Assembly will be at 12.00 next Friday 5th July (last day of term).
This Week
We have had an exciting week. Our year 7 & 8s competed in our interschool with St Joseph's from Timaru which was hosted here in Oamaru this year. Oamaru won overall.
We have had our celebration of oral language. Every child in the school has prepared an oral language presentations and selected ones were shared with the school and parents this morning. The standard was very high.
Today our year 8 class has gone to Mosgiel to compete in our annual interschool with St Mary's. That's it for our sports exchanges this year.
Using your WITS
This system has been part of our behaviour management system for the past three years. We have promoted it a lot more strongly this year. It means:
Walk away
Talk it out
Seek help
If your child brings a problem home it helps to follow this process with them.
Polar Fleeces
Our apologies: - we have made several requests for the Warehouse to keep a good stock of our polar fleeces. We have now ordered for some stock to be kept at school so that we keep a range of sizes. These are on their way.
REMINDER: Friday 9th August is a teacher only professional development day and school will be closed.
Reports are coming home with children next Friday. Families who get two reports to different locations will have their reports posted. If we don't have address details for one of the parents both reports will go home with the child.
The reports tell you the level your child is working at and provide comments that will open the discussion we will have at parent interviews next term.
Interviews are now open for booking. Interviews are Tuesday 30th June and Monday 5th August. You can book your time at using the code rexwq
God Bless and Aroha
Lorraine Frances-Rees