Thursday 24 November 2016

1. Principal's News - Week 7, Term 4 2016

Information Gathering
I think I have now reached saturation point with my information gathering.  This means that new information is now confirming the picture I have formed and not changing it.  I'm pretty sure I've got a good picture now of all the things I need to know  in order to advise our board of trustees and lead the staff in the further development of systems and practices that will continue to raise educational outcomes for your children.

I really do have an "open door" policy so please keep talking to me and letting me know how things are going for you and your children or if there are any worries or concerns.   Positive feedback is good too and thank you to the parents who have given positive feedback - its an indication that we're going in a good direction.

Intermediate Information Evening and Family Learning Hui
These two evenings are a chance for the staff and myself to give you an outline of what things will be like next year.

Intermediate Evening - tonight (Thursday) at 6.30 pm in the hall
Family Learning Hui - tomorrow (Friday) starting at 5.30 pm with a picnic tea (bring your own) followed by the hui and games for the children run by the year 8's. If it is raining tomorrow night, the picnic tea will be held in the hall.

Device Use
We will be cutting back significantly on device use towards the end of term.  When we use devices we want to use them specifically for learning and I will talk more about that in the intermediate evening tonight.  Children don't need to be taught how to use technology - they naturally get that but they definitely need to be taught to use technology well as part of becoming information literate.

Me and My School
This is an in-depth survey for year 7 & 8s.  It is run by the New Zealand Council for Education Research and it is "normed" - that means that they have enough results on a nationwide basis to be able to give statistical information that allows you to compare your school with the national "normal." It measures a lot of aspects with the main areas being attitudes to reading, extra curricular activities, attitude to school, emotional engagement in learning and cognitive engagement.  We have worked very hard to increase cognitive engagement.  Cognitive engagement means that students are deeply challenged.  A lot of time spent doing pretty borders, and exquisite handwriting, or flashy Powerpoints is emotional engagement but not cognitive engagement - we want both, we want children to enjoy learning, but cognitive engagement is what really makes the difference.  We have always had a big focus on this and next year it will be the prime focus for our professional development.

In all areas we compare favourably with the "norm."  I am also gathering and analysing our national standards data for the Board and one of the areas I'm looking at is children who have been in our school all the way through.  I'm pleased to say their achievement levels on the whole are very high and a lot higher than national expectations.  I can give more information on that in the next newsletter.

For Parents to Note:
We can see from our results in this survey that there is a connection between engagement and success at school and what children do outside of school.  We have good data from our survey that tells us that for the children who are engaged in extra curricular activities - sports teams, or cultural activities - their attitude and engagement at school is much higher.  Students who indicated they played a lot of video/computer games or watched a lot of TV/You Tube were the same students who also indicated low engagement levels and negative attitudes at school.  Attitude and engagement directly feeds into achievement so if you want your child to succeed, keeping them involved in extra curricular activities and minimising screen time is the key.  But we already knew that!  So its about balance.  We definitely need to teach digital and information literacy skills to our older children but we have to be mindful both at school and at home that too much is definitely not a good thing.

I look forward to seeing you at our information evenings over the next couple of nights.

God bless
Lorraine Frances-Rees

2. Special Character - Week 7, Term 4 2016

On Tuesday 22nd November children preparing to receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation focused on the next two lessons. They were 'Reconciliation' (To lead to an understanding of our need to admit wrong doing/seek forgiveness/work at making up) and 'The Sacrament of Reconciliation' (To lead the children to understand and appreciate the gifts of God's forgiving love as celebrated in the Sacrament of Reconciliation). The children brought home  preparation activities to share with their families. It is so important that these lessons are done as a family. For each theme a number of ideas are given: topics to talk about together,things to do together and suggestions for praying together. 
I will also have a catch-up next week with the children.
We will also be having a practice on Friday 25th at 9.50 am with Father Wayne.
The children will receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation straight after the 9.30 am Mass. We hope to see many of our school families there as well to help support our children on their next step on their Journey of Faith. 

These children will prepare for and receive the Sacrament of Confirmation in Term 2 (Sunday 25th June) and the Sacrament of The Holy Eucharist in Term 3 (20th August).

