Thursday 17 November 2016

1. Principal's News - Week 6, Term 4, 2016

Year 8 Camp
A big welcome back to the year 8s, Mr C and parents from your camp at Mt Somers.  This was our 22nd year 8 camp at Mt Somers, so it is somewhat of a tradition.  On the first day the children investigated a couple of Peel Forest tracks looking at remnants of native bush.  They then spent their first night at Staveley camp.  They usually walk up the Coalminer's track to Woolshed Creek where they camp and investigate water caves, a swing bridge and other features, although this year they started on the Pinnacles side in order to avoid another party.  Then on the their third day they go to Pinnacles hut where they stay before returning back down to Staveley on the fourth day.  After an evening of liturgy and celebration they return to school, stopping for lunch and a game in Timaru on the way.

It is a genuine outdoors experience where they are "off the grid" and they experience parts of New Zealand which are only accessible by foot.  Some parts of the track are challenging and each year the children are able to challenge themselves regardless of ability or previous experience.  Our year 8s are preparing presentations to share their experience.

 Intermediate Information Evening and Family Learning Hui

Based on your feedback about your wishes for your child’s education, we aim for our graduates to be:
Young faith-filled people who have developed excellence in their spiritual, emotional, physical, social and academic lives according to their own gifts, talents and abilities.  They are confident, respectful and responsible and have experienced success in learning.  They will value their own strengths and talents and have well-developed strategies for facing challenges.  These young people will be well prepared for the changing world beyond school.

Our intermediate information evening has a CHANGED DATE to Thursday 24th November.  This is so that our guests, Mr Paul Olsen and senior staff from St Kevin's can also attend.  Our Family Learning Hui is Friday 25th November.  You will all have received a personal invitation.

Some of the information on the intermediate evening will be shared at the Family Learning Hui.  The information for the intermediate evening will be aimed at next year's year 7 & 8s, whereas the Family Learning Hui will be aimed at the year 1-6 classes.  The intermediate information will cover information relevant for the whole school and if you have children in both areas and need to pick a night, I suggest the intermediate night.  We invite families to bring a takeaway tea to share as a picnic at the FLH at 5.30 pm.  Please wait for us all to eat together - we will start with grace at 5.30 pm.  Our year 8s will then lead games for the children outside and the Home and School is providing ice blocks for the children, while the adults move inside for the FLH.

Activator Sport
We are looking at using the Youthtown Activator Sport sessions next year.   These are three sessions per class per term which develop physical skills and provide sports coaching for all levels.  Our recent self review of physical education showed we are doing a good job of teaching explicit skills in all areas of the Health and Physical Education curriculum and the Activator sessions may be a good support to our program.  The year 6 class are trialling it on Thursday 17, Monday 21 and Thursday 24 November.  I will ask a year 6 news reporting team to report back for the next newsletter.

As part of our respect value we are focusing on putting rubbish in the bin.  The plastic we drop generally gets blown into the gutters, then to the drains and on into the sea and in this week's start of week prayers we also had a look at the consequences of this.   Ask your child(ren) to tell you about it.

For those of you who knew Siobhan Patterson, her husband Rod passed on the weekend - may he rest in peace.  There will be a service at 1pm on Friday 25th November at the Waimate Cemetery.

Year 7 Camp

Yes its raining here!  But Mrs Asi's plan B is working a treat and the children are having a really good time.  Here's some photos.

No river crossing for us

Our Wilderpeople

Making damper

Making damper and crumble



God Bless
Lorraine Frances-Rees

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