Thursday, 22 October 2020

1. Principal's News Week 2 Term 4 2020

Interschool Sports Exchange

Our year 8 students enjoyed a day's sport yesterday with the year 7 & 8 students from St Mary's in Mosgiel.  This is an annual event and one we really enjoy as it is an opportunity for our students to socialise with students from another Catholic school.  St Joseph's won the overall shield for the day.

Upcoming Dates

Please note school is closed Monday 16th November for a teacher only day.

Senior school production at St Kevin's auditorium 6pm Thursday 5 November.

Athletics Day - 10th November - we still need parent helpers please.

Junior Reading

I enjoyed a day's reading with our junior students yesterday.  The junior team leader, Leanne Brookes, myself and our wonderful learning support teachers Michele Fatafehi and Adrienne Spillane tested our junior readers to find out how they are doing.  We are very pleased with their progress but above and beyond this I was really impressed by their attitude.  Not one child was in any way put out by having to journey down to the other end of the school, or by reading with the principal or anyone else.  They knew they were being tested and I had wondered if I needed some incentives but none were needed because the children were confident, friendly and proud of themselves.  What positive and inspiring young learners!  Thank you parents for your reading support at home.

God Bless and Aroha

Lorraine Frances-Rees

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