Altar Servers
Saturday 10th December - Elenoa & Halalova Asi, Max Fatafehi and Molly Whittaker
Sunday 11th December - Michael Misiloi, Hana & Zara Davies
Birthday Greetings
Xanthea Moore, Christopher Jorgensen and Sam Asi
Cricket Draw - Saturday 10th December
4th Grade A - St Joseph's v Valley at Weston Park 1
4th Grade B - St Joseph's has the bye
End of Year Mass
There will be no school Mass next Thursday as the children will be preparing for their End of Year Mass that night. Children are to be dropped off at school by 5.45 pm and assemble on the court outside the staff room. They are to come dressed in their summer school uniform (not PE uniform) and be well groomed. Mass starts at 6.00 pm followed by the Yr 8 leavers' certificate and trophy presentations. Full attendance is expected from everyone.
House Colour Mufti Day
On Monday the children come to school dressed in their house colours and to bring a gold coin donation which will go to Caritas. In the afternoon, the children will have a water fight amongst their hubs and are asked to bring a change of clothes, small towel and a water gun but not water balloons. This activity is organised by our Yr 8 House Captains.
Junior Nativity
Today the junior school performed their annual Nativity production at Mass this morning which was performed with aplomb as they have been practising for the last 4 weeks every day. It was great to see the church full with parents and caregivers. Special thanks goes to Mrs Leanne Brookes who organised the nativity practices, costumes, music and to all the other parent helpers who contributed.
Kotuitui (Assembly)
A reminder that Kotuitui starts at the earlier time tomorrow of 2.00 pm and not 2.30 pm due to the number of certificates and presentations to be made.

Cameron Mather has lost his named 'Black Caps' hat during Cultural Day. It is a cricket hat which is beige on one side and black on the other. Please check your child's bags.
Lost Property
There is a huge amount of lost clothing in the Lost Property area located in the sick bay. Please come and check to see if your child's clothing is there otherwise it will be given to St Vincent de Paul or the Uniform Shop. There is track pants, sweat shirts, jackets, socks, polar fleeces etc. A lot of the clothing has the names of children who were at school so it is really important to rewrite your child's name on the items of clothing that you buy.
Multicultural Day
On Tuesday we held our annual Multicultural Day where the children came to school dressed in their native clothing. They started the day off in their Whanau Groups and went to different rotations and did art and craft from countries like South American, Pasifika, India, Phillipines etc. They did various food activities from the Netherlands, India and the Phillipines and learnt the Haka and Irish Dancing. Many thanks to the parents who came in and helped with the activities and performed items and to our Yr 8 students who showed their leadership skills. Special thanks to Mrs Jan Plieger for coordinating this day. CLICK THE LINK TO VIEW PHOTOS
Reports and 2017 Stationery Lists
Next Thursday the children will receive their end of year reports and stationery lists for next year, so please check your child's bag for these items.
Santa Parade Photos
On Saturday some of our staff and students entered the Santa Parade on the Parish Float. Thanks to all who contributed towards the day.
School Disco
Thanks to the Home and School who organised a well run Christmas themed disco for the Yr 0 to 6 children last Friday. It was great to see the children get into the spirit of the theme.
School Road Patrol
Yesterday Constable Carrie Hamilton took the Yr 8 Road Patrollers to the swimming pool as an end of year treat and to say thank you for doing a wonderful job.
Touch Rugby Results
Prize giving was held on Tuesday night after the games were cancelled. Congratulations to our Yr 4/5/6 Dynamos team who won their section and the Yr 7/8 Pumas team who got 2nd in their section. A big thank you to all of the coaches and parents who supported our teams this year.
New touch teams will start again in term 1.
Yr 6 Education Outside the Classroom
Last week our Yr 6 students had an activities week where they did things like Master Chef, Technology Challenge, Rock Climbing, ABL Activities, Abseiling, Scavenger Hunt, Leap, Ross Creek and an Amazing Race. The children have loved it and it has been an amazing week of team work, laughter and being together as a class. They have got to know each other really well and everyone has tried something they have never done before or had got better at something they could do. Thanks to Debbie Sinclair for your fundraising efforts and to all the parents who have helped either with transport, activities, going to the supermarket, preparing food etc. Thank you. To view the photos CLICK THE LINK PHOTOS To view the video CLICK THE LINK VIDEO
Uniform Shop Hours
The Uniform Shop will be open the following hours during the holidays. If you have any queries, please contact Adele on 027 434 3338
Friday 27th January - 10.00 am to 2.00 pm
Monday 30th January - 12.00 to 2.00 pm
Tuesday 31st January - 8.15 to 9.15 am
There are more PE tops which have arrived. If you would like to donate items of clothing to the Uniform Shop, it will be much appreciated.
Busy Bumbles Holiday Programme
Please contact Jocelyn Marsh on 027 552 2756 if you are interested in enrolling your children into the holiday programme. Click the links to view the programmes on offer.

Click the link Busy Bumbles Christmas Week Holiday Programme
Click the link Busy Bumbles January Holiday Programme
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