Saturday 18th November - Elenoa Asi, Kristiana Whiston and Molly-May Mestrom
Sunday 19th November - Henry Robinson, Daniel & Jonathan Jorgensen and Molly-May Mestrom
Birthday Greetings:
Zyanya Pe, Siua Tu'akoi, Cody Marshall and Luse Asi
This week we held our senior and junior athletics and it was really pleasing to see everyone from both the seniors and juniors giving it a go. A very big thank to our parent helpers and ex pupils who helped with the rotations and for participating in the senior relay race which was closely contested. Our whole school relays showed great school spirit and again there were some close races. North Otago Athletic notices will be given out tomorrow and Monday and to be returned back to the office by Wednesday as they will be compiled and sent away that day. Trophy presentations for 8-13 year olds will be awarded at assembly on Friday 1st December. Please click the link to view photos from both days. SCHOOL ATHLETICS

A cricket notice will be sent home this week regarding the Boy's Blast and the Girls Smash competition happening in February next year. Teams need to be organised this term so North Otago Cricket can have an indication of how many teams there will be. The competition is played on a Friday night from 4.00 to 5.00 pm for 4 weeks.
Cricket Draw - Saturday 18th November
Intermediate A - St Joseph;s/Union v Valley Blue - Weston Park 1
Intermediate B - St Joseph's v Valley Black - SKC 1
Primary - St Joseph's v Valley - Weston Park 2
Super Star - St Joseph's Sparks v Kurow - Weston Park outfield
Academy - 9.30 am start at Centennial Oval
Christmas Shoe Boxes
A special thank you to everyone who has donated a Christmas Shoe Box to the parish this year. You have made a difference in the life of a child. Over 400 boxes went from Oamaru this year. God bless you in Christmas. Thank you Roseanne Sheridan.
Drop n Drive Zone
A reminder that this Drop n Drive zone is for cars who are dropping off children to school. If you have to get out of your car and take your child into class or speak to someone, please do not park in this zone as it is frustrating for the ones who have to move on quickly.
Mobile Phones

Multicultural Day
A very big thank to everyone who came dressed in their native clothing and to all the parents/friends who came and helped with the activities, lunch and the concert. We certainly have lots of talented people at this school. If you cannot access Facebook, you can see some of the photos of the day at this link. MULTICULTURAL DAY 2017
Swimming Lessons
The dates for our swimming lessons for term 1 for the whole school will be in next week's newsletter. A notice will be sent home asking if your child is involved with the Waitaki Aquatic centre swimming lessons and what level they are at as this will make it easier to put the children into groups and what pool they should be in.
St Kevin's College Orientation Day
Orientation Day for the 2018 intake will be held on Thursday 30th November. It is a great day to get to know the students and for students to get to know us and each other. Please bring a packed lunch and come in mufti (do not wear good clothes as you could be getting dirty). Children with personal devices should bring them along. Any questions please feel free to call St Kevin's school office on 437 1665.
Terrific Thursdays
Today is the last day for Terrific Thursdays and it will resume again in term 1 next year.
Waitaki Community Gardens - Situation Vacant
The WCG and The Local Classroom are seeking a Kids growing Facilitator for 30-40 hours per week during the 2018 school year to teach gardening, cooking and hands-on science at 13 schools across the Waitaki District. For a full job description, please see the attachment in the email. To apply for the position, please email your cover letter and CV to by Wednesday 22nd November. A copy of the job description is also available at our school office.
Yr 8 Camp
Last week year 8 had a challenging but rewarding camp tramping Mt Somers. The weather was a mixed bag from sunshine and swimming to 100 km winds and snow flurries. We all enjoyed hanging out and becoming closer as a class. There were many great memories and new experiences throughout the camp. Overall it was such an achievement reaching the Pinnacles carpark and all of the children and adults should be proud for making it through the highs and lows of camp. A huge thank you to our parent helpers and guides for making this possible. To see photos of the camp and some amazing scenery, click this link YR 8 CAMP 2017
Community Notices
- St Kevin's College 2018 Australian Netball Tour Bacon Fundraiser - $10 per 500 g pack. Natural West Coast smoke, quality maple syrup cure from Campbells Butchery. Orders to Paula Brien on or phone 027 437 1291 by next week.
- Fast & Furious Swim Race - held at the Waitaki Aquatic Centre on Friday 24th November. This is free and anyone can enter as long as they can swim a length of the big pool. You do not need to be currently enrolled in any learn to swim program or squad. Fill out an entry form at the pool office before Wednesday 22nd November. Warm up at 5.30 with start at 6.00 pm.
- Kakanui School Home & Garden Tour - held on Sunday 3rd December from 10.00 am to 4.00 pm. View up to 9 properties. Refresh between 2.00 - 4.00 pm at Kakanui School for Devonshire tea, plant & Christmas stalls. Tickets cost $20 from Kakanui school office or Paper Plus.
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