Thursday, 27 July 2017

1. Principal's News Week 1, Term 3, 2017

As we are half way through the year its timely to remind families about home learning.  Research has shown that learning conversations between parents and children reinforces school learning.  That’s why our teachers send you a link each week to the learning intentions on the Teaching and Learning site.  These are the main learning intentions for the week and the link allows you to open a conversation with your child about what they are learning.  Each time they reconsider it, it deepens the connection and embeds the learning.  Repetition makes it stick.

Class teachers also send you a link to the class blog – this gives you an idea of what has been done in class and again offers the opportunity for a learning conversation. 

Year 6s Gospel Presentation today

Low Key Family Learning Hui – Friday 28th 2pm, Staffroom - Maths
I would like to invite interested whanau to catch up with me at 2pm on Friday to talk about how you can help your child learn basic maths facts at home.  This is an informal catchup and I’ll show you some simple things you can do with a pack of cards to reinforce maths learning at any level. 

Literacy Learning Difficulties
For any families who have children diagnosed with dyslexia or suspected dyslexia, I have a program that may be able to help.  We did this a few years ago and the children on the program made big steps forwards with their reading.  This will be on Monday 31st July at 3pm in the staffroom for about 30 minutes and you can bring your child.

Keeping Ourselves Safe and Classes for 2018
On Tuesday 1 August at 6.30pm, we are having a sharing session on “Keeping Ourselves Safe.”  This is a program designed by NZ Police and run in schools.  We run this program within the perspective of our Catholic Special Character.  Parents are warmly encouraged to come along and find out more about it.

Before that at 6.00pm our senior leadership team will be in the staffroom to discuss potential class compositions for the years 3 to 6 classes in 2018.

We wish everyone a peaceful and productive term 3.

God bless and aroha,
Mrs Frances-Rees

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