Birthday Greetings
Atlanta Williams-McDowell, Alexie Phillips, Milah Anderson, Angelina Pardede and Mikayla Criddle
Please record the reason why your child is absent when you leave a message.
Advice from the Sport's Sidelines
If you are going to be a spectator at a sports ground this season, please take the time to read the excerpt further on the blog.

Plastic Free Day
Tuesday 16th June Plastic Results:
-Glad wrap: 21
- Chip/ snack wrappers: 86
- Straws: 1
- Yoghurt tubs: 9
- Ziploc bags: 11
Plastic Free Day Plastic Results
- Glad wrap: 4
- Chip/ snack wrappers: 27
- Straws: 0
- Yoghurt tubs: 3
- Ziploc bags: 3
The Envirogroup are very happy with the results and thank you for your support. Next Plastic Free Day is in term 3.
We would love some parents to help us weekly with our gardens. 30 minutes or one hour of your time a week would be great! Please contact Mrs. T, if you have time to help.

Good Luck
To our rugby players who start their season tomorrow and to our footballers who started their season last weekend.
Home and School
AGM - The Home and School held their annual AGM last week and the following ladies were re-elected to their office bearer positions: President - Rebecca Heffernan, Secretary - Suzanne Aston and Treasurer - Shiralee Bremner. A big thank you to these ladies and their committee as they do an amazing job for our school with lots of behind the scenes work and being an integral part of fundraising and our school community liaison.
Pies and Milo
This initiative will start up again on Wednesday 22nd July in term 3 (first Wednesday back at school). All pies are to be wrapped in foil with the child's name written on the outside and if they want a drink of milo to bring their named cup and 50 cents.
Junior Catholic School's Quadrangular Tournament
This tournament is for Yr 7, 8, 9 and 10 students and is being held in Dunedin on Tuesday 4th August and our intermediate sport teams go as part of St Kevin's College. This year we are entering two netball teams and one futsal team and a permission letter will go home with the selected students today. All permission slips need to be in by Tuesday 21st July.
There is a hard copy of the weekly school newsletter on the notice board outside the office. This is put there every Friday morning.
The boy's miniball team will have their first practice next Wednesday after school from 3.15 to 4.00 pm at St Joseph's.
If you are interested in attending coaching zoom courses, the links and dates are available on the North Otago Netball website or their Facebook page. Click the link for the website.
The rugby tops were handed out to players yesterday for their game this Saturday. This year all games are played in the spirit of rugby and getting children out on the field so there will be no trophies to play for as there is only 6 games. Teams will be even matched on the fields so if one team is 2 players short, one player will play for another team or thereabouts.
Mouth guards are to be worn in all grades.
Please note the first team named provides the referees unless one is named. WCS stands for Whitestone Contracting Stadium.
Draw - Friday 26th June - note change of day
11/12 years - 5.15 pm - Athletic v St Joseph's - Athies Ground in front of club rooms (WSC 5)
Draw - Saturday 27th June
7/8 years - 10.00 am - St Joseph's v Valley Black at SKC
9/10 years - 10.30 am - St Joseph's v Valley Gold at SKC
Sports Code of Conduct
Every family who has a child playing sport for St Joseph's will be given a hard copy of our Sports Code of Conduct. This is both for you and your child to read and to adhere too.
Sport Fees
We would like the fees to be paid or a payment plan in place before the season starts in term 3 or
you can speak to Mrs Frances-Rees about options. (Rugby is to be paid before term 3 starts, not
their start date of 27 June). Thank you very much to the families who have already paid these fees.
Uniforms will be given out to netball, basketball and miniball next week if you have made
payment towards them otherwise it will be in week one of term 3.
With winter sport back, what better time to have a strapping course led by local and current New Zealand Heartland rugby team physio 'Phillipa Masoe Physiotherapy'.
- This course is limited to 20 people
- Wednesday 1st July from 7.00 to 8.30 pm
- North Otago Hockey Turf Pavillion
- Cost $20.00 per person (tape cover)
To register please contact Mitch McRae on 027 434 9379 or email
Subway Lunches
Start up again next Friday 3rd July and as an opening special they will be half price e.g. $3.00 for a 6 inch and $4.50 for a foot long.
Wheels Day
Is on again tomorrow, remember to bring your helmets.
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