3, School Posts - Week 7, Term 4 2016

"One of the most sincere forms of respect is actually listening to what another has to say"

Altar Servers

Saturday 26th November - Indya & Mackenzie Cunningham, Joshua Criddle and Troy Chikowore
Sunday 27th November - Rhea Ratgali, Seth Bartley, Jonathan Jorgensen and Henry Robinson

Birthday Greetings to:

Matthew Gough, Stirling Heffernan, Tessa Souness, Cassidy Rawson, Angus Burke and Annalise Kilgour

Christmas Parade

Celebrate the 2016 Santa Parade 2016 by being part of the St Patrick's Parish Float on Saturday 3rd December.  Meet at 9.00 am at St Joseph's hall/carpark.  Come dressed as shepherds, angels, wise men or inn keepers.  Drop off and pick up from St Joseph's.  Contact Mrs Brookes or the parish or school offices to confirm your interest.
Cricket Draw - Saturday 26th November 
4th Grade A - St Joseph's v Kurow at SKC 1
4th Grade B - St Joseph's v Union at King George Park 2

The library stock place will take place on Tuesday 6th December.  All books will be boxed in preparation for their shift to the new library location upstairs.  It would be extremely helpful and much appreciated if any outstanding books could be returned, replaced or paid for by the stock take date.  Thanks for your assistance.


Cruz Illingworth has lost his named school jacket in the junior school.  Please check your child's jacket to see if it is theirs.

North Otago Athletics

Congratulations to the children who participated in the North Otago Athletics on Monday and to those who received placings.  These children will receive their certificates at Kotuitui on Friday 9th December as the senior children are away the next two Fridays'.  Thank you to Miss Mann-O'Mally and the St Kevin's students who helped out.

School Disco

On Friday 2nd December, the Home and school are holding a school disco for new entrants to Yr 6 in the school hall from 6.00 to 7.30 pm.  The theme is Christmas and they would love to see as many of the children dress up in the theme. (even a piece of tinsel put on you).  The disco is for school children only and therefore we ask that no pre-schoolers attend as it is an end of year school celebration.  Tickets cost $3.00 each which gives you an entry ticket, glow stick, bag of chips and a drink.  Entry is paid at the door. 

School Photos
The children should have received their ordered school photos today.  If they haven't received them, please first check with your child's teacher otherwise contact Fotographix on 433 0015.

Touch Rugby

The season will finish on Tuesday 6th December.

We warmly welcome Siua Tu'akoi who started school this week to our new entrants class.

Yr 7 Camp

Last week our Yr 7's went to their annual camp at IONA where unfortunately the weather gods weren't too kind, however they managed to do other activities to keep them occupied.  Many thanks to Mrs Asi and all the parent helpers who made this camp a success. Here are some photos of their camp.  Click the link Yr 7 Camp

Yr 7 & 8 Social
This will be held on Friday 9th December in the school hall.  Doors open at 5.30 pm for the Yr 8's and tea will be served at 6.00 pm sharp by the Home & School. The Yr 7's will join them at 7.30 pm for a dance until 9.00 pm and they are to bring a plate for supper and parents can join their children for a dance at 8.45 pm.  The theme is masquerade.

Busy Bumbles Holiday Programme
Please contact Jocelyn Marsh on 027 552 2756 if you are interested in enrolling your children into the holiday programme. Click the links to view the programmes on offer. Busy Bumbles Christmas Week Holiday Programme
 Busy Bumbles January Holiday Programme

Community Notices
Hello all friends and family of Victoria Cooper Academy of Dance,
This year we are performing Peter Pan at the Oamaru Opera house on Sunday 11th December at 1.00 and 5.00 pm. You can get your tickets at ticket direct or from the Opera House counter. $9.50 plus service fees per seat. Feel free to pass this email on. The URLs are below for making quick purchases.
Thanks for all your support this year. Have a fantastic festive season.
Event URL:

4. Diary Dates - Week 7, Term 4 2016

Thursday 24           -  Intermediate Information Evening from 6.30 to 8.00 pm – note new date
Friday 25                 -  Yr 8 Orientation Day at SKC all day
                                    -  All school library books due back today
                                    -  Celebration Kotuitui at 2.30 pm
                                    -  Picnic followed by games from 5.30 to 6.00 pm
                                    -  Family Learning Hui at 6.00 pm in the school hall
Sunday 27                -  First Reconciliation after Mass at 9.30 to 11.00 am
Monday 28               -  Yr 6 Activities Week
Tuesday 29              -  Yr 6 Activities Week
                                    -  BOT and Home & School social dinner
Wednesday 30        -  Yr 6 Activities Week

