Thursday 11 February 2016

6. Diary Dates - Week 2, Term 1 2016

Friday 12                  -  Senior school swimming for Yr 4-6 * (note year levels)
                                 -  Technology for Yr 7 & 8 at St Kevin’s College

Monday 15               -  Senior school swimming for Yr 4-8
Tuesday 16               -  Yr 7 girls self-defence class
                                 -  Touch Rugby starts for term 1 at Whitestone Contracting Stadium
                                 -  Board of Trustees meeting
Wednesday 17         -  Yr 7 girls self-defence class
                                 -  Commissioning Mass for the whole school at St Kevin’s College at 1.10 pm
                                 -  Family Learning Hui from 6.00 to 7.00 pm
                                 -  Home & School Food Fair $10 contribution due today *
Thursday 18             -  Home & School Food Fair Meeting at 7.30 pm
Friday 19                  -  Technology for Yr 7 & 8 at St Kevin’s College
                                 -  Celebration Kotuitui (assembly) at 2.30 pm in the school hall

Monday 22                -  Hockey skills at school for Yr 1-3
Tuesday 23               -  Yr 7 & 8 cricket tournament
                                  -  Hockey skills at school  for Yr 1-3
                                  -  Yr 8 girls self-defence class
Wednesday 24          -  Yr 8 girls self-defence class
Thursday 25              -  School Mass at 9.15 am with Yr 6 *
Friday 26                  -  Technology for Yr 7 & 8 at St Kevin’s College
                                  -  Book Character Dress Up Day
                                  -  Celebration Kotuitui at 2.30 pm

Monday 29               -  Book Fair
                                 -  Hockey skills at school for Yr 1-3
                                 -  Goal Setting meetings from 3.30 to 7.30 pm
Tuesday 1                -  Book Fair
                                 -  Hockey skills at school for Yr 1-3
Wednesday 2           -  Book Fair
Thursday 3               -  Book Fair
                                 -  Young Vinnies/Early Childhood Buddies begin for the year
                                 -  School Mass at 9.15 am with Yr 5 *
                                 -  Senior school swimming for Yr 4-8
                                 -  Goal Setting meetings from 3.30 to 7.30 pm
Friday 4                    -  Book Fair
                                 -  Technology for Yr 7 & 8 at St Kevin’s College
                                 -  Celebration Kotuitui at 2.30 pm
Sunday 6                  -  Food Fair held in the school grounds

Wednesday 9           -  Senior School swimming sports for Yr 4-8 at 9.30 am *
Thursday 10             -  School Mass with Yr 4 *
                                 -  Yr 8 Young Vinnies *
                                 -  Terrific Thursday starts *

Tuesday 15              -  Rippa Rugby starts for whole school *
                                 -  Home & School AGM at 7.30 in Ruma Koru *
Wednesday 16         -  North Otago Swimming Sports * 
                                 -  Rippa Rugby skills for whole school *    
Thursday 17             -  School Mass at 9.15 am with Yr 3 *

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