Altar Servers
Saturday 15th September - Elenoa & Halalova Asi, Cooper & Madison Jones
Sunday 16th September - Daniel & Jonathan Jorgensen, Morgan Baillie and Ivy-Belle & Molly-May Mestrom
Birthday Greetings for the week
Hamish Fowler
Camp Items
Does anyone have a spare pair of tramping boots or a pack they could lend the Yr 8 students for their camp at Staveley in November. Please let Mrs Jones-Hogan know if you can help

Troy Chikowore who got selected in the North Otago Boys U13 Rep hockey team. Troy has played 5 games against teams from Invercargill to South Canterbury and still has a couple of games still to play. Well done Troy.
The Home & School need slow cookers and rice cookers for the Food Fair. If anyone has one that they can borrow, please contact Rebecca Heffernan on 027 432 4056 by the end of term. Please do not forget to write your name beside the cake donation for the cake wheel. They still require 21 cakes to be donated. Thank you to the families who have already put their name down as most of them have offered to donate 2 cakes/slices etc.
Good Luck
On Friday we are sending 5 students to compete at the Otago Primary Schools Cross Country competition in Dunedin. Good luck to Ben Gillies, Paddy & Seb Spillane and Matthew & Michael Woodhouse.
Next Wednesday we are sending 4 teams to the North Otago Top Schools Gymnastic competition where they will perform gymnastic routines and be judged on how well they do. The school with the most points wins the Top School Banner. A big thank you to Sara Jones-Hogan and Susie Jorgensen who have coached these children at lunchtimes in preparation for this competition.
Library Books
All school library books are due back by Friday 21st September and return to the box outside the office.
State Highway 1 Road Works Update
An update from Downer. The road works from Dee to Orwell Streets is going really well. The weather and ground below the road have been good to us so far and the crew have been working really hard to get the job done quickly so that the customers/pupils/home owners can return to normal. We are on target for being all packed up and away early next week.
If you have taken any photos of your children playing sport for St Joseph's this year or any representative games, can you please email them to as Mrs Brien would like them for the Sports Celebration in November.
There is still a handful of families who have not returned their winter sports uniforms. Please hand them in immediately.
Information will come out in next week's newsletter. If your child is interested in playing either soft ball cricket or hard ball cricket, please let Mrs Brien know.
Touch Rugby
Starts on Tuesday 23rd October. There will be a basic training session for anyone wishing to coach a touch team for parents or intermediate/high school students at the touch grounds on Tuesday 16th October from 4.00 to 5.00 pm and will be a great opportunity to learn the basics. Please let Paula Brien know if you are interested.
Duty Session - this will be held after the coaching session on Tuesday 16th October from 5.00 to 5.15 pm and Mel from North Otago Touch will show you what the duty involves. It should only take about 15 minutes.
New Information - With over 1000 players playing touch rugby in North Otago, schools are being asked to help more. This season, touch rugby duty will be shared amongst the schools and would mean approximately one duty per term. Team will take turns to be on duty from 3.45 pm to 5.15 pm for primary/intermediate schools and they would be responsible for putting the equipment out, organising the referee's etc. Schools who are on late duty will be responsible for bringing in the equipment.
Touch Rugby 'Official's will start wearing high-viz vests which will be worn by duty/committee adults and will be there for liaison and questions.
Thank you to the parents who let us know about their children playing/not playing touch this season. We still require coaches for the Ferns and Turbo teams. New team lists will be available next week due to new players coming in at the Yr 1/2/3 level. Looking at making another team in that grade.
Learn to Row Programme
The Oamaru Rowing Club is looking for new recruits. The Learn to Row Programme is open from Yr 7 to 99 years and is an incredible opportunity for you to learn a new skill and to meet lots of new people.
For those who work hard and succeed at the programme, you will have a chance to try out for a position to compete at regattas. Bring a friend and have a go at the Open Day on Sunday September 16th at 12.00 noon at The Esplanade, Oamaru. See their website at
Basketball New Zealand U13 Skills Days
The Skills Day will be held on Sunday 23rd September at the Edgar Centre in Dunedin. The athletes will be learning about accelerating, decelerating, jumping, landing, position retention etc that are essential skills for the developing athletes to learn, understand and adopt. Costs $55.00 for 4 hours. Girls from 10.00 am to 2.00 pm and boys from 2.00 to 6.00 pm. Dunedin.
There are students attending from other schools and are talking about car-pooling. If anyone is interested in car-pooling, please contact Susan de Geest at
Community Notices
- Waitaki Recreation Centre - Please find below some notices which we would really appreciate you sharing with your communities if possible. Thank you for your assistance.
1. Rec Centre Spring Membership Special - new members pay for 3 months (just $150) during the month of September and a get a fourth month FREE. Contact the Rec Centre on 434 6932, or call in at 43 Orwell St, Oamaru.
2. Active Kids Holiday Programme - Monday 8th to Friday 12th October at the Rec Centre. Mornings from 9.30 am to 12.30 pm. Just $7 per child per morning or $30 for the whole week. Register now at
3. Summer League Basketball at the Rec Centre - starts Wednesday 17th October. Mixed social competition. Heaps of fun, register your team online now at Thank you Diane Talanoa
- The Developing Brain - The Big Picture of 0-18 Years - Nathan Wallis provides an informative narrative on how our day-to-day interactions with children and young people, significantly the early years, plays a critical role in defining later outcomes for our children and for our future. Don't miss out on this opportunity to hear Nathan Wallis speak. Get in quick as this event will sell out. Held at St Kevin's College on Monday 1st October from 7.30 pm to 9.00 pm. Tickets available at
- Rainbow Fun Run - held at the Oamaru Racecourse on Saturday 17th November at 11.00 am start. Choose from the 5km fun run/walk; 5 rainbow colour stations; tickets cost $10 per person. Wear black or white to get the full burst of colour.
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