Thursday 1              -  Technology for Yr 7 & 8 at St Kevin’s
                                    -  Yr 6 Activities Week
                                    -  School Mass at 9.15 am
Friday 2                    -  Technology for Yr 7 & 8 at St Kevin’s
                                    -  Yr 6 Activities Week
                                    -  Yr 1-6 social  - Xmas theme from 6.00 to 7.30 pm
Saturday 3               -  Santa Parade, parish float
Tuesday 6                -  BOT Meeting
                                    -  Cultural Day at school all day
                                    -  Library Book stock take *
Wednesday 7          -  Road Patrol Reward *
Thursday 8              -  School Mass at 9.15 am
                                    -  Junior School Nativity at School Mass at 9.15 am
                                    -  Transition to 2017 afternoon from 2.00 to 3.00 pm
Friday 9                    -  Yr 7 & 8 Social - Yr 8 from 5.30 and Yr 7 from 7.30 pm *
                                    -  Young Vinnies lunch and certificates *
                                    -  Kotuitui – North Otago Certificates *
Monday 12              -  House Colour Mufti Day *
Tuesday 13              -  End of Year Liturgy for Yr 8 from 11.00 am to 12.00 pm
Thursday 15           -  End of Year Mass at 6.00 pm
Friday 16                 -  Last assembly/carols from 12.00 to 12.30 pm
                                    -  School finishes at 12.30 pm 

3, School Posts - Week 7, Term 4 2016

"One of the most sincere forms of respect is actually listening to what another has to say"

Altar Servers

Saturday 26th November - Indya & Mackenzie Cunningham, Joshua Criddle and Troy Chikowore
Sunday 27th November - Rhea Ratgali, Seth Bartley, Jonathan Jorgensen and Henry Robinson

Birthday Greetings to:

Matthew Gough, Stirling Heffernan, Tessa Souness, Cassidy Rawson, Angus Burke and Annalise Kilgour

Christmas Parade

Celebrate the 2016 Santa Parade 2016 by being part of the St Patrick's Parish Float on Saturday 3rd December.  Meet at 9.00 am at St Joseph's hall/carpark.  Come dressed as shepherds, angels, wise men or inn keepers.  Drop off and pick up from St Joseph's.  Contact Mrs Brookes or the parish or school offices to confirm your interest.
Cricket Draw - Saturday 26th November 
4th Grade A - St Joseph's v Kurow at SKC 1
4th Grade B - St Joseph's v Union at King George Park 2

The library stock place will take place on Tuesday 6th December.  All books will be boxed in preparation for their shift to the new library location upstairs.  It would be extremely helpful and much appreciated if any outstanding books could be returned, replaced or paid for by the stock take date.  Thanks for your assistance.


Cruz Illingworth has lost his named school jacket in the junior school.  Please check your child's jacket to see if it is theirs.

North Otago Athletics

Congratulations to the children who participated in the North Otago Athletics on Monday and to those who received placings.  These children will receive their certificates at Kotuitui on Friday 9th December as the senior children are away the next two Fridays'.  Thank you to Miss Mann-O'Mally and the St Kevin's students who helped out.

School Disco

On Friday 2nd December, the Home and school are holding a school disco for new entrants to Yr 6 in the school hall from 6.00 to 7.30 pm.  The theme is Christmas and they would love to see as many of the children dress up in the theme. (even a piece of tinsel put on you).  The disco is for school children only and therefore we ask that no pre-schoolers attend as it is an end of year school celebration.  Tickets cost $3.00 each which gives you an entry ticket, glow stick, bag of chips and a drink.  Entry is paid at the door. 

School Photos
The children should have received their ordered school photos today.  If they haven't received them, please first check with your child's teacher otherwise contact Fotographix on 433 0015.

Touch Rugby

The season will finish on Tuesday 6th December.

We warmly welcome Siua Tu'akoi who started school this week to our new entrants class.

Yr 7 Camp

Last week our Yr 7's went to their annual camp at IONA where unfortunately the weather gods weren't too kind, however they managed to do other activities to keep them occupied.  Many thanks to Mrs Asi and all the parent helpers who made this camp a success. Here are some photos of their camp.  Click the link Yr 7 Camp

Yr 7 & 8 Social
This will be held on Friday 9th December in the school hall.  Doors open at 5.30 pm for the Yr 8's and tea will be served at 6.00 pm sharp by the Home & School. The Yr 7's will join them at 7.30 pm for a dance until 9.00 pm and they are to bring a plate for supper and parents can join their children for a dance at 8.45 pm.  The theme is masquerade.

