Light, true God from true God, begotten, not made, consubstantial with the Father; through him all things were made. Consubstantial describes the relationship between Jesus and the Father (New Words, Deeper Meaning, NZCBC 2010).
Holy Communion Parent Meeting
We had our first parent meeting last Monday organised by Mark and Adrienne Wylie. It was a good turn out and thank you to the parents who made it to the meeting. Our final meeting will be next Monday 16th at 7.00 pm at school. The theme was "Our Church gathers to celebrate. We listen to God's word". Parents support their child who took part in this holy sacrament to understand parts of Mass. A video "The Catholic Mass Explained" was shown to them which they can watch it together with their child at home. This video talks about the parts of Mass. "We are called to show our love for God by coming together as a community to celebrate Eucharist".
Faith Facts
Week 3- 9th – 13th August
10th St Lawrence
11th St Clare
15th Assumption of Blessed Virgin Mary, Patron Saint of New Zealand
The Catholic Church assigns one date out
of the year for each and canonized saint — known as the saint’s feast
day. The saints are remembered on their individual feast days with
special mention, prayers, and possibly a scripture reading.
The 15th of August is the feast of
the Assumption of Mary. Mary is the Patron saint of Aotearoa New Zealand.
It is a holy day of obligation when the Church celebrates Mary being taken to Heaven, body and soul to share in the Resurrection of her Son and anticipation of the resurrection of other Christians. Read this reflection on the Assumption by Father John O’Connor on Food for Faith.
Malo 'Aupito
God Bless
Tua Misiloi (Co DRS)
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