Busy Bumbles Holiday Programme
Please contact Jocelyn Marsh on 027 552 2756 if you are interested in enrolling your children into the holiday programme. Click the links to view the programmes on offer. Busy Bumbles Christmas Week Holiday Programme
 Busy Bumbles January Holiday Programme

Community Notices
Hello all friends and family of Victoria Cooper Academy of Dance,
This year we are performing Peter Pan at the Oamaru Opera house on Sunday 11th December at 1.00 and 5.00 pm. You can get your tickets at ticket direct or from the Opera House counter. $9.50 plus service fees per seat. Feel free to pass this email on. The URLs are below for making quick purchases.
Thanks for all your support this year. Have a fantastic festive season.
Event URL:

3, School Posts - Week 7, Term 4 2016

"One of the most sincere forms of respect is actually listening to what another has to say"

Altar Servers

Saturday 26th November - Indya & Mackenzie Cunningham, Joshua Criddle and Troy Chikowore
Sunday 27th November - Rhea Ratgali, Seth Bartley, Jonathan Jorgensen and Henry Robinson

Birthday Greetings to:

Matthew Gough, Stirling Heffernan, Tessa Souness, Cassidy Rawson, Angus Burke and Annalise Kilgour

Christmas Parade

Celebrate the 2016 Santa Parade 2016 by being part of the St Patrick's Parish Float on Saturday 3rd December.  Meet at 9.00 am at St Joseph's hall/carpark.  Come dressed as shepherds, angels, wise men or inn keepers.  Drop off and pick up from St Joseph's.  Contact Mrs Brookes or the parish or school offices to confirm your interest.
Cricket Draw - Saturday 26th November 
4th Grade A - St Joseph's v Kurow at SKC 1
4th Grade B - St Joseph's v Union at King George Park 2

The library stock place will take place on Tuesday 6th December.  All books will be boxed in preparation for their shift to the new library location upstairs.  It would be extremely helpful and much appreciated if any outstanding books could be returned, replaced or paid for by the stock take date.  Thanks for your assistance.


Cruz Illingworth has lost his named school jacket in the junior school.  Please check your child's jacket to see if it is theirs.

North Otago Athletics

Congratulations to the children who participated in the North Otago Athletics on Monday and to those who received placings.  These children will receive their certificates at Kotuitui on Friday 9th December as the senior children are away the next two Fridays'.  Thank you to Miss Mann-O'Mally and the St Kevin's students who helped out.

School Disco

On Friday 2nd December, the Home and school are holding a school disco for new entrants to Yr 6 in the school hall from 6.00 to 7.30 pm.  The theme is Christmas and they would love to see as many of the children dress up in the theme. (even a piece of tinsel put on you).  The disco is for school children only and therefore we ask that no pre-schoolers attend as it is an end of year school celebration.  Tickets cost $3.00 each which gives you an entry ticket, glow stick, bag of chips and a drink.  Entry is paid at the door. 

School Photos
The children should have received their ordered school photos today.  If they haven't received them, please first check with your child's teacher otherwise contact Fotographix on 433 0015.

Touch Rugby

The season will finish on Tuesday 6th December.

We warmly welcome Siua Tu'akoi who started school this week to our new entrants class.

Yr 7 Camp

Last week our Yr 7's went to their annual camp at IONA where unfortunately the weather gods weren't too kind, however they managed to do other activities to keep them occupied.  Many thanks to Mrs Asi and all the parent helpers who made this camp a success. Here are some photos of their camp.  Click the link Yr 7 Camp

Yr 7 & 8 Social
This will be held on Friday 9th December in the school hall.  Doors open at 5.30 pm for the Yr 8's and tea will be served at 6.00 pm sharp by the Home & School. The Yr 7's will join them at 7.30 pm for a dance until 9.00 pm and they are to bring a plate for supper and parents can join their children for a dance at 8.45 pm.  The theme is masquerade.

Busy Bumbles Holiday Programme
Please contact Jocelyn Marsh on 027 552 2756 if you are interested in enrolling your children into the holiday programme. Click the links to view the programmes on offer. Busy Bumbles Christmas Week Holiday Programme
 Busy Bumbles January Holiday Programme

Community Notices
Hello all friends and family of Victoria Cooper Academy of Dance,
This year we are performing Peter Pan at the Oamaru Opera house on Sunday 11th December at 1.00 and 5.00 pm. You can get your tickets at ticket direct or from the Opera House counter. $9.50 plus service fees per seat. Feel free to pass this email on. The URLs are below for making quick purchases.
Thanks for all your support this year. Have a fantastic festive season.
Event URL:

3, School Posts - Week 7, Term 4 2016

"One of the most sincere forms of respect is actually listening to what another has to say"

Altar Servers

Saturday 26th November - Indya & Mackenzie Cunningham, Joshua Criddle and Troy Chikowore
Sunday 27th November - Rhea Ratgali, Seth Bartley, Jonathan Jorgensen and Henry Robinson

Birthday Greetings to:

Matthew Gough, Stirling Heffernan, Tessa Souness, Cassidy Rawson, Angus Burke and Annalise Kilgour

Christmas Parade

Celebrate the 2016 Santa Parade 2016 by being part of the St Patrick's Parish Float on Saturday 3rd December.  Meet at 9.00 am at St Joseph's hall/carpark.  Come dressed as shepherds, angels, wise men or inn keepers.  Drop off and pick up from St Joseph's.  Contact Mrs Brookes or the parish or school offices to confirm your interest.
Cricket Draw - Saturday 26th November 
4th Grade A - St Joseph's v Kurow at SKC 1
4th Grade B - St Joseph's v Union at King George Park 2

The library stock place will take place on Tuesday 6th December.  All books will be boxed in preparation for their shift to the new library location upstairs.  It would be extremely helpful and much appreciated if any outstanding books could be returned, replaced or paid for by the stock take date.  Thanks for your assistance.


Cruz Illingworth has lost his named school jacket in the junior school.  Please check your child's jacket to see if it is theirs.

North Otago Athletics

Congratulations to the children who participated in the North Otago Athletics on Monday and to those who received placings.  These children will receive their certificates at Kotuitui on Friday 9th December as the senior children are away the next two Fridays'.  Thank you to Miss Mann-O'Mally and the St Kevin's students who helped out.

School Disco

On Friday 2nd December, the Home and school are holding a school disco for new entrants to Yr 6 in the school hall from 6.00 to 7.30 pm.  The theme is Christmas and they would love to see as many of the children dress up in the theme. (even a piece of tinsel put on you).  The disco is for school children only and therefore we ask that no pre-schoolers attend as it is an end of year school celebration.  Tickets cost $3.00 each which gives you an entry ticket, glow stick, bag of chips and a drink.  Entry is paid at the door. 

School Photos
The children should have received their ordered school photos today.  If they haven't received them, please first check with your child's teacher otherwise contact Fotographix on 433 0015.

Touch Rugby

The season will finish on Tuesday 6th December.

We warmly welcome Siua Tu'akoi who started school this week to our new entrants class.

Yr 7 Camp

Last week our Yr 7's went to their annual camp at IONA where unfortunately the weather gods weren't too kind, however they managed to do other activities to keep them occupied.  Many thanks to Mrs Asi and all the parent helpers who made this camp a success. Here are some photos of their camp.  Click the link Yr 7 Camp

Yr 7 & 8 Social
This will be held on Friday 9th December in the school hall.  Doors open at 5.30 pm for the Yr 8's and tea will be served at 6.00 pm sharp by the Home & School. The Yr 7's will join them at 7.30 pm for a dance until 9.00 pm and they are to bring a plate for supper and parents can join their children for a dance at 8.45 pm.  The theme is masquerade.

Busy Bumbles Holiday Programme
Please contact Jocelyn Marsh on 027 552 2756 if you are interested in enrolling your children into the holiday programme. Click the links to view the programmes on offer. Busy Bumbles Christmas Week Holiday Programme
 Busy Bumbles January Holiday Programme

Community Notices
Hello all friends and family of Victoria Cooper Academy of Dance,
This year we are performing Peter Pan at the Oamaru Opera house on Sunday 11th December at 1.00 and 5.00 pm. You can get your tickets at ticket direct or from the Opera House counter. $9.50 plus service fees per seat. Feel free to pass this email on. The URLs are below for making quick purchases.
Thanks for all your support this year. Have a fantastic festive season.
Event URL: